
Najma Introduction

Hello Kabir and Aaru loving readers, hope you all knew me well???

Hahaha you don't know me, because your author Indhu, didn't introduced me correctly.

You all don't know about me and my character fully, so I want you all to know about me , before these story comes to an end.

So before five years and three months,I visited my dad's office and saw a handsome man, talking closely and giggling with my dad.

From past three years,I'm doing sex with different person's, but I'm not satisfied with them.

Past three years I have slept with infinite number of persons, but it was very waste.

James was the only person,I'm enjoying and enjoyed it so much.

Because he never questioned me,why! what? who? How? if I sleep with anyone else.

So when I saw the giggling handsome man in my dad's cabine, my inner voice said.

" See naj he is the correct sexmate you are waiting for, he is the correct choice"

" So try to seduce him and bring him to your bed, enjoy with him how many days you want''