

Suraci had a burning need he needed to solve but felt awkward about doing it here in the shower when Sumas was in the other room. He felt like he just narrowly dodged them severing all ties with him and he was very nervous that anything could shatter the already thin ice he felt their relationship was on. So he decided against it and instead tried to put his mind to other things.

A minute later Sumas walked in. Seeing them filled Suraci with a nervous lust. He wanted them, but he also didn't want to ruin his chances like he did this morning.

Sumas, acting on impulse and craving, feeling almost drunk off the conversation they just had (and possibly all the food they just ate) leaned against the wall outside the shower. Merfood is enriched with potent neurochemicals. The ones that can become toxic are strictly regulated, but the others are not, though some have a limit to how much you can have at once. Sumas often preferred foods naturally high in oxytocin compounds and endorphins. It tended to soothe the social part of their brain that was traumatized by all the alienation. Oxytocin can also cause people to feel 'bonded', and is often naturally produced in humans in situations where strong social bonding can be beneficial, like after orgasm. Which probably explained why sex was their new thing. Leaning on the wall Sumas said candidly "Do you want company?"

'If you come in here I'm probably just going to try to fuck you.' Was what Suraci said in his mind. But what he said out loud was "Sure."

'Sure? Not Definitely? Not Absolutely? Not even Yes, but SURE? What the hell does that even mean sure? Is he Sure? Is he trying to play it low key because he's worried I might feel presSUREd? Is he still afraid I'm going to lose my shit just because I rolled off him for being too aggressive this morning? Am I going to have to pretend I like everything he does now so his sensitive ego isn't crushed? Oh sweet and holy science, this might end up having to be another fucking conversation. FML' Sumas was instantly annoyed, but they saw so much promise in him during the several hours before, they were really thirsty and they wanted to 'prove' they weren't crazy. So they got in the shower... and just stood there awkwardly. It was almost as if they were channeling Suraci's body language from this morning.

Suraci knew he'd somehow fucked up again, but he couldn't tell if it was because he showed too much enthusiasm or too little. Frustrated he decided to try a new approach and told an embarrassing story about himself. "You know I learned to read very young and read every educational text I could get by hands on, but that really made me awkward in ways I couldn't understand. When I first started having erections I had already read about it from a medical standpoint, so I really didn't understand the situations where it was and wasn't appropriate to talk about. So I announced it the moment it first happened. I was so puzzled by people's reactions."

Sumas laughed "You know I saw the tapes, right?"

"The investigation? How much of that did you see?" Suraci's face started turning red.

"All of it." Sumas smirked "I hear I'm in to some 'freak shit'." They taunted.

"I'm sorry." Suraci's embarrassment started turning into panic.

"Leira also told me you stayed up all night making meds for me to take when my liver started to fail." Sumas added.

"I would have been a real asshole if I knew how to help but didn't just because I didn't want to stay up when your life is on the line. That's some abysmally low standards you've got for humanity there." Suraci said matter of factly.

While it was true, Sumas's standards for other people was really that low, it's not like experience had taught them anything different. "Well let's consider the shining example of humanity I've had until now."

"It must have been that much more difficult because you are the smartest person I have ever met and the intelligent mind will torture itself." Suraci empathized. "I've had enough experience watching people make mistakes, lacking the awareness to acknowledge them, and then doubling down when it's pointed out to them simply to save their own fragile egos. I've learned that most people aren't just satisfied with mediocrity, they are averse to progress because progress only comes by acknowledging failure. Trying to help most people grow is a futile attempt that will garner disdain and then rationalization of that disdain through some fabricated reason that now casts you in the role of the villain. And I didn't grow up in a lab full of people who were intentionally trying to subvert both ethics and the law. It's just naturally offensive to people to have any sort of standards above the mediocrity they wallow in, because any step beyond that involves some self actualization which most people regard as more painful than death."

Sumas was further encouraged by this. It seemed like they shared the same ethics. Wanting to be certain they reached out and touched his face with the intent of feeling his emotions, but theirs were overwhelming. They were craving him more. Their simple touch turned into something else almost immediately as Suraci curved his head towards their caress. They could feel his desire underneath his anxiety and decided they just wanted to focus on that desire. They really needed to feel him again. Their whole body was crying out for it. "I know you're tired, but do you have enough energy to fuck?"

As Sumas stepped closer to Suraci his heart rate quickened. He was so nervous and so aroused at the same time. He decided to try kissing them gently as his answer.

Sumas aggressively kissed him back and started stroking him. Suraci let out a moan and grabbed their ass pulling them closer to him. Maneuvering them against the wall he hooked his forearm under their knee and pressed into them, slowly spreading them apart. Sumas panted and moaned as Suraci entered them inch by inch; his slow, deliberate movement sending waves of anticipation and passion throughout their body like tingling heat. Suraci decided to see if he could take his depth all the way and pushed the last inch of it in with one hard thrust. Sumas nearly lost consciousness in ecstasy. Suraci moved around in a circular motion inside them. It felt so good. These were places they'd never felt like this before. They came. Suraci could feel their orgasm and started to feel his confidence return. He barely moved and he made them cum. Seeing how good they felt and feeling their body respond around him as well as being able to fully penetrate them (Suraci's size up to this point had made every partner before Sumas feel pain when he was in deep to the point that he had never been able to fully insert himself before) made his orgasm quickly follow. Not wanting to move, because it felt too good he came inside them again. Sumas never had any objection to it, they actually seemed to prefer it. Last time they had curled their legs around him so tightly...

Suraci never thought to ask about birth control for a number of reasons, but chief among them was that every time they were together like this his dick would do the thinking. He always told himself when he wasn't having sex that Sumas was smart enough and responsible enough that the conversation never needed to take place.