
Chapter 4

"Are you going to let me join or not?" He asked running out of patient due to my late response. Pretzl pinch my side and I was back in reality. "O-ohh well s-sure" I said gently and I can feel the blood boiling in my cheeks.

He sat down beside me and plugged his earphones in his ears. Great! His body's with us but not his mind. I stare at him and let Pretzl and Gab listen to our teacher's instruction.

"Starring is rude" he said without looking at me and I opened my mouth in shocked. I look away feeling embarrassed. 'Look what you did Akima! How stupid of you'. I looked in front to focus on our teacher but too late cause I can't understand a thing!

Ms. Merry gave us an early dismissal to let us plan for our project. We stood up and decided to have a bite of snacks. "You can come with us Rene" said Pretzl but was later on embarrassed because Rene just walk away without looking at her.

"Look how rude he is? I don't know why you have such a huge crush on him Akima. I mean I get it, he got the looks but talk about the attitude? Uhh" Gab said displeased and I just smiled at him. "Come on Gab, don't be harsh on him" but he just rolled his eyes.

We walked to the cafeteria and saw Alec and Joanne waving at us so we went to their table. "Yah, we just wave. We didn't said that you can join our table" Joanne joked. "You haven't said that we can't also" I shrugged and we laughed.

"I'll order, what do you want to have?" I asked. "I'll have mac and cheese please. Oh and with coke". "Burger with Fries and Ice tea". "Is that all? How 'bout you guys?" I look at Joanne and Pretzl. "Nah we're good" they said laughing because we knew they would just ask us to give them some. "Thrifty" I mumbled and walk away.

I payed for the orders and start to walk with a tray in my hand when suddenly someone bumped me. "W-whoa" I muttered as I tried to balance the tray. Phew! Good thing I have good reflexes. I face the person who did that. "Hey, don't you have eyes?"

"I have and here it is" he said pointing to his eyes. Wait this guy's not familiar, is he a transferee? But we don't accept transferee here. Maybe he has lots of connection. I smirk, damn that connections. "Uhh I know I'm handsome but drooling is beyond necessary" he chuckled and I immediately glared at him that makes him laugh more.

"Look here mister, I don't care who you are but a simple sorry is all I'm asking" I calmly said. He raise both of his arms. "Okay okay geez". He bowed his head just like a servant would do if he's in front of royal blood. "I'm sorry my princess" and let a laugh.

I rolled my eyes and said with annoyance "crazy" and walk away from him. I arrived at our table and place the tray. "Here's your order masters". "Hey, what took you so long? Gabby's out here mumbling how hungry he is" Alec said and laugh. "I just encountered some crazy guy" I said calming myself as I remembered him.

"If he's crazy then you should avoid him okay?" They said and I nod. That's right, I should not see him again to avoid stress.