
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs

Ch-96 New Home

The next day, Su Hao came to the city to look for work.

  However, what made him depressed was that no one would believe what he could do with a four-year-old boy. After figuring out Su Hao's intentions, he had no room to refuse.

  This put Su Hao in a dilemma. It is not easy to find a job these years, and it is not easy to live in a mixed life.

  But I can't keep on sneaking around and walking along the river. How can I not get wet shoes?

  Wandering around again, Su Hao patted his hands and immediately made a decision, secretly saying: "Since no one wants a part-time job, but I want to maintain a living, then don't force me to do something extravagant!"

  For your own pursuit, it is normal to drop some lower limits, right?

  After the unbridled riot in the last world, Su Hao's heart gradually settled down, and he had a new understanding of his own thinking and even human thinking.

  Everyone's goals in life are different, and their choices are also different.

  The final route to take is the result of the surrounding environment. In other words, in addition to being limited by the genetic level, thinking is also limited by the environment.

  Everyone is born, destined to be imprisoned by a huge network called interpersonal relationships, and it is difficult to break free. The difference is that everyone is in a different position on this network.

  Like a moth stuck on a spider web, it can't escape the final destiny even if it does its best.

  But Su Hao's moth is different. It can break free from this net and then pounce on another net.

  This also made his thinking gradually changed dramatically.

  He experienced many deaths, was able to reincarnate every time, and began to become a little fearless and unscrupulous.

  It seems that he cannot really die, unless one day he suddenly loses himself and forgets that his name is Su Hao.

  As Luo Chaohui, he gained a very high reputation, and he also had endless money to spend, and he lost that kind of heartfelt love for money.

As Wu Xiangwu, he was full of enthusiasm to do something earth-shattering and enduring, and then after changing the world, this enthusiasm was suddenly extinguished by a bucket of cold water, perhaps, this enthusiasm for changing the world will never be found again. .

  The only constant may be the heart that keeps exploring the world and the curiosity about the universe.

  What makes him full of passion is just a few simple words—that's how it is.

  Su Hao looked at his sharp nails and asked himself: "Am I still the original human?"

   can be said to be a person, but it can also be said that he is no longer the original person.

  He has already sensed that he has gradually faded from the body of a human being, and when he does not know in the future, his cognition as a human will also fade.

  Then break through the bottom line time and time again to reshape a new soul.

  So what is the soul?

  Su Hao doesn't know, he thinks the soul is self-knowledge.

  What is will?

  Su Hao doesn't know either, he thinks the will is the logic of cognition of things.

  After his cognition is out of the human category, is he still a human? What is it if it is not a person?

Su Hao slowly realized that in the future, he will slowly change his perception and gradually break away from the way of thinking of a normal person, and the only factor that determines how he does it will be what he wants. .

  As long as he achieves his goal, he may do a lot of extraordinary things!

  Those rules as a person will be less and less binding on him.

  It's like saying that this life is stealing in order to survive, but he didn't feel anything wrong.

  Besides the pressure of survival, it is really difficult for him to develop a sense of racial identity for Zhu Huoren. Although he is not disgusted, he is not kind.

  It is conceivable that in the next world, if he is lucky and becomes a human again, will his sense of identity with humans be correspondingly reduced? Maybe not!

  This is unknown, but the future must be revealed.


After Su Hao had saved enough money, he planned to change to another residence. In any case, the house is better than staying in the crowded den, and as the body gets stronger and taller, the small den , Can't meet his needs anymore.

  Su Hao carried his money bag and found a dentist who specializes in housing intermediary, and chose a small house with a courtyard in a remote location.

  Led by the little brother of Yaren, Su Hao came to this small courtyard.

The tall toothman is an ordinary person. He didn't despise Su Hao because he was young. Even if he despised it, he would not show it on his face, because people like them only recognize money. As long as they have money, they are his uncle. .

His curly hair is woven into small braids, and his head is covered. When talking, he likes to pinch the braids with his fingers. With a smile on his face, he introduced to Su Hao: "The original owner of this yard is also a young kid. Well, two months ago, his father suddenly didn't go back, leaving only some property. Later, he was forced to make a living and sold the house. Now the price is not expensive. If you take it, you will definitely make a profit."

  Su Hao made a round in the small yard, was very satisfied, and said: "This yard has two thousand Zhu, I want it. But how can I guarantee it?"

  The little brother looked at Su Hao in surprise and said: "All the house transactions in the small town are guaranteed by the Shanghe Chamber of Commerce. You can rest assured of this."

  Su Hao took the opportunity to ask: "'Shanghe' Chamber of Commerce, what is that?"

Rich is the uncle, and the younger brother patiently explained: "The'Shanghe' Chamber of Commerce is a large organization spontaneously formed by large and small merchants in Silin City. Business disputes of all sizes. Of course, sometimes it is more than that. In short, the Shanghe Chamber of Commerce can settle everything in the city."

  Su Hao nodded to express understanding.

  Brother took out two contracts from his carry-on bag and asked: "Can you write?"

  Su Hao looked at the paper full of words, and simply shook his head and said, "No!"

  Brother took out a box, handed it to Su Hao, and motioned: "You only need to press a fingerprint on this piece of paper."

  As soon as he finished speaking, the little brother immediately added: "Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem."

  Su Hao did not hesitate, and directly pressed a big handprint on it.

   and then handed the money over.

  He is not afraid of problems. If he dares to bluff him, he will touch him and beat him up at night, and then get the money back.

The little brother took the money bag, handed one of the contracts to Su Hao, collected his share, and then glanced at the courtyard outside and said: "My kid, there are a few older kids outside who seem to be staring at you. That's it! What are you going to do?"

  Su Hao took out a handful of money and handed it over, "Can you help me solve it?"

  The little brother smiled and accepted: "Of course, you wait and see!"

As he said, he didn't know where he took out a swing stick, swiped his sleeve to his shoulder, revealing a scorpion-like creature tattooed on his arm, pushed the door out, and immediately rushed to the street children to intimidate: "You A few scumbags, you can see clearly, this is the place where the sand worms are sheltered. They dare to cause trouble within a month. Everyone breaks a leg. Have you heard?!"

  Several children around the age of seven or eight immediately dispersed and fled in all directions.

  Su Hao thought silently afterwards: "It seems that this temple city is indeed controlled by various gangs."

   Then he froze again, what did he hear just now? What does 'within a month' mean?

  The braided brother walked in grinningly: "Okay, I have already settled it for you. If you have any trouble within a month, you can find me to help you settle it."

  Su Hao's mouth twitched, and said blankly: "What about in a month?"

The little brother said: "I won't know in one month. After all, the money is only enough for one month, and the discount is given to you. If you want to continue to be protected by our Sandworm Gang in one month, you can come to me. Hand in the full management fee."

  Su Hao nodded and stopped talking.

  The braid brother was very happy to make a deal today, and left with an inexplicable tune.

  After Brother Braid walked away, Su Hao couldn't help but vomit: "What kind of ghost gangs are these, it's so dark!"

  Su Hao soon moved all his things into a small house. There were not many things, mainly warm clothes and quilts. After a little tidying, he could move in.

Although    is simple, it is a normal safe haven.

Sitting on the eaves, he stared blankly at the empty courtyard, and suddenly remembered the small courtyard of the Chashan Post in the previous life. His father Wu Yuntian often sat on the stone table in the courtyard to drink tea, and he remembered Luo Chaohui's At that time, the small villa where parents and brother stayed together.

  Su Hao murmured: "The more people I meet, the more empty my heart..."



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