

 Flora was stranded that she did not know where to go and she was also tired to think so she sat on a nearby pavement, she took out her phone and called her friend Arya but the call was not going through ,flora was so fustrated , while flora was still lost in thought a rolls Royce packed in front of her. A young man stepped out of the car and walked in her direction , madam please could you spear me your time my boss wants to speak to you . Flora was at first surprised but quickly concealed her emotions she quickly got up from the pavement and followed him to the car , when she got in she saw a face she was familiar with but she couldn't remember where she saw this face . Williams noticed her confusion and said remember me? I am your saviour the one that saved you at the hotel last night ,flora seemed to remember , oh you are the guy that caused me to loose my virginity ,hey miss I think you misunderstood you were the one throwing your self at me ,you forced your self on me so if we are talking about who is at fault it should be you ,what flora was so angry that she puffed her cheeks in anger and pointed at Williams you caused all this now I am the one suffering ,

Marry me 

 What! flora was still blabbering when she had what Williams said sir what did you say ,me marry you ,flora was still finding bit hard to believe .

 Marry me and I will help you dey revenge , I mean it,s a win win situation for us ,my father has been urging me to get married and here you are trying to get revenge so if you want to win in this fight you will have to marry me ,you have no other choice but to compromise . Flora thought about everything that her sister and her step sister had done to her so she had to get revenge as flora was thinking her thoughts were interupted by Williams ,miss my time is limited ,oh flora came back to her senses ,sir I agree to marry you but we will both have out privacy , deal flora turned to Williams waiting for his response , deal Williams replied .

 Go to the civil bureau Williams ordered assistant wells ,wait sir are we getting married now like today flora asked ,of course when else do you think that we are getting married like I said my time is limited Williams said half leaning on flora ,flora had no other thing to say so she just sat quietly maintaining a very strict distance from Williams.


Flora and Williams Came out of the the civil bureau with their red marriage certificate,flora had a dazed look on her face while Williams had a cold and aloof look but upon closer inspection he had a hint of smile in his eye ,as they both got into the car Williams asked his assistant to drive to blue bay Williams house .

 Half an hour later they arrived at blue bay,flora got out of the car and was amazed by what she saw ,compared to her house this house was much more better even the decorations were topnotch ,you like what you see Williams said as he got out of the car ,flora was embarrassed that hee thoughts were exposed but she tried to maintain her dignified manner ,she cleared her throat and said not bad before heading inside . Williams followed closely behind with a smile on his face as the entered the house flora was more shocked because the inside was times ten better than outside as she walked in she sat on the sofa Williams sat beside her asking , are you hungry? Flora wanted to lie to save face but her stomach growled and betrayed her so she had to only nod ,well don,t worry I will ask the chef to make something for you to eat ,by the say what would you like to eat ? Williams asked flora ,I am not picky so anything would do flora responded.

Well okay I will head to the office now after eating get some vrest I will be back a little bit late Williams said before heading out . When Williams left flora scanned the environment before sitting back down. Madam what would you like to drink , butler Davis asked flora , oh anything would do ,um uncle can I ask you a question .

 Okay ho on ma , uncle is it only Mr Williams that lives here or he lives with his family ? Oh no madam sir likes his private space he doesn't like disturbance ,oh okay . Madam lunch will be ready in five minutes . 

 Five minutes later flora was led to the dinning hall by butler Davis ,madam enjoy your meal , thank you uncle . Um madam you can call me butler Davis , ah no why would I do that I mean you are clearly my elder so it is only right for me to call you uncle ,but madam ,I insist.okay madam as you say ,after that butler Davis left flora so that she can enjoy her meal , after lunch flora was led to the room to rest ,as she entered the room she guessed that it was Willams room because everything was cold , cool and aloof ,she lay on the bed and soon fell asleep.