
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs

Ch-66 The First Law of Runes

Su Hao's early work was to divide the complex lines of the animal pattern into small fragments one after another. These small fragments were selected from a large number of fragments divided by Xiaoguang.

  The screening criterion is that when blood gas passes through these small fragments, it can trigger changes in blood gas. Whether it is inexplicable consumption of blood gas, or a slight vibration, triggering perception, etc., Su Hao solidified the small fragments.

  After a long time of accumulation, Su Hao's rune library already contains a large number of small fragments.

   Then with the help of Xiaoguang, through screening and comparison over and over again, Su Hao made an exciting discovery for him.

  Among these fragments that have a subtle reaction to blood gas, there is a type of rune fragment that can consume a lot of blood gas. Simply put, when the blood gas passes through this part of the rune fragment in a certain order, the blood gas will disappear inexplicably.

  After Su Hao sorted these rune fragments according to the running path, the same structure was found in these fragments.

  Then simplified these structures again, and after removing the extra parts, he got a simple structure similar to four ribbons forming flowers.

  Su Hao drew this simple structure and entered the blood qi, and sure enough, the blood qi disappeared out of thin air!

  This simple flower-like structure must play an important role in the animal pattern. If it can be resolved, this simple structure can be solidified into a basic rune.

  So where did all the blood that disappeared out of thin air go?

  As long as you understand this, Su Hao will reveal the secret of the rune.

  Su Hao is not in a hurry. Now that he has found a breakthrough, he is not far from revealing the truth.

  In the next five days, Su Hao continued to go out in the morning to hunt ferocious beasts, and in the afternoon he conducted experiments and analysis on this simple structure.

  But in five days, Su Hao tried various methods, but still got nothing, his blood always disappeared out of thin air.

   "In other words, the energy of blood must be transformed into something that cannot be directly observed!"

  Su Hao kept thinking while doing repeated experiments.

  So what would it be?

  After another two days of tinkering, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Su Hao's mind.

   "Strength!!!" Su Hao couldn't help but yelled out.

  Confused for a long time, as if he had found the answer, a hot breath broke out in his eyes, and the cells all over his body were trembling slightly.

  Yes, it is "force", Su Hao incomparably confirmed that after the blood qi passes through this simple structure, the consumed blood qi is converted into "force".

  This kind of "force" is like electromagnetic waves, magnetic fields, and electric fields. Under normal circumstances, it cannot be observed or sensed, but it exists in reality.

It is similar to the concepts of gravity, magnetic elasticity, etc. that are usually contacted, but it does not belong to any of these forces, but is a special force field transformed from biological energy. This special force field is the operation of runes. The key to the core is that with this "force", there are various special effects transformed from "force".

  This kind of "force" structure alone is useless, but as long as it cooperates with the functions of other structures, it can produce all kinds of incredible changes.

  Su Hao was so excited about his discovery that he was not drowsy, and after studying for two days and nights, he felt a trace of fatigue rushing to his eyebrows.

   "Huh~" Su Hao let out a long sigh. Although his face was tired, the light in his eyes remained unchanged.

   "Then, this force is named the 'fundamental force one' of life energy."

The reason for the name "Fundamental Force One" is that Su Hao also discovered another "force". The rune structure is completely different, but the function is similar, and it can also consume a part of the blood energy. Su Hao called this structure " Fundamental force two".

  These two forces are not the same, but the effects must be mutual, or restrain each other, or strengthen or weaken each other, different interactions will produce different effects.

  On this point, Su Hao needs to conduct a lot of experimental research and obtain accurate parameters before he can reach a preliminary conclusion.

   Putting away his thoughts, Su Hao put down the tools in his hand, cleaned the cave, and lay on the bed. After a while, he fell asleep.


   After sleeping well until the next afternoon, Su Hao got up in a daze, and after a little washing, he began to arrange his own work.

  First of all, simplify the 'fundamental force 1' and 'fundamental force 2' as much as possible, and truly simplify this rune fragment into a basic unit rune.

  Secondly, the principle of "blood qi" becoming "force" is summarized, forming the first theorem of blood qi and strength, named "The First Law of Runes".

  Finally, I need to go back to Lingyun Town to fix and add something. By the way, I will go back to see my father Wu Yuntian.

Half a month later, Su Hao completed the simplification of the two'fundamental forces', and in precise and concise language, summed up the "first law of runes" and "the second law of runes" for the two forces, referred to as "Effect of Strength and Blood Gas".

  So he established a concise panel in the space system, specifically used to record the laws of blood runes, and currently contains two of his own summaries.

  Su Hao simply cleaned up, then set off back to Lingyun Town.

  He had already planned to give up on this base, because the fierce beasts around were almost killed by him, and the fierce beasts farther away did not dare to approach, it became a small forbidden area for the beasts.

  He plans to return to Lingyun Town this time after the renovation is completed, purchase enough supplies, go deeper in the wilderness, collect animal patterns, and analyze basic runes.

  After returning to Lingyun Town, he drew the three complete animal patterns he obtained during this period and sold them to the old man. After obtaining a large amount of gold, he began to purchase various materials on a large scale.

   also bought a lot of daily necessities for Wu Yuntian, as well as a set of majestic full-body armor, a long knife, and a round shield.

   bought a lot of food for the villagers, and hired someone to use a cart to pull it back to Chashan Post.

For this small village, he was full of gratitude. It can be said that when he was the weakest and most helpless, it was his father Wu Yuntian and the soldiers of this small village who provided him with a safe place to grow up. From his father's hands, he also learned how to become a powerful warrior.

Among the many worlds that    has experienced, this is the place where he truly has the ability to protect himself for the first time, and he feels a sense of security.

  He has experienced being hacked to death with a knife, killed by artillery shells, washed away to death by floods, alive and dead in the suffocating water, infected with the plague, and tortured to death, tortured to death, smashed to death, knocked to death...

  He was very anxious in his heart. He didn't know how painful he would die next time. If he had a choice, he would rather choose the way of ending instead of waiting for the sudden arrival of death.

  Here, Su Hao, he is no longer weak, he has a choice.

  If there is a chance to wake up again in the future, then the knowledge he has learned will be the foundation of his self-protection.

  At night, Su Hao lay on the roof of his house, enjoying the peace in his heart.

  Wu Yuntian sitting in the yard drinking tea by himself.

Su Hao suddenly took out a bag of gold dollars from his arms, jumped down and walked in front of Wu Yuntian and said, "Father, these are ten gold dollars. Take it and find another wife!"



  Three days later, after stuffing a few beast patterns to Wu Yuntian, Su Hao set off again and went straight to the depths of the wilderness.

  After trekking for more than ten days, Su Hao discovered a colony of beast white-headed foxes, so he decided to stay here to hunt.

  He decided to give this white-headed fox colony to a pot.



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