
Caring for her health

Third person pov.......

Sam arranged same blood for aaru, and expect arjun, everyone thanked him.

" We will be always grateful and thankful to you son in our full life"

" You saved our kids life, by bringing them here and arranging the rare blood for my cutie"aaru mom said.

" Please don't thank me aunty, being a human being, it's my responsibility to save a life" Sam said.

" It's your greatness son, that you are not agreeing what you done for us is a great thing" aaru papa said.

" Aunty you said that I arranged blood for some cutie, who is she or he?"

" And by the way the blood is for your daughter aaru!!!!" Sam asked.

"Ohh!!!! Samuel I'm sorry, cutie is aarushi pet name" aaru mom said.

But during all these, arjun was continuously only asking about aaru and her condition.

So Sohail got irritated by his attitude and shouted at arjun.

" From so many hours I'm observing you arjun, you didn't asked for a single time how is Kabir?