
Where is my cutie??

SURESH POV.........

Hello friends, hope you knew me,I'm your cutie's papa, I'm here to share you, what I faced in this story.

Before my puppy came to my life,I was not at all happy, but seeing her beautiful smile,all my sorrow used to vanish.

When my puppy attended,her puberty I saw, care and love in Kabir eyes and attitude.

But thinking that,it would be a care from a elder brother to his little sister I avoided it.

And day by day Kabir care and affection increased more, towards my puppy,and again my doubts started.

From past five years, they are very close and, I'm not able to guess they are in love or not.

But when me and my wife, returned back from my home town,after my neice postponed marriage.

My cutie was fully drenched in rain water, and she was walking slowly as it she is suffering from a severe pain.

When she was turning to go inside her room,I saw blood stains on her wet clothes.