
The Blind Date!!!!!



As decided Rohit was, getting ready for the ,blind date in his room, with a happy mood.

He was combing his hair's into a spike, someone knocked his door....

" Please come inside, the door is not locked, you can come in" he said.

And it was Abhinav, Aparna husband,he came and snatched the comb from Rohit.

" What are you doing Unni( his pet name)?, aaru don't like these types of hair styles"

" My sister like simplicity, so comb your hair's,as you do always" abhi said and sat on the couch.

" Ok my lord as you say, and by the way,why are you here?, do you want to say something to me?" rohit asked.

" Yes Unni I want to tell you something, and it is that don't get angry on aaru if she reject you, give her some time, may be she change" abhi said.

" Yeah bro don't worry,I love her so much and I won't get angry on her,I know about her past"