
56 WIPEOUT (1)

It's was late when they all arrived at the location waiting at the house was her Sixth Uncle and Att Anna hadn't seen them in long time he ran and leapt in her Uncles arms he swung her around the room he the placed her down and kissed her forehead "let me look at you you've grown into beautiful going woman"

Anna chuckled and said "you haven't changed charming as ever"

Uncle chuckled he rubbed the top off Anna's head he then hugged Amelia and asked "how have you been Amelia:" Yeah, yeah I know you're playing favourites now Anna is here"

Uncle:" it's not like that I see you often I've seen her after a long time, my beautiful baby girls"

Att stood at the side watching his little cuz she had indeed turned into a beautiful young lady she probably broke a few hearts he thought to himself but he missed her so much. Anna saw him and leapt in his arms he caught her and she snuggled into his embrace:" hello cuz"

Att:" hello little cuz how have you been all these years "

Anna giggled like a small girl and spoke:" I'm good, look you see I'm in front I in front of you"

Uncle greeted the rest of them Ed hug him and said:" long time no see hey man"

Uncle:" same here thanks for taken care of her for me man" Ed and Anthony were Uncle best buddies they followed Anna because the treated her like there own daughter they looked out for her they protected.

As they all sat down Uncle gave them the food he had made himself Anna hadn't eaten his food in a long time she really enjoyed the food. Uncle looked at Li jannan who was quietly sat out of the way who's that Anna:" my bodyguard uncle"

Uncle: "oh okay"

Anna:" so Uncle all set ready to go in the morning the quicker we attack them by surprising them they won't be able to escape. We've managed to hack their phones and asked them all will meet to in the warehouse the have a stupid system were the message deleted itself after 30 seconds so they think it's from their boss then we'll be waiting and surprise and then we wipe them out"

Anna smiled but it wasn't a smile it a look only a demon smirking before attacking its prey could give Li jannan was looking at Anna he shuddered when be seen her he thought to himself no wonder she is the dark knight.

After dinner everyone went to rest but Anna wanted to talk to Uncle she wanted to catch up she wanted the warm cosy feeling only her Uncle could give for he was her father for her even when she was punished and in the isolation room it was dark and damp Uncle would sneak in and keep her company as well as the rest of the extended family. When she has nightmares he would hold and pat her until she went back to sleep. In the living room there was an open fire Uncle was sat there Anna went and sat on the couch next to her Uncle.

Anna started: "so Uncle why did you decide to move to America"

Uncle:" After you left I fell out with father and got really angry I said things I regret now but at the time I was fuming so I left and then wanted to go home but I was been stubborn and didn't go back. Anna:" uncle did you ever not want to see me".

Uncle:" I'm very sorry Anna but I was angry with my self for not protecting you I was ashamed that I couldn't save you from fathers wrath I found out from Amelia that Mu Zain found you trying to ending your life I couldn't even face my self I was worried today that you wouldn't want to see me today I'm really happy you don't know how light my heart feels thank you for being you"

Anna had tears running down her face she couldn't believe what impact her leaving had on them:" Uncle I so sorry for causing you so much pain"

Uncle pulled her in for a hug and spoke:" my baby girl I sorry for not coming to see you"

Anna didn't speak she listen to Uncles heartbeat it was like a soothing drum.

Uncle:" tell me about my grandchildren

Anna:" Well first we have Mu Musin (Little Rock) whose the oldest he's Mr tough guy he comes across with his cold demeanour but he's very protective of his family. Then there's Mu Xujiu (Little Tiger) who is Mr wise old man through his thoughts and he knows how you feeling through his senses. Ah then my Little princess don't get me wrong I love my prince charming's Mu Xingyan (Little Blessing) she's bossy she has the whole house wrapped around her little finger she is angelic but can turn to demon mode if provoked they are my life they fill all the voids I have had"

Uncle:" I can't believe my little baby girl got her own baby girl and boys you were the last person on earth that I would thought would be a mummy"

Anna:" Uncle actually if you'd asked me back then I would have said the same but now I wouldn't exchange it for the world.

Uncle:" baby girl you've sure grown-up you finally took you title to I proud of you I only wish I could have been being your biological father"

Anna:" talking of biological father I found him and to my surprise, I was never dreaming he was the one who saved my mother but my mother doesn't remember us also I have to twin brothers too"

Uncle, " baby girl say what my sister is alive she didn't die what the hell, is going on does has father known about this all along"

Anna:" I don't know but come to think of it I think he does remember how severely he punished me with the whip the time he found out I was searching for my father and mother"

Uncle:" hum I remember that we'll "

Anna: "I think I would have died that day if you and Att hadn't covered me you two even took some lashes thank you again for always having my back your all my knights"

Uncle:" that's why I say in my heart you're the king but how did you find them"

Anna:" I rescued my brother, grandma, Auntie and cousins Amelia donated blood to one of my brothers and then I rescued my father and brother".

Uncle:" huh'...!!!...".

Anna:" And you know what the worst part is she doesn't remember she had any daughters it felt like some one-shot an arrow through my heart then twisted until I couldn't breath"

Uncle pulled in for a tight hug and spoke:" my baby girl I so sorry"

Anna:" why are you sorry for you were always there like a father should have been if you weren't we would have long-dead"

Uncle:" have you always known that they have been trying to kill you"

Anna:" of course I just like the way you fussed our us"

Uncle smiled:" it looks like my baby girl has been leading an interesting life"

Anna chuckled:" you could say that Mu Zain was very good to me a pure gentleman"

Uncle smiled:" I knew that when I saw him at the wedding I knew he'd take care of you but also send the shadow guards with you in case"

Anna:" Yeah I know they've always taken good care of me I love them all".

Uncle smiled:" I know they were very attached to you they wouldn't listen to nobody here everybody tried their best to control them because they knew that they were would have not of power but they were having none of it so, I decide they were best to follow you they were only loyal to you"

Anna:" we did all, take a blood oath so we all abided by it but that goes without saying I would give my life to save theirs the times they have had my back has uncountable we share in each others sorrow and each others pain and each other's happiness I know if I slow down they will slow down to walk with me and if I stop they will stop with me if I get tried they will carry me what more could I ask for I have the best family in the world we are all misfit but we all fit perfectly with each other there my left and right back and front amour".

Uncle looked how deep his baby girl talked how she went from being a hyper teenager who looked like she had too much coffee to a beautiful sensible young lady she had experienced more than her fair share of pain and suffering he wished he could take all the pain away he was seeing in her eyes she was the weight of the world on the little shoulders he with to take her burden away.