
My Eclipse

"Eclipse" – an event that's short-lived, but beautiful, and takes a long time to happen again in the same location "Just like how we met my eclipse." A story about Ayla, an art history major, who first encounters Tyr, a literature student, during a late evening lecture. Their eyes meet, and in that instant, they feel an inexplicable bond, as if the universe had conspired to bring them together. This fortunate moment marks the beginning of a whirlwind romance that will both uplift and destroy them. Their love story was the epitome of beauty and tragedy-- just like an eclipse, rare, breathtaking, and ultimately fleeting. A proof of the idea that some love, no matter how deep and true, is not meant to last, leaving behind a legacy of cherished memories and the lingering ache of what might have been.

Llymn · วัยรุ่น
11 Chs

A Sister's Concern

The café was bustling with the typical mid-afternoon crowd. The scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the chatter of students and professionals alike, creating a familiar and comforting atmosphere. Tyr sat at a small corner table, his fingers drumming anxiously against the polished wood. He checked his watch again, a nervous habit he couldn't shake, even though he knew Taylor was rarely late.

When she finally arrived, her presence brought a sense of calm that only a sibling could provide. Taylor, his older sister by just two years, had always been his confidante and protector. They shared a bond that transcended the usual sibling rivalry, forged through years of supporting each other through their parents' high expectations and the rigid traditions of their family.

Taylor slipped into the seat across from him, her expression warm but tinged with concern. "Sorry I'm late," she said, offering a small smile. "Got caught up at work."

"No worries," Tyr replied, forcing a smile. "I'm just glad you could make it."

They exchanged pleasantries, discussing the usual topics of work and family, but Tyr could tell there was something more on Taylor's mind. He knew her too well to miss the slight furrow in her brow, the way she kept glancing at him with a mixture of worry and determination.

Finally, she set her coffee cup down with a decisive thud and met his gaze head-on. "Tyr, we need to talk about Ayla."

His heart sank. He had been dreading this conversation, knowing it was inevitable but hoping against hope that he could somehow avoid it. "I figured as much," he said, his voice tight.

Taylor reached across the table, her hand covering his. "I've seen how happy she makes you, how much you care about each other. But Tyr, you have to tell her the truth about your engagement. It's not fair to either of you to keep this hidden."

He looked down at their hands, her touch a grounding presence in the storm of his emotions. "I know, Tay. I've been trying to find the right time, the right way to tell her. But every time I get close, I just... I can't bear the thought of losing her."

Taylor squeezed his hand gently. "I understand, believe me. But the longer you wait, the harder it will be. She deserves to know the truth, to have the chance to decide for herself what she wants."

Tyr sighed deeply, his mind racing with thoughts of Ayla, her laughter, and the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her dreams. The thought of hurting her, of seeing that light dim, was almost too much to bear. "You're right," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I just don't know how to do it without breaking her heart."

Taylor leaned back, giving him a sympathetic look. "It's going to hurt, Tyr. There's no way around that. But it's better to face it now, together, than to let it fester and grow into something that could destroy both of you."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the conversation hanging heavy between them. Tyr took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Why did you leave, Tay?" he asked suddenly. "Why didn't you fight for your own happiness?"

Taylor's eyes softened, a sad smile playing on her lips. "You know why," she said quietly. "The arranged marriage, the expectations... It was all too much. I thought I could make it work, that maybe I could learn to love Steven. But in the end, I realized I couldn't live a lie, even for the sake of our family."

Tyr nodded, his heart aching for his sister. "I just don't want to end up like you," he said, his voice raw with emotion. "Trapped in a situation I can't escape from."

Taylor reached out, her hand resting on his cheek. "Then don't," she said softly. "You have a choice, Tyr. You can break free from this, but you have to be honest with yourself and with Ayla. It's the only way."

He closed his eyes, leaning into her touch. "I'm scared, Tay," he admitted. "Scared of losing her, of what our parents will say, of everything falling apart."

Taylor's expression softened further, her love for her brother evident in her eyes. "I know you are. But you're stronger than you think. And no matter what happens, I'll be here for you. We'll get through this together."

Tyr opened his eyes, meeting her gaze with a newfound determination. "Okay," he said, his voice steadier. "I'll tell her. I'll tell her everything."

Taylor smiled, a look of pride and relief crossing her face. "Good. And remember, Tyr, love is worth fighting for. Even if it means facing the hardest truths."

They spent the rest of their time together discussing how he would approach the conversation with Ayla. Taylor provided guidance and encouragement, guiding him in navigating the complex emotions he knew he would face. As they talked, Tyr felt a sense of clarity slowly emerging from the chaos in his mind. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to do the right thing.

As they left the café, Taylor hugged him tightly. "You've got this," she whispered in his ear. "And no matter what happens, you're not alone."

Tyr held onto that thought as he made his way back to campus, his heart heavy but resolute. He knew the conversation with Ayla would be one of the hardest he had ever faced, but he also knew it was necessary. Their love, as beautiful and intense as it was, couldn't survive on secrets and lies.

That evening, as he sat in his apartment, Tyr drafted and redrafted the words he would say to Ayla. He rehearsed the conversation in his mind, trying to find the balance between honesty and compassion. Each version felt inadequate, but he knew that the most important thing was to speak from the heart.