
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs

Ch-72 We Need You

This figure, whose whole body is wrapped in heavy armor, only reveals a pair of cold eyes.

  The momentum is like a rainbow.

   flashed between the crowd and the bearded beast.


  The indestructible tentacles of the bearded beasts broke and fell to the ground.


  Bearded beast was suddenly hit hard by this, and the mouthparts under its body let out a sharp scream.

   Piercing Lao Liu's tentacles broke, and Lao Liu fell forward.

  A tall figure caught Lao Liu with a fragrant smell.

   is Feng Maner!

  Feng Maner supported Lao Liu and immediately left the battlefield.

  This kind of penetrating damage, as long as it does not hit the critical point, to the grandmaster, it can only be regarded as a serious injury, not fatal.

  Seriously injured, if Feng Maner's heart can be exchanged, Lao Liu will not lose!

  Everyone was stunned when looking at the silver armor man who appeared all over the body suddenly.

  This little man, who was only one and seven meters in armor, came out from where they didn't know that Lingyun Town still had this number of people.

  Hana Hiroichi would not miss the chance of the beast beast being injured, and immediately a big ice hammer smashed the beast's forehead fiercely.

  The bearded beast took a step backwards. At this time, its head was covered with thick frost and cold.

  After Su Hao rescued Lao Liu at the moment of his death, he kept turning back and ran directly towards the beard beast.

"break out!"

   stepped on the foot, there was a "boom", and Su Hao exploded like a bullet at the beard beast.

"Bearded beast's rune ability is'hard', spread all over the body, plus thick lin armor, ordinary attacks can not break this layer of defense, then I use'penetration','sharp','numbness' and "Erosion" is superimposed, and a hole is opened first!"

  Su Hao's mind turned very fast, and the attack plan was made at the moment of ejection.

  Su Hao's speed was too fast, and the tentacles ejected by the Beard Beast failed to intercept. It could only watch Su Hao raising the gleaming long knife and slashing fiercely on his head.


The "penetration" effect of Su Hao's vigorous blood first offsets the "hardness" of the beast, and then the "sharpness" and "erosion" plus Su Hao's majestic blood can easily fall on the beast. A long cut was cut, like a red iron chopped on plastic.


The howl of the   Beard Beast was even louder. This time it was really injured. A large number of tentacles gushed out from under the body. There were two to three hundred visually, and it burst out in all directions.

   "Retreat!" Hua Hongyi immediately yelled, and then retreated first. The other masters were still far away, and they were also ready to jump away.

   And most of the tentacles were actually shot at Su Hao, blocking all the space up, down, left, and right of Su Hao.

   "Barrier!" "Deflection!" "Hard!" "Oscillation!"

  Su Hao immediately activated the rune he had prepared long ago, and faced the overwhelming tentacles, he did not retreat but instead moved forward.

  The long knife in his hand flickered, and the attached sharpness and erosion effects continued.

   "Spiral cross cut!"

  Su Hao jumped up, violently swirling the knives in both hands, and a white arc flashed.


"Puff puff..."

   Suddenly, a large number of tentacles were cut off with a single knife, and fell to the ground. The cut was smooth and corroded again.

  The tip of the tentacles that escaped Su Hao's slash and pierced Su Hao's body fiercely, but was blocked by a reddish barrier. More often, he suddenly lost his aim and slid to the side.

  Su Hao stepped on the slippery tentacles, and with a leap, he jumped out of the tentacles' attack range and came to the top of the beast.

  At this time, the tentacles of the bearded beast were all out, but it had not been recovered, and there was no attack method for a while.

  The long knife is held back, with the tip of the knife facing down.

   "Puff!" He stabbed the long wound fiercely without a hilt, and then followed the wound and swiped it down again fiercely.


  The opening was deep enough this time, and the blue blood suddenly gushed out like a high-pressure water gun, pouring on Su Hao's armor.

   Su Hao did not blink his eyes, immediately drew his sword and retreated away from the beard beast.

  At the same time, start to draw runes, the order is "burst", "barrier", "deflection", "hard", "sharp", "penetrating" and "eroding".

  Sure enough, as soon as Su Hao left, the bearded beast began to go mad.

   There was a screaming scream from the mouthparts under her body, and the tentacles sticking out were dancing wildly around her body.

  Beard Beast turned its body, two sharp horns, aimed at Su Hao.

  Hana Hiroichi immediately shouted at Su Hao: "Brother, be careful of its collision!"


  The beast beard exploded under its body, and the huge body was like a cannonball, crushing towards Su Hao.

  A fierce beast with a height of more than 20 meters, how does it feel to smash it at yourself?


  It's like the moon falling down.

Su Hao squinted his eyes. Through the attack just now, he found that although he could break the defense, the beast beast was too big. The knife in his hand was like a toothpick. Even if Wushuang was opened, the damage to the beard would be limited. .

