
When and how I started loving my cutie

Kabir pov........

As I told you that I'm from a middle class family and my father died when I was in fourth grade.

And due to poverty,mom did not allowed my elder sister's to continue their studies.

But one day Bindhu aunty (aaru mom), came to our house and got to know about our condition.

After my abba( father) death nobody helped us, even our close family members, who used to visit us when we had enough money.

But Bindhu aunty helped us, she saw our condition and said to our Ammi( mom).

"What is these all Appa( sisso)?, why are you not allowing them, to continue their education?, I said you na I will help you".

"And today I'm here, with a happy news, for you all and it is, our MD is ready to give you a small job in our office".

Ammi(mom):" Really madam ji , thank you very much for helping us from three months, Even our relatives left us"

" But from the day after their abba death(pointing towards us,my mom said) you are helping us".

Aunty: " first don't call me madam, just call me Bindhu, and their father was a good friend of mine"

" So it's my responsibility to help you, when he is no more, and it gives me happiness".

While she was talking with my mom,she was carrying a small baby girl around five years.

She kept the cute girl down and was talking with my mom, that baby girl was holding some chocolates in her hands.

When she saw my younger sister Mumtaz crying, she immediately came front and gave a chocolate to her.

Then she saw me, and came towards me, but I don't know you believe it not, my heart started thumbing speedily.

She was a five years girl and I was eight plus years, but my heart started beating for her.

I was in my thoughts, and thinking why my heart is beating fast" hello bro!!! take these chocolate,these I bought for you"

" My amma said to give these to all sisso's and bro's here, so please take these, pleaseee" she said.

She was very cute by her looks, and at the age of five she knows how to obey her elders.

And how to share her things and how to help others with her friendly nature.

I took the chocolate, and thanked her" thank you cutie for giving me these chocolate" I said.

" Ayioo bro how do you know my nickname?, only my mom call me by that name" she said.

But I don't know why I called her cutie, and I even don't know it was her nickname, but my heart and mind asked me to call her cutie.

"Oh!!! cutie I just guessed it, because I don't know your actual name na" I said.

"Ok then I'm aarushi, you can call me aaru, friends!!!" she said and brought her hand towards me and gave me a hand shake.

So my feelings for her started at the age of eight, and she is my best friend from ten years.

Her mother joined me and my younger sister in the same school were aaru is studying.

I got scholarship, because of my good marks, and mom used to pay Mumtaz fee per month.

After joining the school,I used to observe her daily,but she is a rich family girl and we are depended on her mom.

So I decided to be away from my cutie, but my heart forced me to see her daily twice.

During the lunch break and after the school hours,I used to follow her till her car.

But see the fate and our destiny, when she was in her fourth grade,they lost their everything.

And my mom got the opportunity to help them in searching, apartment near our apartment.

From the day they lost their everything,aaru was very dull and gloomy, she always used to be in her room.

She was a topper in our school,so she got good scholarship.

But she was the same,her beautiful smile has disappeared totally, she changed into a sad girl.

So after seeing her condition,I decided in my mind and heart that, after achieving all the things she lost.

I will gain it and, give her all the happiness to her, but a middle class family boy like me, need so much time and effort.

Hmm let's see, will my fate be with me,in achieving my goals.

But after a month of the incident, she tried to come out of her room and tried to communicate with me.

And from that day still now, she has the same smile on her lips and face.

We three used play ,dance, do preparations all together, after she came into my life.

I didn't looked at any other girl, because I truly believe that my cutie, my angel is for me.

Today or tomorrow she will be my life, I mean my wife, and I'm trying to get her in my life.

And I decided to propose my cutie,after her exams, because after listening to my inner voice and my bestie.

I'm sure that, any other boy will propose her and she will or will not accept them.

So I should have to think about, a good plan about proposing her.

After going back I will take Mumtaz help, she will suggest me, some ideas.

Actually friends from past three years,I'm working in a company as a part time jobber.

But I told my mom that, I have extra classes, and she believed it, because she don't know anything about education.

You may be thinking why I hided it from my Ammi, then friends I'm doing the work for my cutie future.

What I mean is, when she comes into my life,as my wife I want to give her all luxurious lifestyle.

Author note:

But poor Shan,I mean Kabir don't know what god decided for him.

Will he really marry our aaru in future?

Did they two are made for each other?

Did the society allow their love?

Will fate be their side?

Let's wait and see

Hope you like these chapter

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