
Chapter 4: Sir Remus

Dressed in black white long maid gown that hid their well shaped body beneath, the maids all stood still , bowing at Elon who suddenly appeared, after spending a few days locked in his own room.

Hiding the curiosity in their eyes,they kept silent with their heads bowed.

Suddenly, Elon's scrutinizing gaze passed over them, making their legs instinctively tremble in shock as if they had been locked on by something fearsome.

Not finding her, Elon shifted his attention, excluding himself from their presences .

Though Elon already left, the batch of maids still stood there with their heads bowed, trying to comprehend what they had just felt.

"H...he... is changed?" muttered a maid by the side who managed to recover quite fast, with her face still clouded with doubt, disbelief, and shock.

"Hmm", ghe rest solemnly noded, agreeing with her quick assumption. As people who had cared for the Young Lord for years they were probably the only one who knew him best.


Meanwhile, Elon carefully examined his sorrounding, complimenting the beauty and appreciating the taste of who ever had built this castle .

"A pure work of art." Elon rate from Earth's point of view.

Though transmigrated; he was born into top class families where wealth was the least to worry about, in both previous and new world, what more he was also the last born in this world.

Totally entranced by the medieval style of the castle Elon continued to look around.

Entering the big large hall, typically used for balls according to the modern system on earth,with a few maids still going around cleaning here and there, Elon was left shocked with his mouth agape, earning weird stares from the maids who pretentiously acted like they noticed nothing.

The hall was grand and huge , towering more than just a few meters, it probably took in more than forty percent of the whole castle,and embedded in the walls were diamonds of various sizes, shiny and bright as they refected like lights.

Above were also gold made chandeliers embedded with dazzling diamonds ,grand and imposing to the extent that even Elon who previously lived in wealth was awed.

Stepping into the rather dazzling hall due to the reflected sunrays that peeked through, Elon couldn't help closing his eyes as the word "wealth! wealth! wealth!" reverberated in his ears. It sounded too illusionary to believe that someone could just dominantly show off their wealth, without caring to have it stolen.

What more, "I am from this family" Elon said admist his ecstasy.

VOOOM! the sound of the wind suddenly accelerating echoed through his ears.

Unable to understand what was happening,his body never the less reacted before he could think.

Under the shocked, surprised, rapidly turning pale stares , Elon swiftly shifted sideways. As if receiving a sudden boost to his agility, his body twisted in an unnatural angle angle, before dashing into a roll, as he moved away from the crash..



Colliding with the marbled floor, the chandelier instantly shattered, dozens of tiny diamond pieces scatered all over the place like stray bullets.

Crash! the gold structures holding the diamonds suddenly collapsed, sending a particularly sharp piece of gold towards Elon who had his back facing the opposite direction .

Swish! barely missing Elon, the piece of gold metal happened leave a cut on his arm, drawing a straight line of red on his skin , as Elon hissed feeling the pain on his arm.

Ding! ding! ding!... the sound of rolling bouncing diamonds echoed through the grand hall, as Elon got on his feet, under the yet to react stares of the maid.

Instinctively holding his left arm like any other would do to stop a bleeding. Elon stared up high at the grand ceiling with surprise to see the broken chains that once held the chandelier jingling mid e air, as it had no concern of what had happened below.

"Young Lord!!" A voice fiilled with fear and terror striken suddenly called out loud.

Elon who was lost in thought as he gazed upward suddenly took an alert posture upon hearing the sound of hurried footsteps heading towards him, an instinctive reaction of having brushed past death

The worried and horrified maids were suddenly forced to halt their steps, each trembled for an unknown reason under Elon's sharp gaze.

No one could understand how their , always weak, timid Young Lord had gotten so quick witted. What more, having such quickness and speed, to the extent he even displayed a fighting stance against them.

It was all too impossible, 'When did the Young Lord become so strong?" they all thought.

Looking intently, they were even more awestruck to discover that the always gloomy, dark, timid and weak temperament around their Young Lord was no more. Instead their was a proud, arrogant, and unknown temperament around him. What more? His figure no more looked sick and weak, but instead looked firm, strong,and brimming with confidence, though overall Elon still had a lean physique,with his jet ink black short hair seemingly hiding the darkness of the night within.

"Someone call the Knights!" said the maid in her late twenties,who seemed to the leader among them.

Without hesitation a maid panicky ran outside to call the knights, whose duty was to safe guard the castle.


Having almost fallen for an assassination attempt, Elon's brain was instantly pushed to the limit of it's computing ability, as he tried to analyse, remember, who ever was after his life during this period of of time . Going through ocean of memories that strangely became clearer , Elon brought out his enemies or those he had a score to settle with, and began a quick analysis of the ones who wanted him death,sadly there was non that gave him feel before.

Just then...

Jing Jing Jing!

The clattering sound of chainmails reverberated through the hall, as fully armoured knights appeared.

In the lead was Sir Remus, according to the previous Elon memories, Sir Remus was a Knight under the Grand Duke,his father, loyal enough to be trusted with Elon's safety and protection, while the majority of the Maxwell family was away. Although Elon never knew if he was a well known knight within the capital, he knew very well that he was a good fighter,very good.

Wearing the usual dull silver knight armor, his aged visage in his late fifties was further outlined by his purple hair which already had several white streaks of decoration on it, adding his brave knighthood temperament, with his look he could still slay many women, especially if he had taken interest in marrying a wife.

"Young Lord , what happened?!" Sir Remus asked, concern and alert vivid in his voice.

Without waiting for Elon to reply, the suspected to be the maids leader , in her late twenties, answered.

"Sir, the huge old chandelier fell off,nearly almost injuring the Young Lord, or if... if... if not..." her voice trembled daring not to say the last path.

Sir Remus face instantly turned solemn as he had the same thought as Elon who had slightly reduced his guard against the worried crowd.

'Is it an assassination?" he pondered, looking around at the scattered pieces and diamonds,some still rolling or bouncing about.


Done with his own thought and calculation, Elon accepted the fact that what happened wasn't assassination but a mistake, a coincidence that almost took his life , even though he was still left stunned by how he dodged it.

Choosing to comfort the subordinate,who were either truly worried or feared what would happen to their lives if anything happened to their Young Lord...

"It's alright" Elon said to calm down their fear, releasing his other grip from his injured arm.

'Hmm?' looking at his grazed arm Elon couldn't understand why the bleeding had already stopped ,judging from pain he felt the wound must have been quite deep...

'Wait... I feel no pain?' coming to a sudden realization, Elon re-tightened his grip, squeezing his arm to make it hurt, strangely it seemed to exist.

Seeing Elon's strange actions, everyone couldn't help but have their own strange thoughts.

'When was there Young Lord so brave?"

'Was he a sadist ?'

'What happened?'

'When did he get so strong?'

'Wasn't he said to be meek and weak?'

'He's so nonchalant about pain! Look at his cool look, what a strong heart.'

'Lovely cute hair'

Just when Elon was alerted by the weird stares directed at him...Sir Remus who had finished his analysis on the sorrounding and came to the same conclusion as Elon, said.

"Young Lord, I'll escort you back to your room" Sir Remus said, devolving the atmosphere in an instant.

'Well... ' Elon interrupted his own thought finding no reason to refuse, after all he knew nothing about combat, who knew if there was suddenly going to be a real assassination attempt.

Right now nothing was more safer than being in the care of a highly skilled knight.

" Ok" Elon replied, while Sir Remus gave a nod to the maid in her late twenties to begin their clean up.



Lol find this chapter quite long for a begining chap.

Please support with power stones🥺