
168. Together With Professor Daisy.

Arthur knew Master Vorpal was referring to him, so he grinned as he tried to provoke the carrot- loving hare. "You can glare at me all you want, I'm still not going to give you a carrot,"

His limbs were still paralyzed on the floor and he was breathing heavily while he stared at the sky, but he didn't allowed this to stop him from taunting the little hare.

"Who said I ever wanted a carrot?"

Arthur grinned and replied. "Well, you looked like you needed one, but too bad little bunny, I've got no carrots for a carrot- loving freak, such as yourself,"

Master Vorpal tightened his grip on the book he was holding, then he glared at Arthur once again. "I warned you to stop calling me that,"

"What? You mean, a carrot- loving freak, okay, I'll call you a carrot dick-sucker instead, how's that?"

Master Vorpal's left eye twitched a bit and he giggled to himself before hopping towards Arthur.