



Anna turned to look at Beng's son he had disappeared Anna saw the corner door was swinging she got up and ran he chased him up to the deck where he was about to board the helicopter she saw one of the bombs that were on the top of the deck waiting for it to blow! she picked it up threw it in the helicopter it landed Beng's son feet he didn't notice he was too busy watching Anna and smiling sadly he didn't want to leave her but he needed to avenge his father why did it have to be like this he was surprised when he saw Anna smiling at him and he saw her lips move:" thank you for opening my eyes but I know it's not my husband he wouldn't do any of that he loves me only me but nice try oh! and sorry no hard feelings; she smirked and waved at him.

Beng's son saw this he was in the sky he suddenly decided he would go back and take Anna with him he didn't have the heart to kill her he felt his heart skip a beat her just standing there looking at him. He wanted to make this woman his he wanted to steal what Mu Yazhe was so proud of when he would say Anna is my wife! He wanted everything the Mu's had! He just didn't want as his fuck buddies he wanted Anna to stand by his side it dawned on him that this women alone held a lot of power not in the business world but in the underworld he could have it all if he had her! but as he lowered the helicopter it exploded into bits the debris flow everywhere Anna turned around to walk down to find a way to escape she didn't see some of the helicopter debris coming her way it hid her hard in the back of her head she went flying off the ship into the ocean.

Then the ship began to explode all the debris went all over the place the three men watched in horror as they saw Anna flying in the water without a second thought they all jumped into the water to find their baby girl? they looked everywhere eventually Anthony saw her he pulled her up and swam back to the boat with her he could see the blood gushing from the back of her head but he had to get her out of the water first.

They all saw Anthony with Anna so they saw back to the boat too, they all boarded the boat to see her injury was to the back of her head they tried their best to stop her bleeding. All they kept an eye on her to make she was still breathing they were in shock at what just happened they wished they now stayed on the boat with her they knew she was stubborn and she had to do it her way! They all had a bad feeling when exiting the boat but they still did they just prayed their baby girl would be okay 😔. They were panicked as well they needed their little trouble to be okay?

Because they had their phones they could access the military maps to guide them back to the island for now so they could treat Anna wound first they had doctors among the men to take a look and then find a way home? They arrived all the men seen the state of Anna they were shocked, they quickly made a hospital bed where she could be treated with want they had and that wasn't much for all of these men Anna was like a daughter, sister, their Master she was the shortest height but as they say, she comes with a big impact.

Anna was unconscious at this point the man thought it was better they didn't know how she would take the pain. They now had to find a way off the island because they were in a remote area they didn't know where they were and how they were going to get home. The signals of their phones also went off they had no way of contacting the outside world they didn't realise when they lost signals but at this point, they weren't worried they knew the others would find them?

They also needed Anna to wake up so they could see how badly hurt she was but she didn't seem to want to wake up. She lay there like she was smiling so it didn't look bad to them they thought she needs her rest as they worked on how to get off the island they had no helicopter there was only the boat which all of them couldn't fit into they weren't going to leave anyone behind. They were stuck but they had their phones they started to find where they were and how they could get him they some messages out to rescue them and get Anna treated they realised they had no reception no internet connection either. But who has this island left them with a good supply of food and other equipment but no communication devices they soon realised it was all planned by the Beng's son they were so going to kill him if he wasn't dead already?

As one was a doctor he treated Anna injuries the best he could be had to explain that Anna has gone into a comma it was mostly due to the injuries from the impact but other factors that should be taken into account is weak as well, and she lost a lot of blood so he had to make a way of transfusion of blood from the men who matched Anna which was only her uncle's who donated it. As they waited to be rescued time passes slowly for them they find alternative food sources and how to do grow vegetables they had plenty of fish so they had enough food now is the time who owned this house had all the supply they needed to survive but it wasn't going to last forever they need to get off the island but Anna wasn't able to travel in her condition, so it wasn't safe for just yet so they stay put. In time 5 months had passed but no one came to find them which was the weirdest part. Hey well missing and they all had chipped in them so they could be found!

All of was sure by now the world has discovered Anna missing he was sure someone would send out a search party? They knew whatever was going on between Mu Yazhe and Anna he would definitely come to find his little demon but why was it taken so long? But they couldn't sit still either they needed to find some way off the island?

Uncle Jack decided that they should send a few to their man out and see if they can find the help they needed. Their baby girl gave them another surprise she was pregnant when the doctor examined her he estimate 6 months she would give birth but she was unconscious how the hell would that happen they were not equipped to handle babies on this island they need their baby girl to wake up which she had no intention of doing so. She was now scar8ng them all she wasn't in a fit state they had no idea how bad her head injury was and now they would be delivering her babies on this island?

They decided some men out with enough food so they could get a signal and bring help back they needed medical for Anna now too. Anna was abusive to all the mayhem she was causing. She was sleeping in peace but she would stir from time to time it was unusual for a coma patient to do this when they ready to wake up.

Anna's stomach had grown nicely the doctor kept a close eye on her she was okay so far. But he did know what they would do when she gives birth they no resources for children although the men build crips from the trees they chop down they didn't have clothes for them or bottles to feed them and mainly no nappies?

Anthony was watching Anna today he had cleaned her best he could under the circumstances they were in he was stood at the window thinking of why the family had not tried to track them if not the family Ed would surely look for them he did send him a message so what's changed? Why has no one come for them unless they were announced dead that's the only reason he could think of but he believed in his heart they would still try and look for them at least?

