
Chapter 11: Self Experiment

After leaving the three thugs almost half dead, Elon dived into an isolated path, before soon he arrived at the secret entrance while bearing the stinking stench of waste, to avoid any accident Elon hurriedly went into the secret passage before it was opened wide .

After a thorough inspection through the passage and making a clearing, under the light of the torch stick which was exceptionally bright within the darkness, Elon brought out a few crafting tools he managed to sneak out of the old man's tent, secretly commencing on his new possible career as a crafter.

Working till sunset...

Finally Elon completed what he was making, which only became possible after several failures.

Looking at the large,long , smooth object in his hand that would make the heart of any woman throb, he revealed a smile similar to that of a pervert.


Next day.

Nyleon, House of Maxwells, Grand Duke Castle.

Waking up early thd next morning , Elon hurriedly left his chambers ignoring the servants, as he quickly ran out the castle , slowly as the sun rose from the east, casting it's decadence orange crimson light over the sky from above.

Following a sudden flash of inspiration to his current predicament,Elon remembered what he once read in several similar novels involving the absorption of something called qi through the sun in eastern novels, refining qi, namely yang essence, having this thought it all came rushing back, about a particular book,his memories.

At the beginning of martial peak the mc Yang Kai, found a mysterious black stone that made him able to refine the sun light into yang essence, with the goal of later turning his bones and body into gold or something, Elon pondered as his memories were quite blurry since it had been a long time and he also abandoned the novel half due to the MC's the increasing harem, his naive mind which had just discovered the reading world back then couldn't take it. Although through the years this novel had been talked about in several daoist groups he joined it was too late to restart it, because he had forgotten where he stopped. Yh there were also many interesting stories to read that he couldn't care less about the harem king Yang Kai.

'Yes!' Elon thought finally finding the pieces of information he was looking for through his chaotic memory.

"To practice the yang refining technique, Yang Kai had to stay in the early morning sun to absorb yang essence or simply vitamin D. " saying this, under the stunned looks of several maids who had just gotten up a few moment ago, Elon directly sat down on the plane stone ground that was yet to be swept.

Sitting in a lotus position, which he wasn't comfortable with, but for the sake of being a daoist, he kept still.

The crimson orange light of sunset finally graced his face.Shining from the east, the sun rays directly pierced Elon's skin.

"Mmmmm!" Before the maids could recover from watching their Young Lord inexplicable actions, Elon released an intense moan.


Everyone: "..."

'Had he finally lost it?' ' Was he mad?' 'Suffering from mental issues?', different thoughts with the same meaning. It wasn't a new thing that their Young Lord was always bullied and disliked in the academy,what more he had no courage or guts as the Grand Duke's son, which was quite embarrassing even do them who served him.

Pitiful and depressed, nothing like his two senior brothers or the Grand Duke.

Feeling the sudden cool warmth then heat that pierced through his skin as they traveled beneath, Elon couldn't help but release a moaning gasps.

"Arhh!" Unlike the day before when the feeling had been intense, Elon's moan wasn't that loud, but that was just the beginning.

Amidst the intense feeling of being between cloud 9 and 10, Elon suddenly felt his body vibrate as much more powerful waves was sent into his brain, exploding like fireworks. The sunlight shined brightly upon him.


The maids had all stopped what they were doing and stylishly watched Elon, only to support notice him start to vibrate,like someone caught with seizure as be trembled on the ground.

Instantly fear gripped them and without even thinking twice, some started running to call the knight Sir Remus.

Sir Remus was the one in charge,as the oldest and strongest male official in the castle and also House of Maxwell's in the capital.

Meanwhile, while everyone was panicking, a girl dressed in maid outfit suddenly rushed out from the crowd of spectating maids who had been gripped with fear. Running towards Elon like her life depended on it,and unseen by the crowd from behind her large huge chest began to dance jiggy jiggy, running along as they both shifted left right,left right.

If seen, such scene alone would have been able to awaken any dormant man, filling them with all kinds of fantasies.

Sadly the long maid dress hid her back side , if not, it would have instantly generated an r18 scene that would...

Soon,it wasn't long before she arrived where Elon sat. Touching his back, the girl who looked to be around 19,beautiful with her dazzling blue hair that seemed out of this world, similar to that of mermaid from myths, called out.

"My Lord!"

"My Lord!"

"My Lord! "

Under the shadow of her face while patting his back, Elon who was drowning in an ocean of ecstasy from feeling the sunlight through his skin, as his consciousness became increasingly clouded, slowly losing his reasoning, felt the light pat on his back.

"Pa" "Pa" "Pa" this sound resonated through his body , disrupting the waves absorbed from the sunlight as a cold feeling permeated his body

"Mmmm?"releasing a low moan as his vision slowly became clearer barely able to form subtle figures, the resonating sounds of armor and chainmail clanking altogether alongside several footsteps reverberated through his ears.

Regaining his vision, the eye -catching color of blue slowly materialized in his view as his rather blurry vision rapidly started clearing up.

Blue as the sea, the hair extended downward draping to towards an unknown length, this was what Elon first saw. Then, her black beautiful eyebrows that seemed to be created from a brush stroke in the hands of a godly painter, by the best calligrapher from the east, extending for a few inches it curved slightly, the pupils of her eyes were surprisingly blue, , then her nose, unknown were it was carved from, her lips were light pink, fair skin and...

One word came through his mind as his memories came rushing in "Beautiful" Elon muttered barely audible, but the lady in whose bosom he was clearly heard, and her cheeks became flushed.


Arriving at the scene, Remus wasn't surprised by the appearance of the girl kneeling beside Elon, preoccupied with his own worry. Seeing the vibrating Elon slowly start to calm down as he nestled on her chest, the old knight said no words as he quietly observed Elon.

"Hmm?" suddenly his eyes unnoticeably widened in shock, as his pupils dilated. Looking more intently he witnessed something shocking, an unnoticed golden glow had begun to cover Elon's skin, as if it was being absorbed ...

"Block the light" Remus instantly gave the order to the knight behind him, who instantly went in action without question.

bim$! bim!$ bim! In three seconds Elon was instantly covered by the shadows of ten officer knights.

Just when he was about to gain understanding of his surrounding, there was a sudden loud bang in his head, following a sharp piercing pain,then the world suddenly went dark.

Elon fainted.



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