
Chapter 13: First Compliment

Relishing in his new sense of taste for clothes,Elon couldn't help but wonder if he should open up a boutique selling modern earth style clothings, but then again he suddenly realized he was no specialist in such, enjoying the life of a loner, introvert . Apart from webnovels,movies and playing online games, he never really felt like going out, except occasionally spending money on new things that caught is interest or gave him thrills, outing wasn't his thing.

But in this world... It was all going to be different,his life of playing passive was over.


Wearing something similar to Victorian era style clothing, Elon stood opposite the full body mirror as he admired his reflection while, untucking the edges of his shirts, chosing dress more flexible as someone from earth, who experienced wearing more modernized clothing.

Following that, Elon went on as he flexed his arms, leaving the stunned Audrey who didn't understand what was going to wonder.


Finding no reason for why her Lord who had no interest or sense for clothes to be suddenly filled with enthusiasm towards it.what more,he dismissed the maids and got up to dress himself...

... In this strange clothes, uncommon to the nobles,similar to that worn by commoners,only that it had a clean, fashion and modernized taste to it , adding more charms to his looks.

Noticing, her Lord didn't look weak like beforer, his pale skin, dull eyes, solemn mood,dark temperament,a hard core loner and despite all the wealth his father had, typically silent, uninterested in her, and he always looked like someone abandoned by the world.

'But right now?'

Audrey wondered , feeling both confused and happy for her Lord's change... Meanwhile she was yet to know or experience just how much this Lord of her's had changed.

'Just what happened while I was away?' she thought , a sudden glint flashing past her eyes.

Having his pale skin gone,Elon had completely changed the outward look of his new body in just one week. No more looking sick or depressed, thanks to wealthy and lavish meals which he had taken upon himself to completely clear up each day, even though most tasted foreign, Elon happily ate them all under the increasing gluttony of his body. If not for the deeply ingrained sense of nobility in this body ,Elon wouldn't have held his self back, by choosing to leave few left over.

Still the maids that came to attend to him were nevertheless shocked or surprised, wondering when was this Lord of theirs so gluttonous, didn't he always dip a few spoons in two or so dish and the rest…they gladly finished.

Where was their Lord nobility? Couldn't he leave the rest for them.

And so, in the past few days Elon alone had brought so many shocks and surprise than they had experienced all their life.

…And the question 'what happened?' lingered in their minds.


Picking up the eye-catching blue red embroidered open robe,Elon felt a new sense of accomplishment at his own dressing.

Having his dressing completed, Elon posed with his new look...

Wearing white long shirt,pure black pants,black leather boots, with a eye catching robe to sum it up, he looked more of a noble scion. Eye catching and arrogant.


'Isn't this too much for someone who is making a comeback?'

… ' I'll be in the limelight that way..',

'Ahh! So stupid of me'

'I allowed my excitement to almost ruin my plan'

'I should be the who hits them hard instead since I'm the dark'

'They probably still think I haven't recovered, not knowing I'm a transmigrator'

Releasing a sly laugh in his mind's Elon ended his thoughts.

"I should probably take this off then". Elon said.


Just then, Audrey who was just about to compliment her Lord, was left stunned and confused once again.

With her curiosity taking over her,she blurted out at the suddenly undressing Elon.

"My Lord... you look very handsome dressed like that!' Almost shouting, her neck became hot with shyness.


Forgetting for a moment that there was a home toppling beauty behind him, Elon was stunned by the sudden shout.

Turning towards the blue haired Audrey



"You think so?!" forgetting for a moment that he had a noble image to maintain,Elon nearly blurted out with excitement.

As someone from earth,it felt quite good receiving such compliment from a girl, what more the person before him who was also his personal maid and had a beauty that could bring down homes, alongside...

It was totally worth it.

Revealing a smile, Elon canceled his previous thought.

Taking off his robe,he checked his self in the mirror one more time.

"Good to go"

Not understanding Elon's strange words, Aurora could only walk reluctantly behind him as she watched him get into the carriage.

Although Elon also found it spiteful that he couldn't carry this maid around or show her off, there was nothing he could do about it.

According to the Grand Duke's order Audrey was never to leave the castle nor was she to follow Elon around beyond the Maxwell House.


Even listening to the Grand Duke giving the previous Elon this warning through his memories,made him feel chills.

But Elon already guessed that it had something to do with Audrey's identity, what more she wasn't treated like a maid either, which was even more suspicious.

As someone who had the experience of many worlds, through reading several novels, Elon was already familiar with too many cliches and plots,so his mind was well firm to accept these facts.

Which he chose to play along.