
My Everyday Life is not Generic

He lives life like any teenager does. Surrounded by people, enjoying the thing called youth. But that's just what he wants people to think. In reality every relation he makes in life is nothing but a sham. Believing he doesn't need anything more than superficial relations where he can fade into the background while still being part of the social hierarchy. All his beliefs are questioned when he is forced to meet a girl who shows what Real is.

ArGasti · สมจริง
18 Chs

Chapter 4 - 2

We walked through rows of shops, some of which I didn't even know existed. I rarely explore the shopping district. I know the location of the shops for groceries and I never have to look for something so specific that can't be found at normal shops. Only time I go this deep in the shopping district is when I'm with my sister who loves to explore every part of everyplace.

Now I have to follow this girl with red hairs to someplace I don't know. She won't even tell me where we are going or why. If you have to make someone follow your plan then you have to tell them what your plan is.

"You are too slow." Akane said without looking back at me.

"You are too fast. Just tell me where we are going."

"Keep following me. We are close."

"Even if we reach this secret place, what am I supposed to do? You still haven't told me your plan. If it's related to my plan it's a simple guess that it has something to do with Watari."

"So you are not a complete fool." I could sense Akane smiling. "Like I said before, we are following your plan. We are going to the place he is gonna be at."

"Wait. Wait. How do you know where he will be?" I wouldn't have guessed stalking is her strong suit.

"I happen to have heard him say it. That's all."

I knew there was no point in asking more questions right now. I kept walking behind the girl with the red hair. We walked through more rows of shops of all kinds. I didn't know there were so many shops inside. I'm starting to understand why so many kids and teens spend all their time in this one district.

After walking for a while Akane finally stopped at the doors of a building with the big logo in the front that read 'Kukei SuperMart'. It's the latest talk of the town supermarket plaza that had recently opened. I've heard people talking about it but had never been here myself because there was no point in the existence of this plaza for me.

Usually people go to this type of place with their friends and I'm sure Haruma and company came here frequently. For me however, I can get all the stuff I need from other shops without ever coming this deep in the shopping district. Going to a place this big for simple groceries is just a waste of time.

The other reason I didn't want to come here was because I don't wanna be seen at a place like this and start any kind of talk about me. For me this place is basically too big to exist. Even if I was alone and ended up here by mistake I would never think of going inside; however, with Akane I am left with no other choice. We walked inside and I instantly felt out of place, maybe Akane was right to comment on my clothes.

The inside of the plaza made it look even more gigantic than the outside had seemed. It was like the whole shopping district that I knew could fit inside of this one plaza. All the shops I would normally find on the outside were all cramped inside in a very systematized manner. On the ground floor were all kinds of apparel shops. The first floor was filled with groceries and toys. While the second floor was filled with fast food shops and stands.

Looks like they found a way to capitalize on all kinds of people. A school student who is only concerned with getting something to eat would have to travel through two floors before reaching their destination. While someone with a child shops for groceries the child will get attracted by toys and once that happens the parents will have to pay for the child's desire. I feel a sense of respect for the person who designed this layout, they definitely did a lot of research. I wish I could talk to that person.

"I understand that you have never been to a place as high class as this but please maintain a level of dignity while you are with me." Akane said, looking back at me.

This girl is ruthless. I wasn't even doing anything out of place. I just looked around for a while admiring the place made for people to pour in their hard earned money.

"Keep following me." Akane turns her back towards me and starts walking.

"Now where are we going? I thought this was the destination."

"I knew you would say something like that. Our destination is inside of this plaza. We are not going to roam around a plaza this big without any direction."

I have grown used to Akane belittling me on everything I say. Not everyone is as rich or free as her. I wonder how many times she's been here, how many of those times were with Watari? There's no point in thinking about that right now. I guess she knows a specific place Watari is gonna be, she has narrowed it down way more than I had thought. I wonder if she really has a talent for eavesdropping.

Problem is I still don't know where that specific place is and more importantly what I'm supposed to do after we reach that place. Even if her eavesdropping skills are eight out-of ten, her communication skills are at most two out-of ten.

Guess I'll just have to ask her directly. "So would you tell me now where we are going and what your plan is?"

"Watari will be on the second floor of this plaza after some time." Akane started while walking ahead of me, without looking back, "Since he has already seen me with you it would be easier if we make you the bait." Akane's head turns back a little, I can see a smile on her face, a smile looking down on me, "Now be a good bait in my plan."

We reached the second floor of the plaza. The shops I previously only watched the roof of were now fully visible. There were a number of fast food shops selling everything from traditional Japanese yakisoba to a variety of western burgers. There were quite a number of cafes too. No wonder this place is so popular everywhere, I can imagine a lot of students spending all their free time in this place.

"We are early. This is good." Akane said after looking at her wristwatch. I hadn't noticed that watch until now, did she just wear it? "We should find someplace to wait."

I look around and find a cafe with a wooden interior, "What about that place?"

There was a noticeable hesitation within Akane as she looked at the cafe. However the next moment all that hesitation was gone and a conviction took its place. "Fine by me." Akane said without a hint of warmth in her voice. This is the first time she agreed with me this easily but I know I'm not the reason for her agreement. It's something I won't be able to guess.

As we entered the cafe, my eyes went to the back where a familiar figure with silver hair was sitting facing a black haired person. Just as I was about to look away the silver haired guy locked eyes with me and started waving at me. "Arima-san" he shouted in a soft voice. Before I could react my hand was already waving back.

"What are you doing?" I heard a stern voice behind me. "We are supposed to be incognito."

"Akane-san you are here too. That's great." Miyuki said in his usual soft warm voice. This time however the person with the wavy black hair turned back. A girl with bangs was now looking towards me and Akane. Looking at her Akane takes a step back, her face gets flustered and her eyes widen. Seems like Akane knows this person. Before I can ask Akane about her, only one word leaves her mouth.
