

นักแปล: Nyoi-Bo Studio บรรณาธิการ: Nyoi-Bo Studio

If Consort Chen had been unhappy with Yun Dai's cooking, then why had she rewarded Yun Dai for lunch?

Yun Dai didn't think that was the case.

She knew very well the level of her own cooking.

These were all simple everyday dishes that she could prepare even with her eyes closed, and she had never made any mistakes.

It was clear that Yun Dou was the one who couldn't sit still anymore.

She had probably bribed the people around Consort Chen.

Yun Dou was in high spirits as she started to chop the meat and cook with great gusto in front of the rest of the cooks.

Mi Dou pulled Yun Dai to one side and whispered, "Sister Yun, don't be sad. Your cooking is really delicious. Even if others don't like it, I do."

This girl was a very simpleminded one. Whoever gave her good food to eat was her friend.

Yun Dai laughed and said, "It's all right, we're all just here to work. As long as our employers are happy, that is enough."

She had noticed that Yun Dou was copying the way she'd cooked and had used a lot of strong-tasting condiments.

Before Yun Dou could finish cooking, another eunuch came in to say that it was Lady Lin of Decorous Service's birthday, and Lady Lin of Decorous Service had invited both Consort Chen and Filial Lady Guo of Excellence to eat with her.

Apparently the Crown Prince would also be at the dining table.

This put Yun Dou in a spot.

Should she still continue cooking?

Only Consort Chen had requested to eat her cooking; the others had not.

This kitchen had originally been set up to serve only the Crown Prince, so it really had to follow whatever the Crown Prince liked to eat.

Song Mei came by personally to tell the kitchen to prepare some good dishes.

Mo Chun got Yun Dai to be in charge of this, but Yun Dou wanted to do it too.

She said, "Consort Chen likes my cooking, so if I don't do it and Consort Chen gets angry, who's going to be responsible for that? Auntie Chun, what do you think?"

Mo Chun coldly replied, "If you want to do it, then go ahead."

Even though Mo Chun was in charge of the kitchen, Consort Chen did like Yun Dou's cooking, so it was difficult for Mo Chun to stop her.

So they split the work.

Once Yun Dai thought about how she had to cook for that shameless Crown Prince, she felt an urge to pee into the food.

She really wanted to put poison into the dish and poison that *sshole to death.

But, of course, that was only what she thought about to herself.

She was the cook, and if she poisoned the food, she would definitely be sentenced to death.

That would be a crime so severe that executing her entire extended family would not be sufficient to pay for it.

She couldn't add poison to the food while she was still working for the kitchen.

But she had other ways of taking revenge.

For example…

She could put something in this jerk's food that would negatively affect his body's constitution because of the food's chemical properties. Then the jerk wouldn't be able to get an erection…

Since she used to be a professional dietician, this was totally possible.

But she had to take her time and slowly make plans.

She must not become too impatient.

Yun Dai had plenty of patience.

She had asked Mo Chun before about the health condition of the royals and what they liked to eat. So she prepared a starchy fish soup for Filial Lady Guo of Excellence and a slow-cooked mutton dish for Lady Lin of Decorous Service. As for the shameless prince, Yun Dai specially prepared a super-spicy boiled meat dish, as well as a plate of stir-fried pig intestines.

She made sure that the intestines weren't cleaned too well.

Didn't he like strong-tasting food? She was going to satisfy his taste buds.

The stench of the pig's large intestines filled the entire kitchen.

Everyone in the kitchen was horrified.

What on earth was this thing? It was so smelly, and she dared to let the Crown Prince eat it?

Mi Dou pinched her nose. "Gosh, it stinks."

"If even Mi Dou can't stand it, then once it's served to the royals…" Yun Dou started feeling gleeful about Yun Dai's impending misfortune. It would be great if Yun Dai got beaten badly, then thrown out of the palace.

Mo Chun frowned as well. "Yun, make another dish right now, there's still time."

Just then, the eunuch came to hurry them along.

Yun Dou couldn't wait for Yun Dai to get punished, so she eagerly went forward to help with sending the dishes out.

Mo Chun was starting to look a little worried now.