
Unexpected Insult

CUTIE POV........

Next day I got up, when the alarm buzzed, and rang at five in the morning.

Quickly I got up from my bed,and sent bunny into his pet house, and got freshen up.

"What happened to nafi? why she didn't came yet? and she even didn't contacted me in these week"

"Is everything ok with her? what to do now,I don't have her home number too?" I said to myself.

It was getting late, so I made some instant noodles with fried eggs, boiled some milk for bunny and me.

Then I went to my room and took a quick shower, wore a black colour jeans and cream colour shirt, with a lipgloss and eyeliner.

Had my breakfast, with hot milk, noodles and fried eggs, after completing my food, I kept all the items for bunny.

"Bye bunny baby, see you in the evening, don't make any problems, be a good boy, wait for me and nafi" I said and binded him goodbye.

Hurrily locked the door with my keys, walked towards the busstop, and waited for my bus, and it came in five minutes.