
My Ex, His Boss and The Office: A Workplace Romance

A tale of intertwining lives marked by secret affairs, betrayals, romantic encounters and an unexpected proposal that leads to the unveiling of vulnerabilities and a connection between two individuals amid their complex circumstances.

Helenena · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

An unexpected encounter

Ava's consciousness slowly surfaced, accompanied by a tide of memories from the night before. A subtle sense of disorientation settled in as she pieced together the fragmented memories.

Her head hurt and it was her own doing. The quantity of whiskey she consumed mixed with the thoughts of Marc's betrayal. Then other memories flickered – her savour's protective gesture, the escape from the bar and the solace found in his presence. As the room bathed in the morning light, Ava's thoughts were a jumble of emotions.

As she opened her eyes, the fragments of her memory slowly pieced together the puzzle of the night's events.

In the car…

"Are you sure about this?", Ethan asked, raising the partition in the back of the town car. "You're my boyfriend for the night, aren't you?" Ava responded as she leaned across the seat and kissed him.

"No names, no personal details", she said firmly in between kisses. She felt in control of the situation for once. "Come here", he purred, pulling her onto his lap. As she sat down on his lap, his fingers played with the hem of her dress while he kissed the curve of her neck.

Suddenly she was flipped over, he pulled down her panties and hitched up her dress, ripping it as he went. "You're too beautiful for this dress anyway," as his face descended on her, working his tongue and fingers until she was on the brink of sanity.

When she reached for his belt buckle, his eyes sought hers, seeking permission to further explore her body but her eyes responded with a flash of sadness.

The next thing Ava knew, she was outside her apartment. Her handsome hero had taken her home, kissed her goodnight and left.

"I must have told him where I lived," she thought with a pang of disappointment that he didn't come upstairs. However, a faint smile tugged at her lips as she remembered what had happened, remembering the taste of his lips and how his tongue felt.

With a shiver, she picked up her phone, her fingers tapping out a quick message to Sophie:

"Got home safe. Crazy night. Need to talk ASAP."

As the message was sent, she wondered about the man who'd helped her, a sense of curiosity lingering within her. But amidst the turmoil of her emotions, there was a glimmer of gratitude for his unexpected act of kindness.

Would she be able to find him?