
Overlord Reincarnation Plan

+Absolute Controll (Have absolute control over all the skills and physical body and soul .can turn skills off/on)

-able to bound all skills to my soul to use them fully in case of changing body without sideeffects

+Instant Mastery

+QQ.FARM SPACE FRPM BRIGING THE FARM TO ANOTHER WORLD( have absolute controle and all in formation about the space )

-+Have a super computer in the space that have connection to the internet (offline server) from earth (timeframe of the server can be controlled from 1990 until 3000)+ DATA FROM MY PC

+SOUL DEVOIRING ABILITY (when souls are nearby they can be devoired and the information about the life of the soul is processed as if i lived and mastered them without negative side effects . absolute control of devoiring )

-Can instantly adapt to a new body as if it is the original with no side effects

+Gamer Ability from The Gamer (manga) +Shop

-Able to chose where to reincarnate +some benefits (chose timeline/family condition)

+absolute heavenly library +when entering a new world get a copy of every book inside the lybrary

-+if reincarnated in a known world ask for a complete version of the novel as a book and manga

+The Ability to Hack everything easely

-Improve mind (eidetic memory +dual mind (can be improved to split your mind up to 1000000 times ) )

-improve creativity

so this is my plan incase i get the chance to reincarnate with the first world of my choice being the human world of overlord (where you can play yggdrasil)

First thing is first

[You died .Please chose the world you want to reincarnate into] ->[Overlord (human world) ]

+I want to chose to be born in to a rich Farmly in japan as the third son [Condition] Family doetes on me and doesn't mind having a shut-in in the family .

+Timeline : 10 Years before the release of Yggdrasil


1-Learn Japanese

2-learn programing/hacking/etc with the help of the lybrary

3-Get started on making money with hacking skills

4-have fun living 10 years of childhood

5-get into yggdrasil

6-hack into the game data base to get all information about classes and races

7-enjoy the game for the next 11 years

8-1Year left time to get serious hack the game and get the lvl limit off

9-Get all the classes you can get

10-Make a Guild base (movable +impregnable defence and camouflage)

-Make Npcs [Don't forget your harem ]

+Buy all the world items out there

+Make all the items you need to make the base into a selfsuffitiant base (food/scrolls/weapons/entertainment .....)

+get all the animals /plants you can get your hands on for your space later and improve your base more

+hack all the world items you couldn't get into your inventory |(the gamer)

11-Rade all the guilds in the last week of the game by sneaking in ( there should be a world item that can do that Xd if not being over lv 100 with all classes might help lmao )

12-Enjoy life in the new worlds

Please tell me your oppinion and how to improve .

it would be awsome if some one develop a novel based on my plan .i'd love to read it :D