
All Kingdom end (Part 2)

Now, it seemed like the perfect time had arrived, and Roki was ready. He charged in, and his sword had been imputed with so much Ki and energy, even those that weren't able to sense Ki could see it following around the sword. 

When reaching the Ant, he swung down diagonally from the neck all the way down. There was nothing fancy about the strike. It was an attack that was meant to be the most efficient way one could kill someone. 

After the initial hit, he fell to the floor on his knees.

Roki was huffing and panting, from that one attack alone. Even if he wanted to, he now could no longer fight. Both Sera and Ray had been hit far away from the Ant now. At the same time, Roki made his attack, the Ant could feel a strong energy and increased its own attack.