
Chapter 2; Caught

Like a rushing tide of tsunami, completely flooding his head, they came rushing in , vague foreign scenes,but they all seemed familiar due to his body having experienced it.

Suddenly, Elon widened his eyes in shock, terrified and devastated.

"No! It can't be" Elon muttered haggardly with an hoarse voice filled with shock.

Though it couldn't be explained how he had manage to gain clarity admist such soulful pain, he shakily took haggard steps forward, despite his weak self refusal.

Wanting to confirm to his new reality.


Elon banged the doors open following the unconscious direction of his body.

Surprisingly ....



"Mhmm" the sudden arousing moan, woke Elon instantly from his almost crazed state.

Standing in shock,as a wave of electrical surge was transferred into his body, towards his brain by the scene before him.

Wearing medieval styled clothing , a gown and robe.Two figures,one glued onto the wall, while the other had his back facing Elon, hurriedly sucking on the two blossoms before him as they were too entranced in their act to react to Elon's bang upon his arrival.

And as if time had stopped, in the silent quiet building,with only three figures hidden behind it walls.

Elon stood , staring at the two seemingly familiar people.

While the girl had been pressed to the wall with her eyes closed, breathing erotically, as she tightly gripped and pressed the boy's head towards her chest, as if wanting to drown him with her slightly above breast. The boy cared not though, as one of his hands already went below her loosened dress, while the other assisted the work above. Having his pants pulled halfway, it was barely possible to see that one of the girl's hand was doing wonders below, similar to the boy, they were both lost in ecstasy and lust, wanting to satisfied their long cravings.

For a moment the accelerating throb in his head, disappeared...only to suddenly rise up again.

"Ah!" Elon released a suppressed grunt in pain, taking haggard steps backward as he tried regaining his balance, caused by the sudden blurry scene around him. The accelerating throb in his head , suddenly felt like he was smacked with a sledgehammer on his head.

" Damn" Elon cursed out in pain,his vision blurry and fuzzy as he continued following the unconscious direction of his body , despite not knowing where he was headed to.

Totally ignoring the lustful couple.



Hearing Elon sudden outburst, Amelia who had been too entranced by lust a moment ago, suddenly let out a shocked gasps, her eyes widening in total shock brought by the instant fear that sent her out of her ecstasy state.

Seeing Elon sunken eyes,decorated dark patches, lean weak figure looking totally drained and sick, with his strange jet ink black hair standing out from his pale facial expression.

Elon looked more like a ghost that had crawled straight out of hell.

Releasing her grip from the head pressed against her chest, she hurriedly pushed the youth away, trying to separate herself from the act she had been clearly caught doing.

But right , before she could exclaim out loud, to curse at Elon or threaten him. Elon staggered backwards, grunting in pain as he walked away with shaky footsteps.

"Wha..." the word became stuck in her mouth, forgetting she still had her breast opened to wind , as a chilling feel by the saliva left on her nipples,made her stop.

Stumbling backwards from the sudden push, Henry tried to get his footing, as his half pulled trousers seemed to have made that harder for him.

Wanting to scream at her, his words also because stuck in surprise as he saw Elon staggering figure walking towards the exit.

"Henry!" Amelia hurriedly called out at the male youth to get his attention, while also hurriedly putting on the straps of her dress back in it's rightful place, struggling to put in her two slightly above average breast with barely visible bite marks on them, in her dress.

Henry who had his name called out, shifted his gaze from staggering Elon; walking forward to calm the beauty, whose face already became pale.

"Amelia ,calm down" struggling with a few steps, the youth called Henry, said in a soothing soft voice.

"No Henry!"

" We can't do this anymore...Elon... Elon saw us" Amelia stammered, tightening her dress, with a pale expression.

" Who knows what the idiot bastard would say?" she added, making Henry pause his movement, with his outstretched hands halting mid air, giving up all hope of trying to stop her.

Hiding the vicious frustration in his eyes, Henry frowned, his eyes twitching as he struggled within himself..

Releasing a smile he said... "It's ok the coward bastard won't dare to..." saying this his smile turned even more vicious after the last sentence, concluding the evil thought he had in his heart.

"Not today Henry, wait some other time , just not today" without waiting for Henry to respond, Amelia instantly picked up the elm of her dress, before hurriedly rushing out of the building.

"Wait..." Henry reacted late, as he was left to watch Amelia leave with hurried pace.


"Bitch!" Henry frustratingly cursed out, with fury blazing in his heart.

"And as for you Elon... I'll make you regret this "

Looking at the tent built within his boxer, he couldn't releasing frustrated vengeful grunts.

"Curse you"


Walking haggardly with shaky foot steps, Elon felt his vision getting incredibly darker, the light in his eyes dim.

It wasn't known how long he had been walking in this state, but there was an innate feeling that he was incredibly close to his destination.

Suddenly, his hands waved in the air grasping onto something, as a few more palms suddenly supported his body, lifting him upward , Elon felt something hit hard against his head, then finally darkness overcame him admist the now piercing painful throbs.



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New Year! New Resolution! Up to the top

Quick Note: This book is a result of reading Lotm, cuttlefish style kinda got into me so it's gonna be slow paced in the beginning, so y'all should be patience with me