



Friends you all know na I loved, Aarushi Menon my classmate,when we were in our tenth grade.

But when she rejected me and her boyfriend bet me I was hurted totally.

So even I thought to harm them two for insulting me, but my inner voice warned me.

"How can you think to harm that innocent and kind girl?"

"Who said you that she is very innocent and kind? you don't know what his lover did to me? he would have killed me" I said to my inner voice.

" Think before telling something nonsense, you tried to harm her and misbehaved with her"

"You tried to kiss and hug her, and she don't know that her lover ( Kabir) will come and save her from you"

" And the most important thing is that, she didn't said about you and the incident to even her bestie"

" And nobody knows about your rudeness to her, so quit the idea to harm her, and be a successful business man in your life" my inner voice said me.