
Chapter 6: Hidden Passage

It was saturday , the last day of the weekend, as there weren't any serious religion like churches, there was nothing like sabbath day, sunday was just another busy day marking the beginning of a new week.

Elon stood, a smile similar to that of someone who had won a lottery on his face as the light of day that shined outside was brightly reflected by the shining gold coins in the chest before him, adding a touch of golden glow to his face.

The rest of yesterday had been spent testing out his strength on his now pitiful wardrobe, destroying it's once grand exterior he had to call in the maids for a change. As usual they all had weird expressions on their face, wondering 'had their lord completely lost it? or was this a new act of fun used to ease up his loneliness, after all it was known throughout the capital about their lord's strangeness among the nobles,more importantly being the Grand Duke's son.


And as for today? It was the beginning of Elon's steps into this world.

Staring at the shining gold coins in chest before him, the smile on his face couldn't be anymore wider than it had ever been. Though he was born in wealth in his previous world, this was his first time seeing such large amount of gold altogether , not even one day had pass since seeing the grand display of diamonds, Elon was now left more than speechless .

'Was it that wealth and treasures were not valuable in this world or just too common' this were Elon's previous thought, before the shocking memory from the previous Elon's memories told him otherwise.

It wasn't that diamonds were stones or gold as sands, but instead the House Of Maxwell's was terrifyingly rich, as a family that fought at the kingdom borders , wealth was the least of their problems, as each victorious battle meant more loots...

...Which could explain why the previous Elon was lavishly rich enough to own two private chest of gold, totaling a shocking amount of ten thousand gold coins as private savings. Though about one chest and half, worth seven thousand,five hundred gold coins was recklessly spent on acquiring various useless superstitious, suspected to be ancient artifacts, said to have certain powers or wish, which the previous Elon blinded by revenge didn't care about the cost and instead bought them all, finally leading to Elon's arrival in this world.

"Hahaha" Elon laughed vibrantly , stretching both hands as he cooped in a handful of shining gold coins from the chest which was able to hold a half more if it's current amount, five thousand coins.

Thinking about how the previous him had mercilessly wasted a chest and half of such shiny treasures Elon felt a subtle pang of pain in his heart at this thought.

"Well... It doesn't matter."

" It's all mine now" Elon comforted himself, picking up a gold coin to smell it.

" It should be enough." Elon muttered.

And as for what he was going to do with such a large amount of gold coins...

It all begins from today, the start of his revenge. A sweet revenge.


Walking along the quiet corridor with careful isolated steps, Elon sneakily took a turn to the left,arriving at a dead end, but he wasn't bothered or felt like he was stupid, instead there was an excited glint in his eyes.

According to the previous Elon memories, Elon precisely taped a spot in the wall which suddenly went inward, as a click sound was heard. Moving his other hand downward, Elon precisely pressed on another spot with force as it also suddenly went inward, and another click sound was heard, earning an expectant smile from Elon.


The dull,yet sonorous sound of stone grinding against stone , reverberated through the walls, as the once dead end wall began to move, revealing a secret passage that was dimly lit by a torch stick on the wall, to show that it had been frequently used not long ago.

As for the infiltrator? It was non other than the previous Elon, who secretly used this place to leave the castle, without alerting anyone while on his various secret missions to purchase different superstitious artifacts.

The secret passage was so well hidden , it was impossible for the previous Elon to have discovered this on his own using his dull witted brain, which was also true.

According to Elon's memories, this secret passage was revealed to him by his father the Grand Duke before heading for the eastern borders. Although he was told to only use it when the castle was attacked or there was a sudden revolt to takedown the Maxwell's home in the capital.

Though Elon had been shocked hearing this, after a few months of absolute obedience the secret voice of temptation tempted him,and since then Elon would sneak out through this secret passageway.

Feeling a new sense of thrill, like that of a young adventurer, a will to explore.

Elon picked up the dim torch stick by the side, dimly illuminating the corridor, as he went in.


The sound of stone grinding against each other resounded out loud, it's noise slowly fading behind Elon who was quick with his steps as he dived into the dark tunnel.

"Finally" coming to a stop as he discovered to have arrive at his destination.

Huff! Elon exhaled once more as this was going to be his first time in the busy side of this world.

"Let's go"




AN: How has it been so far?





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