Anna had woken up she looked around but the lights were off she was wondering what kind of darkroom she was in? Did she catch by the Beng's son men they throw her in this dark cell? She moved her hands which seem feel very heavy timber she placed them on her face she rubbed her eyes but it was still dark. She was confused she couldn't remember Beng's son clearly but she remembered the last thing she did and she remembered a man on screen having sex with women but who he was she didn't know she members seeing him somewhere? and she remembers how she killed Beng's son but before that she couldn't remember anything all she remembered that she was getting scolded by grandpa for getting pregnant and not knowing who the father was? and she had no idea where she was how she made it here but she could smell the sea it I'd make her dizzy or sick did her fear disappears was sh cured? She remembered how she was going to jump off the cliff and Mu Zain came to save her they were married and she had to move to China with him, where is she now does he know she is missing she wanted him to find her!. She heard something shuffle in the room. She felt a warm feeling that the person was someone close to her and she was safe?

Anna spoke her voice was horsey her throat was dry:" who's there" she looked around but couldn't see anything.

Anthony turned around and smiled:" Oh my lord you work up baby girl " he walked over to the bed and hugged Anna.

Anna recognised the voice it was her Uncle Anthony:" hey Uncle where are we and why is so dark what happened" he gripped her Uncle tightly.

Anthony froze:" want do you mean it's a dark place baby girl" he moved back and looked at her.

Anna said:" Uncle your so close but I can't see you " she was confused.

Anthony called out:" doc where are you get in here Anna's woke up but there's a problem" he panicked.

Anna:" what's the wrong Uncle what to do mean I woke up did something happen to me how long was I out for oh boy!" she was so puzzled.

Suddenly the door flew open she heard footsteps they felt familiar like they belong to people she already knew but still, it was dark in front of her eyes. She tried hard to see but it was ver6 dark where ever she was?

Uncle Jack spoke:" Oh thank the Lord your woke up baby girl you had me so worried how are you feeling" he walked over and hugged her.

Uncle Adrian spoke:" Oh my lord it's about time I was getting very worried about you little sprout" he smiled but Anna couldn't see.

Anthony spoke he saw the doctor walk in the sopke:" Anna said she can't see anything check her wants wrong" he, moved to give space to the doctor.

All the others looked puzzled at what Anthony said. They looked at Anna who was staring straight through them like they were invisible?

The doctor looked at her than her head injury it had healed so he didn't know he needs to scan see want had happened but there was no way they could do any of that here they needed to get off this island.

The doctor waved his hand in front of her eyes no reaction then he flashed the light to see the reaction nothing he turned to the men stood behind him and shook his head:" she is blind but until we don't get a scan we won't know how bad this is we need to get her to a hospital I don't know if it's temporarily permanent" he sighed.

Uncle Jack cursed under his breath but because Anna hearing was becoming sharper by the minutes she wanted to smile but the situation was a bit serious so she refrained. But when she heard the other men cursing she chuckled?

Anthony looked at Anna than her stomach than at her face again and thought could it be any worse what are they gonna do he prayed for the Lord to send a miracle now they needed it.

Uncle Adrian was ready to cry why his little sprout it was one thing after another they needed experts to check her she needs medical help she was going to give birth if there was a time to pray today he had tears escaping down his cheeks as he looked at his smiley little sprout who was clueless to what's happening around her?

Anna placed her hand on her stomach she felt her babies kicking she smiled at least the twins were okay she handed lost them but she couldn't see now! how will she see her children that got her thinking what should she do she can't let this stop her babies from entering the world she almost made the stupid mistake of taking the lives of these innocent little one's, they were coming to the world they needed her she was their mother she would be a good mother she wouldn't abandon them but now she needed help more than ever! she needed the help of her family who some of them seem to be here which was good she wants to be worried now:" Uncles where is grandma and grandpa Isaac and Auntie and Uncles, are they still angry with me will I be able to live with them I don't want to live with Zain he is nice but his family is hard work I am not cut out to be daughter in law I hate the high society and there a way of sitting eating standing and even walking heck they even have rules on when and where you can fart it's made for me help me escape back home please" he joined her hands to beg.

All of them stop what they were doing and looked at Anna what did she say? What was happening? What were they gonna do? They were shocked and puzzled? They were good at what they did but this was a whole new ball game beyond their understanding? What was it with the baby girl she was trying to give them all heart attacks she was shocking them surprising them just when they thought it couldn't get any worse she aims and fires another impact bigger than the last?

Anthony asked:" baby girl what's the last thing you remember " he was afraid to hear what she was about to say. He didn't know what to expect but at least she remembers him if nothing else!

Anna:" well I remember getting married to Zain then travelling to China and going for my check at the hospital where they did a scan I am triplets to know" she smiled at the thought she continued:" and we were heading home that cold iceberg Yazhe came with us he just stares at me he is weird but the look is like he is wanting to say something but is holding back he seems cold on the outside but he is caring on the inside he safe me from Auntie wrath a few time oh boy! She hates me with passion makes my life hell on purposes? ," she thought when did Uncle Jack come and where is everŷone else:" Uncles where is Uncle Ed and Uncle James and little James and Jade, Jackie, and Jenny" she sighed she couldn't see them but least she could hear them she felt like it had been a long time since she had seen them?

Anthony spoke again:" look honey I am gonna be truthful with you okay you have lost your memory a lot of it but don't worry I will fill you in all the gaps okay you lost your sight and your pregnant but not the pregnancy your thinking of and the worst yet to come baby girl were standard on an Island " he was looking carefully at her he didn't want her to faint or end up back in a comma .

He looked at him angry the6 didn't want to drop the bomb on her all in one go but thanks t9 Anthony there was one bomb served with a side of shock and surprise on Anna face?

But she seems to take it rather well she was very puzzled Anna asked:" what do you mean I have lost my memory I don't understand what happened to me someone fills me in please!" she sighed.