
Chapter 12: Audrey

30 minutes later.

In the absolute dark scape,Elon felt his vision slowly getting brighter, awakening from the darkness he had drowned into alongside his consciousness as fragmented memories of what happened thirty minutes ago came rushing in like a ride.

He had gone outside to try out his sudden inspiration, about absorbing yang qi from the early sunset. The experiment proved successful, meaning his inspiration brought fruit, he could absorb sunlight. But he almost died from non sexual bliss , drowning in an ocean of ecstasy, which didn't feel good, because he wasn't really having sex but the ecstasy was there , frustratingly. A better term to use would be, 'like he was high on drugs until he lost consciousness.

But then a beautiful girl with blue hair that seemed not of this world, appeared before the knights and Sir Remus,that was all he remembered…

"Huh?" Suddenly feeling his vision getting clearer to the extent that he could now make out blurry images, the painful headache he felt instantly disappeared bringing him to an incomprehensible state of full recovery.

Surprised, Elon almost jumped out of the bed, but upon realizing the very familiar surrounding he was in,he calmed down.

'That's right I almost killed myself due to the stupid idea of refining yang qi, dying in ecstasy like someone who was high on drugs.'

Seeing the familiar blue haired figure staring worriedly beside his bed, the memories he had been trying to search for quickly came in, figuring out her identity.

She was Audrey,his personal maid, who for some unknown reason disappeared, although memories about her were very vague as the previous Elon had barely accepted her as a maid and nothing more. Having a somewhat foolish pride that he was a high noble and couldn't associate with his servants, talk more to bare the thoughts of sleeping with them, and so he ignored this blue haired succubus that had been by his side all this while to go after he dumbass academy beauty and daughter of the rivaling Archduke, even though Audrey made advances at him a long time ago, to the extent she confessed her obsession for him, ignoring the age gap between them, unfortunately he refused, giving her the cold treatment.

Yes,this just how the spineless and stupid the previous him was, without having any pride in public .

Looking at the blue haired lady with similar blue brows,fair white skin, and well standing above,more than average chest size, her large breast stood firmly on her chest protruding with pride that even the long full body maid gown couldn't hide their glory,her shape was barely visible with the damn gown covering it up, completely hiding her ass.

Ignoring the naughty and highly sexual thoughts in his head, there was this striking impression of her... Beautiful,she was a top notch beauty that the likes of immature Susan couldn't compare to.

'Damn was he so stupid that he even died a virgin?'

'Like seriously should I still take revenge for this fool?'

Seeing her worried expression, Elon lightly nodded his head to show that he was ok, as his body was already brimming with vitality,in a very strange sense,very subtle… though he felt no increase in his strength or anything within his body, apart from the strange feeling of rejuvenation and youthful vitality within him.

"My Lord" Audrey called out as she slightly bowed her head. A tradition of this world, apart from the family head who should be called (my) Lord by all subordinate, the sons or any other high ranking member of the house should be addressed as.


First young Lord

Second young Lord

Third young Third and as the numbers continue...

And when encountered with only a single young or sons of the family head, only the term Young Lord is used.

As for calling someone else My Lord apart from the family head, only personal entitled servant or servants should refer to their master as My Lord.


As if he had not heard her,Elon kept shut without a word , as he continued staring at her beautiful visage...

Sending Audrey who had always been yearning for his attention almost blushing, as she tried her best to hold it in.

"Where have you been?" And for the first time in her life,Elon asked about her well being, sending her into a shocked and surprised state that left her speechless for a while "Mm...mmm, I was told by the Lord to go with the first Young Lord on a business trip."

Now it was Elon's turn to be surprised...

"And when did my unknown father start to give my maid orders?" Elon asked feigning a fierce expression as he stared intensely at her...

But before she could reply... "What more, you left without my permission?" Elon added, continuing his acting.

With her head still bowed, Audrey didn't know what to say hearing Elon's words. But…

"...My Lord, it was the first Young Lord that asked you to borrow me to him..Also… you gave the permission" Audrey said , stilling heart for whatever may come, after all it was unexpected for this Lord of her's that usually kept quiet and isolated himself from everyone in the castle, a loner...- to suddenly become talkative,even asking about her whereabouts,what more looked at her face directly. It was all too surprising, too surprising for her ... to bare, she couldn't comprehend what was going , or what had changed.

On her arrival she saw her Lord vibrating under the sunlight, like someone caught with seizure, and now all this? It was as if the Lord she had served true for all thist years had gone true a huge transformation, and the person before her was a brand new him.

But Elon had other thoughts hearing her reply, 'Borrow ?', just as he had this thought memories about what happened made it's self clear in his mind. Indeed, his first elder brother really came to borrow her, 'And the idiot never cared and went on with it?'

'It was ok to be foolish and a coward, but sharing your woman?' Elon wondered to what extent was his body previous owner, stupid.

'But why would my brother, borrow her for a trip?'

'Is this some kind of secret romance? or a honeymoon.' Elon thought, not trusting his elder brother one bit, when it came to his maid Audrey.


Seeing how Elon intently stared at her , Audrey quickly realized the error in her own words, blushing her cheeks instantly had a hint of pinkish glow to it.

Trying to hide her embarrassment, "Nothing Happened"she said barely audible, but Elon heard it loud and clear.

"So where is my first elder brother then?" Elon asked like an interrogator, before a submissive prey.

Audrey: "..."

"I was told to go earlier and take care of My Lord"... "He should be arriving a few days later" Audrey said.

Elon: "..."

'Why would they leave a girl like you to go alone?' Elon thought.

'What more with that face of yours alone…?' Elon decided to stop his thoughts, having strange suspicion that there was something his elder brother and Audrey , were trying to keep a secret.

But today would be the end anyway, since he was here, there will be no such thing has borrowing my maid.

Standing up , Elon walked toward the steaming bathtub that was filled with hot water (not that hot) while Audrey walked behind him.

"Won't you take a rest" Audrey said choosing to, except the *my Lord*honorifics.

"No" Elon said bluntly.

Stepping into the large tub filled with water as he took of his robe.

Meanwhile seeing Elon stark naked from behind her cheeks quickly turned red as she tried to take her eyes of the giant monster below,that sent chills through her. Even though she had seen it several times she couldn't help feeling embarrassed or shy each time.


Sensing the sudden silence in the atmosphere as he got naked,Elon revealed a sly smile while embracing his evil thoughts , before slowly dipping into swirls of warm hot water.


Following the hierarchy of master, servant or maids. Both later belong to the former. And as a natural custom in Nyleon , a person servant or maids was the private property of he/she master or mistress. And among nobles, this rules was even more abided, as it was a show of power between them. The more personal maids or servant you have ,the more powerful and wealthy that signified.

As personal maids or servants were both rare and worth much, needing both parties agreement before signing a contract , also there must be a witness.

Which high valued servants or maids usually sell their self to become a personal maid or servant.

Being a personal servant means either your Lord or master owning you, in both body or soul, slavery viewed in a positive light since both parties agreed to it.

So it wasn't rare among lesser or mid nobles who didn't care about their reputation to atrociously commit rape and sexual advances on their personal maid. Depending on the master they had.

But so wasn't the same for normal maids or servants since they were employees who got paid for their job, having family or relations outside without being restricted, and they were also the kingdom's citizens.


Although Audrey was Elon personal maid , which means she was also Elon's personal property. Elon never did any rubbish or made sexual advances on her. Instead he had been the one once seduced by the young Audrey back then, who thought her Lord hated her and found her unattractive.