

Anna was left flabbergasted at what Little Tiger had told her she couldn't believe that all this time it was right in front of her how didn't she figure it out how stupid was she. Anna thought about it the resemblance of Little Blessing and Mu Yazhe was uncanny their eyes and the face their likes and dislikes it was all there. Anna couldn't believe it yesterday she rambled on about killing the biological father to their father and he agreed full well knowing I was talking about him. The triplets knew about their father so that means Zain knew about it too did he know from the beginning that's why he kept his distance from me.

Oh boy! The more she thought the more she was confused. Anna needed to find out who knew about this and how Mu Yazhe knew these were his brats. And why she didn't figure out or was it she didn't want to figure it out. Oh my God, she thought of something that the Secretary said to her it made sense now "married one brother and had the baby of the other brother" why did Zain marry her if he knew that the baby's I was carrying were Mu Yazhe's. She also thought why the elder men's had accepted her without any problems it's because she was carrying the heirs to their families she saved one's reputation while the others were next to them. Anna's head hurt she had more questions than answers the didn't realise she had fallen asleep again.

My Yazhe walked in the room with her breakfast and seen Anna was sleep again so he took the breakfast back let her sleep. She needed her rest to rebuild her strength. Mu Yazhe looked at Anna who was sleeping with a frown on her face he whispered:" I wonder what you're dreaming about that's causing you to frown let me in to help, you and share your burden hey" he kissed her forehead and walked out of the room. Anna was tired and slept until late afternoon she woke up and looked around she was alone and she felt lonely she starred at the ceiling and thought to her self what should I do I am angry but it's Mu Yazhe should she talk to him or should talk to somebody else. What was making it worse she told Mu Yazhe that she wanted to kill him last night she was talking no rambling on and told what weapons she was going to use no wonder he didn't just tell her it was him. She was close to her sister Amelia she decided it's best to discuss it with her and calm herself down and not jump to conclusions it's a good job Anna couldn't move or she would have to strangle Mu Yazhe.

Anna rung Amelia mobile and asked to come to her room so she could talk to her before her head would end up exploding. Anna thought planning going on a mission is easier than dealing with the family dramas. Amelia knocked on the door and walked in she looked at Anna confused look?

Amelia:" what's up with that frown Blue Rose"

Anna:" jade I am confused and I need to talk to you clear my head before my head explodes"

Amelia:" shoot what can I do"

Anna:" do you know that the triplets father is Mu Yazhe"

Amelia:" yeah I knew that"

Anna:" when did you find out"

Amelia:" the first time a seen Little Blessing with Mu Yazhe"

Anna:" why didn't I notice that"

Amelia:" I thought you already knew that's why I'm never brought the topic up with you I did always want I to ask then you married bro so I assumed that the reason was because of the triplets and partially because if Zain tells you to do so"

Anna:" would you believe me if I told you that I found out today that Yazhe is their biological father"

Amelia:" eh! Really"

Anna:" yeah jade I am so stupid that I did not see what was in first of my own eyes"

Amelia:" no Blue Rose your not you just didn't know so what made you want to marry bro"

Anna:" I don't know there isn't just one thing. For the world, he is the ice prince with no heart but for me, he is the warmest person to be around he makes me feel safe and protected. He is patient when he deals with me and trust me I can give him a hard time. And he loves the triplets they love him but now I know there is a different reason because they are his own children. Then when he touches me he gives such a feeling nobody can do that to me when he kisses me my mind goes blank my body has a mind of its own and reacts to him. I can't imagine my life without him do I sound crazy"

Amelia:" not crazy but it sounds like you love him I would say my Blue Rose is in love with bro"

Anna chuckled to her self and repeated the words:" am I in love with him"

Amelia chuckled, " oh my baby is finally fell in love and didn't I tell you when you do you will fall hard"

Anna:" you really think that huh!

Amelia:" baby sis I don't think I know okay let's do something close your eyes and think of the one person you would run to when you're in trouble"

Anna closed her eyes smiling at her sister stupidy and she thinks if the person all she could see is Mu Yazhe. Maybe I am love then Anna thought to her self.

Amelia:" well then who did you see"

Anna:" okay I did see Yazhe your right but that doesn't resolve the fact they all hid it from me I feel like a really dimpwit I was the only one who didn't know"

Amelia" didn't you just say you loved him so you can forgive him too and asked why they didn't tell you to work it amicably can't you"

Anna, " yeah I should I will talk to him"

What Anna hadn't realised while she was talking to Amelia Mu Yazhe had brought her lunch up and listen to the conversation he smiled to himself when Anna was telling how she felt about him. But was worried about the fact she found out he was the father he'd have to explain himself from the beginning to the end and also why they kept it from her at least he didn't have to worry about her killing him because he had the triplets on his side or so he thought. He walked in and gave the food tray to Amelia to feed Anna because he didn't know how angry she was at him. He looked at Anna like he didn't hear anything and smiled at her"

Mu Yazhe:" how are you feeling"

Anna:" okay"

Mu Yazhe:" since Meimei is here I have a few things to finish and I will be back before bedtime okay"

Anna realised something he usually calls her Little Demon but didn't was he listens to the conversation. She looked at him with a lost puppy look. Mu Yazhe felt even more guilty look he was really in the dog house now. As he escaped the room he turned and looked and smiled at Anna. She still had the big puppy eyes were looking at him she didn't smile she looked like she would burst into tears any minute.

Mu Yazhe:" I'll be back really quickly okay Little Demon"

Anna looked up as he spoke and the look she gave was hurting Mu Yazhe she didn't have to speak to him to know what was going on in her head and hear he walked back and kissed her forehead he whispered:" I promise I will explain everything when I come back okay"

Anna didn't speak just nodded at him. He left closing the door behind him he called Mu Shinn and told him everything and asked him what should I do.

Mu Shinn:" get ready to die little bro I told you and Zain that at least tell her the truth to from the beginning the longer you leave it the worse the consequence is going to now tell her the whole truth, okay it's best out in the open than her finding later you held it from her she will not trust you"

Mu Yazhe:" yeah your right but at the time we feared that once she learned the truth she would either kill us or worse leave but now it's out I will not conceal anything from her"

My Shinn" good but she is not going to be happy to know that I knew too and didn't say anything her level of innocence is beyond me she is definitely unique"

Mu Yazhe, " that she is oblivious when it comes to men and women relationship"

Mu Shinn:" you got to remember she came when she was only 15 year's old and she had a strict upbringing when girls her age where having a boyfriend and discovering them self's she was been whipped in to shape becoming the underworlds, dark knight she then married Zain who you know was like that so she still didn't know how to behave like a woman she was treated like one of the fellows and now she is learning so be patient with her"

Mu Yazhe:" yeah I know all about how much she knows she is very naive but that makes her so adorable" Mu Yazhe chuckled to himself as he remembers some of the things Anna does.