
My dream: The shield of prince.

“What the fucking hell, who is this girl, is she a witch, how can she always come into my dream, and ....why the fucking hell I want to see that dream everyday, who is she?" “What is this, Jack. Why are you changing, your eyes, your voice. You are scaring me. JACK, your body, NOOO." A boy, who is struggling to find his love, the girl of her dreams, but is he a real hero or a real villain?

Kashish_khan · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


God made the match of the Prince and Princess,

She fell in love with the Prince but meet the Devil.

He wants to rule the entire nine realms,

But the condition is the Princess in his arms,

The Angel says she is the Princess of the ash sword,

But she has to kill him in the nine realms.

She protects the Prince in the nine ways

Because the Princess is the shield of her Prince
