
Chapter 36: Limbo from H*ll

Adeline’s POV

By the following Monday, I felt well rested and fresh as a daisy. I tried not to let my thoughts wonder about how Zale was doing since I stopped my secret visits. But I felt wonderful and even happy when I went to school that day.

Over the weekend Deluna convinced me to go shopping with her and almost convinced me to try getting a tattoo. I made it to a shop and watched as the current customer flinched and bled for five minutes and that was for a tiny star. I declined the opportunity.

The weekend was completely Zale free and I felt much better than I had in a very long time. I even took the time before school to look through my new wardrobe and put together a cute and even a little sexy outfit showing a peek-a-boo midriff.

I could feel eyes on me, but I was not self-conscious or embarrassed. I was confident and strong until…