

They had a lot of fun shopping then they had a nice meal at one of the restaurants they were tired when they came home so Anna put the shopping away and showered went straight to bed. The next day Anna was up early she trained if she was going to take on the mission she needed to be on top form. The men got a bit later they joined Anna halfway then they all showered when the men came down the breakfast was ready they all ate they chatted with her Uncles and they headed to Choon Kai hotel to talk about what they would do next.

Anna arrived at the hotel it was easy to recognise it looked similar to the Mu's hotels they the same designs they walked to the reception and asked to meet Choon Kai the reception looked at Anna up and down then rung Choon Kai Personal secretary they were told to wait someone would come for them.

The receptions didn't ask if they wanted tea or coffee everybody else was asked Anna took note also Anna heard her when she was having a conversation on her mobile about them meeting Choon Kai so she was here as a spy for someone because she didn't only say Anna was here she didn't have a full name and her uncles looked like her bodyguards.

Anna paid attention to all the staff on the ground floor she easily sees that Choon Kai had spy's all over the place Ana now know why Choon Kai had got into so many problems because of this it looked like there needs to be a background check for each employee here if he was to clean house. The only way is to bring the underworld clean team to deal with it since she was going to be a partner in this business she had to make sure that everything was okay since the hotel was partly owned by the Mu's then obviously Anna was going to stick her neck in.

But before anything she needed to talk to Choon Kai, this was a place where she could talk business so they will be meeting else wear.

Soon the personal secretary arrived his name was Chin Sun he introduced himself and he bowed in respect to the staff that didn't bother with Anna looked confused the people they had paid attention to weren't greeted but who were these people that we're greeted with respect from the president secretary they were all confused Anna followed him upstairs to were Anna office was they headed in Anna walked past the other secretary sat their she paid extra attention to them she wanted to see what the would do out of the 7 secretaries 3 picked up there personal mobiles to talk or text so she knew that this spy thing ran deep in the company and the hotel.

As they enter Choon Kai greeted them there were four other people in the room.

Choon introduced them to Anna the first was the lawyer Hangul he bowed Anna, Anthony, Adrian bowed. Then the second gentleman Duck Hwan he was Choon Kai friend/business partner too. The third gentleman was Eun-Kyung was his friend/business partner too. The fourth gentleman was Choon Hye his youngest brother.

Anna now needed to know if Choon Kai could trust these people with his life if so they could use their help to rid this place of the vermins around. As they sat down Choon explained that Anna had given him the money to save the business and she was also a partner now in the business too. They all looked at Anna in surprise they didn't understand how such a young person could have so much money they looked at Anthony And Adrain they didn't know want relation they shared with Anna they knew they were protective of her. Anna sat in between her Uncles she was amused by her Uncles but she liked it. They all discussed what had happened Anna immediately know Choon Kai trusted these people in the room she placed her finger on her mouth they all looked at her with shock she then asked for pen and paper. On the paper, she wrote "you have spy's on your company whatever you say in this room is heard by whoever is listen and watching you" she passed the paper around then she wrote "meet at my house at 8 pm tonight" she smiled she took the paper and placed it in her pocket she wasn't going to leave a clue behind the spies wouldn't know what hit them until it happened.

Anna bid her farewell me left in the room looked at in horror at what just happened they didn't speak but they were confused how Anna could tell when they didn't have a clue. But it made a lot of sense now the collaboration that would break and the deals that fell through before they even proposed no wonder they suffered a huge loss the rest of the men wanted to ask how he met such an amazing woman but they dare not speak.

They just needed to wait for tonight and they would have their answers. At 6 pm Anna texted Choon Kai to ask his friend to switch off their mobiles and leave them at home before they come. He passed the message on. They all arrived at 8 pm at the house Anthony was waiting at the door he had a scanner which he checked each person as they passed to make sure they didn't have any sort of gadget with them. They were all clear they entered and we're in their thought as who Anna was.