   Then since this beast took the initiative to jump up and expose the chrysanthemum gate, don't blame him for not talking about martial arts.

  Su Hao squatted slightly, leaped towards the beard beast, raised his left hand, and faced the two green eyes.


  Su Hao burst out a strong light from his hand, and the vision of the beard beast immediately became blank.

  The sudden eruption made it lose its target of attack. Although its other senses could still perceive Su Hao's position, there was still a moment of stunned.

  At this moment, Su Hao slid through with a sliding shovel, and then he ejected.

  The mouthparts under the beard beast's body were suddenly exposed in front of Su Hao.

  The round mouthparts are like chrysanthemums, with rings of sharp teeth distributed on them, which is very scary.

Around the mouthparts, there are densely packed holes. These holes can explode deadly tentacles at any time. At this time, most of the holes have exploded and ejected tentacles, providing the beast with the power to eject and collide. Only a few of them are still black holes at any time. Can catapult attack.

  But these tentacles have lost their threat to Su Hao.

  'Breaking out' rune has been added.

   "Erupt!" Su Hao exploded with a shot at his feet. Before the mouthparts of the bearded beast were closed, he crossed the most dangerous teeth and entered the mouthparts.


  The whole body armor began to oscillate at a high frequency, and any tongue and mucus that were approaching were shaken away.

   "Sharp" "Penetration"!

  Two attack effects are blessed, and Su Hao keeps stabling in. Goal: Go forward ten meters to the center of the beast.


  Any flesh and blood blocking the front were torn apart by the long knife in Su Hao's hand. With the high-frequency oscillation on the armor, the flesh and blood couldn't get close, so Su Hao drove straight in.

  Two meters, three meters...five meters!

  Su Hao suddenly became light, and came into the abdominal cavity of the beast. Various complicated organs were squirming regularly, and it was as big as a two-story building.

  There was a grin at the corner of his mouth.

  Su Hao stretched out his hand to press on the organs, and the huge blood energy on his body began to surging out, and a huge rune circle began to be drawn around the organs.

  In just ten seconds, the huge array is drawn.


  The rune is activated.

  A large number of internal organs in the abdominal cavity collapsed and squeezed toward the center as if they were subjected to a strong gravitational force, forming a meat ball the size of a water tank.

  Bearded beast was injured and rolled violently. Su Hao, who was staying in the beard beast's body, suddenly lost his balance.

   "Rotate!" "Penetrate!"

  Su Hao activated two runes, superimposed on the long sword, and thrust into the wall of the beast's abdominal cavity.


   There was a muffled sound, and flesh and blood spattered.

  There is a big circular hole in the wall of the abdominal cavity.

  Su Hao stepped on his feet, and the whole person got into the big hole dug out.

  Su Hao felt a little dizzy, he knew he was starting to lack oxygen.

   "You have to get out of here as soon as possible!"

   Taking advantage of the rotating and penetrating effects of the long knife before it dissipated, he quickly digged out the hole one by one. At the same time, add two runes of 'rotation' and 'penetration'.

   Soon, Su Hao dug to the edge and encountered a thick Lin Armor.

  The drawn 'Rotate' and 'Penetration' are launched, and they stab forward.


  The air poured down the hole into the abdomen of the beast.

  Su Hao ejected, breathing in fresh air.

  Falling to the ground and standing firmly, he ran forward quickly, away from the beast before turning around to look back.

  Hana Hiroichi is leading the remaining masters in a frantic attack on the beard beast, taking advantage of it to be sick and killing him!

  Hana Hiro saw the appearance of Su Hao, who was covered in blue slime, and was immediately surprised: "Big brother, you are not dead?!!!"

  Su Hao nodded, watching the fierce beast tumbling and screaming, gasping for breath.

  This fierce beast is dead! It's just a dying struggle now, there is no threat.

He was greedy for the body of this fierce beast and wanted to study it, but his internal organs were all collapsed into a small ball, and he also had the beast pattern'hard'. In addition to the rune sarcoma that he didn't know what it was used for, the research was of great value. Decrease.

  And, now it's time to leave.

  He doesn't want to contact Huahong and others, and Lao Liu is still watching, what if he is recognized?

  It doesn't matter what he is doing, but if he is not careful, his father Wu Yuntian and Chashan Post will be involved.

  This may be the only place he has concerns.

  Su Hao flicked a long knife, and the blue slime on the knife was flung away.

   ran directly between the buildings and disappeared in the confusion of everyone.

   "???" A big question mark appeared on Hua Hongyi's forehead.

  Everyone looked bewildered.

Hello! The bearded beast is not dead yet, the boss will come back soon, we need you!

  However, Su Hao can no longer hear the voices of the people. It doesn't matter if you hear it. The bearded beast is already weak and its tentacles are already weak. It will die after a while.

  Quickly return to the weapon shop, exchange his clean armor, pick up a rag, wipe the knife, and put it in the scabbard.

  Pick up his own package.




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