
My Ex, His Boss and The Office: A Workplace Romance

A tale of intertwining lives marked by secret affairs, betrayals, romantic encounters and an unexpected proposal that leads to the unveiling of vulnerabilities and a connection between two individuals amid their complex circumstances.

Helenena · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

A new boss

The office breakroom buzzed with excitement like a soda can ready to pop. Samantha, the office's resident gossiper, zoomed in like a comet with a big revelation. "Guess what, Claire? We've been bought out!"

Claire's eyebrows shot up, papers were momentarily forgotten. "Bought out? By who?" "This morning, I saw him striding to the conference room. Total eye candy!" Samantha beamed, her energy infectious.

"Mr. Harris is stepping down as CEO, and Mr. Moretti is taking the reins," Rosaline declared, wanting to put an end to any potential gossip. Rosie, Mr. Harris's loyal assistant for 30 years, seemed a bit mopey about it all. "He's the youngest CEO in the history of the company", she beamed with pride. Although she had only just met him, Rosie felt compassion towards the young man as he had big shoes to fill.

Leaning casually by the door, Marc tried to play it cool. "Who's the eye candy? Also, can I snag some copies?" Passing his papers to Claire, while his pretend disinterest couldn't mask the curiosity bubbling beneath the surface.

"We're merging with a big shot", Samantha continued, seemingly impervious to Marc's indifference.

The bustling breakroom provided the perfect stage for Marc's casual survey of the room. As Samantha continued her animated explanation, his gaze momentarily drifted to Claire. Her sleek blonde locks framed her face elegantly. Tall and poised, she seemed lost in the whirlwind of news, her focus solely on the conversation.

Marc's gaze lingered for a moment longer than it should have, tracing her slender figure with his eyes. He couldn't deny her striking presence, those seemingly endless legs adding to her allure. He felt a pang of jealousy that she seemed to be interested in the newcomer. But just as quickly as his attention had been drawn, he shifted his focus back to the discussion at hand.

"Marc, did you hear that?" Samantha's voice pulled him back into the conversation, her excitement palpable.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Big shot, right?" Marc responded, attempting to sound engaged while his thoughts wandered elsewhere.

But Claire, ever perceptive, caught the flicker of Marc's gaze earlier, a faint hint of a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. She returned to sorting through the papers on the table, feigning obliviousness to his brief scrutiny.

The chatter continued to revolve around the incoming of Mr. Moretti. But for some reason, Marc couldn't shake off an unsettling feeling.

Marc settled back into his desk, the vibrant hum of the office gradually fading into the background. He absently skimmed through the reports and emails scattered across his workspace, his mind drifting back to the conversation in the breakroom.

The name 'Moretti' echoed in his thoughts like a distant warning. There was something about the impending arrival of the new CEO that didn't sit right with him, an unspoken unease that tugged at his instincts.

Every glance upward to Ethan's floor left Marc feeling more and more uneasy. If only he knew what was to come.

Meanwhile, Ethan Moretti stared down at the desks below, observing his new domain through his glass office walls.

He was the epitome of youthful success and sophistication. With a sharp, chiselled jawline and piercing, observant eyes that seemed to miss nothing, he exuded a commanding presence that demanded attention. His tailored suits draped perfectly over his tall, athletic frame, accentuating a sense of power and purpose.

But it wasn't just his appearance that set him apart. Ethan's demeanour spoke volumes about his confidence and intellect. His every move, from the way he carried himself to the measured cadence of his speech, reflected a man who was meticulously in control. There was an air of mystery about him, an aura that hinted at depths of ambition and determination hidden beneath a polished exterior.

His workspace mirrored his mindset - meticulously organised chaos. Papers were neatly arranged, plans laid out strategically, and a laptop humming with the precision of a well-oiled machine. Despite his young age, Ethan possessed a wisdom and astuteness that belied his years, a quality that made colleagues both admire and, perhaps, feel a hint of intimidation in his presence.

He wasn't just a CEO; he was a force to be reckoned with, a man whose gaze could map out the future of a company with a glance, and whose words held the weight of imminent change. Yet, beneath the veneer of professionalism, there lingered an enigmatic quality, leaving those around him to wonder about the thoughts and motivations that churned within the depths of his mind.

"Everything seems to be coming together smoothly," Harris noted, a touch of nostalgia lacing his words as he glanced around the room.

Ethan nodded, his gaze returning to the intricate plans scattered across his desk. "Indeed. We're in a good position for the transition," he replied, his tone measured yet carrying an undertone of anticipation.

The outgoing CEO regarded Ethan with a mix of respect and curiosity. "I have no doubt you'll do wonders for this company," Mr. Harris commented, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Ethan offered a grateful nod, his mind already traversing the strategic pathways ahead. "Thank you, Harris. I intend to take us to new heights, but you know there will always be a place for you here," he affirmed, the glint in his eyes hinting at ambitions beyond the surface.