As they walked in they were ere greeted by Adrian he bowed polity he asked them to wash their hands and join them for dinner.

Choon Kai didn't need to be told twice he knew where the waste room as he was first in the rest looked puzzled what happened to the cold, full of arrogance.

They all washed their hands came and sat down Anna was bringing the bowls in helped by Adrian and Anthony. They all sat down to eat the men took their first bite and realised that Choon Kai must have tasted this food before that's why he was first at the dining table they enjoyed their meal as they came and sat down in the living room Anna brought them all a cup of green tea and some cake. They all tasted the cake they couldn't believe that some took to be this talented the overall food experience was amazing it was better than the 5-star restaurants.

Now they were talking about the business they needed to know how Anna knows about the spies in the buildings.

Duck Huan:" Mrs Anna how did you know that there were spies in the company" he looked curiously.

Anna:" just call me Anna it was because I was looking for the reasons why the company was failing and I don't know about the policy in your company but in ours, they do not use the personal mobile phone during working hours and the main reason is that I heard the staff at reception that there was also to meet the boss they had never seen me before to check my background they only used there phone when I passed through as to inform somebody of my presence and they used the device as I left the same lady at reception took a picture of as I passed. Then we were trailed but we managed to lose them" she looked at the men.

Choon Kai hands turned in to fist and tighten until they turned white. He thought how dare someone try to look into Anna he didn't know why he was so angry at the fact they wanted to know who she was. why did he feel this way he had never felt this uncomfortable about a person before.

The men didn't speak they looked on in shock that so much was happening and they were clueless they almost the company and the other businesses because of these people.

Hal-Kim spoke:" I told you to get the underworld involved we needed there help now more than ever I will brother Att he will send help let's deal with these snakes once and for all" he looked at Choon Kai.

Choon Kal:" okay its time even if we use the money to safe the company's we still fall into trouble so I agree let's ring brother Att and see if he will help" he took out his phone to ring.

Anna looked at her Uncles they looked at her are they were thinking the same thing we're they talking Anna's brother Att or someone else Anna let them ring to see she didn't want to say she wanted Att to come if it was her brother she hadn't seen him in a while.

Choon spoke to Att and agreed to help he would be there in the 2 days he was in China trying to find his stupid baby sister. Because it wasn't on a loudspeaker she could tell if it was her brother. She had to wait until 2 days to see.

They then discussed the engagement of his Choon Kai Neice Anna listens to terms that were agreed during the engagement Anna looked at the men in surprise they had made a deal to basically sell his niece it made Anna angry that they could use their niece like this have was a person with real feelings how can they what shocked Anna if they broke the engagement they would pay a fee of 50 million dollars.

Anna spoke she was angry:" can I say something brak the engagement once Att arrives in two days it's only 50 million we will pay it "

The men all looked at Anna like really is she was for real it would be a burden if there heads they didn't want their niece to marry that person anyway.

Choon Hye:" really niece won't have to marry that bastard it would be great I didn't want her too but silly girl agreed to it I couldn't do anything you are my hero from now on thankyou" he stood up and deeply bowed to Anna.

Anna smiled:" look you call me sis so you can't bow I would never let our niece marry that scumbag he will feel the wrath of messing with her but let's see your buddy tomorrow then plan the demise of the scumbag and his family"Anna was going to have fun.

Adrian seen the look on Anna faces he knew she was cause trouble he shook his head. Anthony saw Adrian shaking his head he smiled and thought my baby girls are going to play with them he did and didn't feel sorry for them.

They all talked about other things and agreed they would meet her tomorrow at 8 pm for dinner and bring Att with them too. They bid farewell.

Anna turned to Uncles and rubbed her hands:" its been a while oh I am so looking forward to it" she smiled her cold sister smile.

Anthony and Adrian both looked at each other that knew demon mode was switched on they walked over and patted her on the head:" bedtime baby girl" they walked her to her room and pushed her in closing the door. Anna laughed loudly as she walked to the bathroom.