
My Eclipse

"Eclipse" – an event that's short-lived, but beautiful, and takes a long time to happen again in the same location "Just like how we met my eclipse." A story about Ayla, an art history major, who first encounters Tyr, a literature student, during a late evening lecture. Their eyes meet, and in that instant, they feel an inexplicable bond, as if the universe had conspired to bring them together. This fortunate moment marks the beginning of a whirlwind romance that will both uplift and destroy them. Their love story was the epitome of beauty and tragedy-- just like an eclipse, rare, breathtaking, and ultimately fleeting. A proof of the idea that some love, no matter how deep and true, is not meant to last, leaving behind a legacy of cherished memories and the lingering ache of what might have been.

Llymn · วัยรุ่น
11 Chs

The Hidden Romance

After Tyr confessed, the days that followed were filled with intense emotions. Despite the complexities of our situation, we chose to remain together and confront the challenges of a secret romance. Each stolen moment became more precious, a mix of passion and guilt that only deepened our bond.

We developed a routine, carefully orchestrating our meetings to avoid suspicion. We would text each other throughout the day, our phones becoming lifelines as we exchanged messages filled with longing and love. "Meet me at our spot at 6," he would write, and my heart would skip a beat at the thought of seeing him again.

Our spot was a secluded bench by the river, shielded by tall trees and rarely frequented by others. It became our sanctuary, a place where we could be ourselves, free from the prying eyes and judgment of the outside world. Each time we met there, it felt like we were creating our own little universe, one where only our love existed.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the water, I arrived at our spot to find Tyr already waiting for me. His face lit up as I approached, and he pulled me into a tight embrace. "I missed you," he whispered into my hair, his breath warm against my skin.

"I missed you too," I replied, my voice muffled against his chest. We held each other for a long moment, savouring the closeness before finally pulling apart.

We sat down on the bench, our fingers intertwined. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving only the sound of the river flowing gently and the rustling of leaves in the breeze. "How was your day?" he asked, his eyes never leaving mine.

"It was okay," I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Better now that I'm with you."

He smiled and kissed the top of my head. "Same here. Being with you is the best part of my day."

We talked about everything and nothing, our conversations flowing effortlessly. We shared our dreams, our fears, and our hopes for the future. But there was always an undercurrent of tension, a reminder of the reality we couldn't escape. Each kiss, each touch was tinged with the knowledge that our time together was borrowed, that we were living on the edge of a precipice.

One night, after a particularly intense day of sneaking glances and stolen touches in between classes, we found ourselves back at his apartment. The air was thick with unspoken words as we sat on the couch, our fingers tracing invisible patterns on each other's skin. 

"Ayla," Tyr said softly, his eyes searching mine, "I know this isn't easy. I hate that we have to hide and can't be open about what we mean to each other."

I reached up to cup his face, my thumb brushing over his cheek. "I know, Tyr. But as long as we're together, I can endure it. Our love is worth it."

He leaned in, his lips capturing mine in a kiss that was both tender and fierce, a testament to the depth of our feelings. We melted into each other, our bodies entwined as we sought to express the words our hearts were too afraid to speak. In those moments, it felt like we could conquer anything as if our love could defy the odds.

But reality always intruded. One afternoon, as we sat in a quiet corner of a park, hidden from view, Tyr's phone buzzed with a call from his fiancé, Celestine. I watched as he answered, his face a mask of politeness and detachment. It was a stark reminder of the life he was bound to, a life that didn't include me.

When he hung up, he turned to me, his expression pained. "I'm sorry, Ayla. I hate this. I hate that she has a hold over me, that I'm trapped in this arrangement."

I took his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "It's not your fault, Tyr. We'll find a way. We just have to be patient."

Patience, however, was a double-edged sword. The longer we continued our secret affair, the more the guilt gnawed at us. It was a constant battle between the ecstasy of being together and the agony of knowing it couldn't last. Every kiss was a reminder of what we could never have, every touch a prelude to a goodbye that loomed ever closer.

One weekend, we decided to escape the city and take a trip to the countryside. It was a risky move, but we needed to feel free, even if just for a little while. We rented a small cabin near a lake, secluded and serene. For those two days, it was as if the outside world didn't exist. We laughed, we loved, and for a brief moment, we forgot the chains that bound us.

We spent our days exploring the woods, holding hands and stealing kisses among the trees. At night, we would sit by the fire, wrapped in each other's arms, the crackling flames casting a warm glow over our faces. It was a blissful escape, a taste of the life we yearned for.

But even in our temporary paradise, the reality of our situation was never far away. On our last night, as we lay tangled in each other's arms, staring up at the stars through the cabin's skylight, a sense of melancholy settled over us.

"Ayla," Tyr said, his voice barely above a whisper, "I wish we could stay here forever, away from all the complications and expectations."

I turned to look at him, my heart aching. "Me too, Tyr. But we can't run away from our problems. We have to face them."

He sighed, pulling me closer. "I know. But it's so hard. Every time I look at you, I see the future I want, the life we could have together."

Tears pricked at my eyes, and I blinked them away. "We'll find a way," I repeated, more to reassure myself than him. "We have to."

When we returned to the city, the weight of our reality settled back onto our shoulders. We resumed our secret meetings, the thrill of our love now overshadowed by the looming threat of discovery. Each encounter was charged with intensity, our kisses more desperate, our touches more urgent, as if we were trying to hold onto something that was slipping through our fingers.

One day, as we sat in a quiet corner of the library, our fingers brushing under the table, Tyr turned to me with a determined look in his eyes. "I've been thinking," he said, his voice low, "about how to end this engagement. I can't keep living like this, Ayla. I need to be with you, openly and honestly."

My heart leapt at his words, but I knew it wouldn't be easy. "How?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

"I'm going to talk to my parents," he said, determination etched in every word. "I'll explain everything. They need to understand that this arrangement isn't right for me. That I love you and want to build a life with you."

Fear and hope warred within me. "What if they don't listen? What if they refuse?"

"Then I'll find another way," he replied, his grip on my hand tightening. "I'm not giving up on us, Ayla. No matter what it takes."

His resolve gave me strength, and I nodded, willing myself to believe that love could conquer all. But as much as I wanted to trust in our love, a nagging voice in the back of my mind reminded me of the obstacles we faced. Family expectations, societal norms, and the ever-present threat of scandal loomed over us like dark clouds.

Days turned into weeks, and Tyr continued to work on finding a way to break free from his engagement. Our secret meetings became more frequent, the urgency of our love driving us to steal every moment we could. We held onto each other, finding solace in our secret love affair.

One evening, as we lay in each other's arms in his apartment, the city lights casting a soft glow through the window, Tyr turned to me with a hopeful smile. "I talked to my parents today," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and apprehension. "They were shocked, of course, but they listened. They didn't promise anything, but it's a start."

I felt a surge of hope, my heart lifting at the possibility of a future together. "That's good, Tyr. It's a step in the right direction."

He nodded, his eyes shining with determination. "We'll keep fighting, Ayla. No matter what. Our love is worth it."

As we held each other, the world outside seemed to fade away. At that moment, it was just the two of us, bound by a love that was as fierce as it was fragile. Our hidden romance was filled with challenges, but it was also a testament to the strength of our bond.

We knew the road ahead would be difficult, but we were willing to face it together. For every moment of passion and guilt, there was an unshakable belief in the power of our love. And as long as we had each other, we could endure anything.

The thrill of our love was tinged with pain, but it was also a reminder of the depth of our connection. In the end, it wasn't about how long our love lasted, but about the intensity and purity of the moments we shared. And in those moments, we found a love that was worth fighting for, no matter the cost.