
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs

Ch-46 Try

Lao Liu explained to Su Hao in detail the process of engraving animal patterns, how to adjust the structure, how to solidify the structure, how to confirm whether the structure is consistent with itself, and so on.

Before leaving, Lao Liu also said: "Yes, one month later, our college's first, second, and third-level students will have a school year competition. You don't need to participate. You will bully other people when you go. So just stay. Here you can engrave animal prints with peace of mind!"

   Su Hao didn't care at this point, just freeing up time to do his own thing, so he nodded and agreed.

  Who knows, Lao Liu said again: "The first place in the competition will get a powerful combat skill, which is optional for you."

  Su Hao chuckled and said, "But who would think he has many skills?"

  Old Liu Dao: "If you want to learn, wait for your success to advance to the master, I will teach you a hand."

   "Thank you, Teacher Liu!"

  Su Hao found that Lao Liu was really good to him, and no one else had seen this treatment. This kindness can only be hidden from the bottom of his heart.

  Su Hao knew that Lao Liu didn't care about him. Lao Liu just thought he was a manufacturable, so he devoted himself to teaching, looking forward to his future growth and becoming a strong man who can carry the backbone for the human race. Perhaps this is the belief as a teacher, and always maintain a sense of awe for the inheritance of knowledge!

  Su Hao felt that every piece of knowledge he learned was so heavy. He thought, as long as he lives well, one day in the future, he will give a great gift to the human race in this world.


  After Lao Liu left, Su Hao found a quiet place on the third floor and turned on the animal pattern-Perception.

  A complex and exquisite circular pattern is drawn on the scroll, resembling clusters of electrical signal ripples, twisted and entangled, and the lines are twisted and interlaced, an indescribable aesthetic feeling blows across the surface.

  Maybe this is the beauty of nature, the beauty of life.

  The moment he saw the graphics, Su Hao immediately had a question in his mind. Is it really enough to take a year to engrave such a complicated picture into the body?

  People who can do it in a year are really not ordinary geniuses. And the emperor who created this method forcibly back then, one can imagine how amazing it is.

Su Hao took a deep breath and murmured: "Not only need to engrave, but also to modify the coordination structure to make it fit my own nature. This kind of difficulty, given me two years, may not be able to do it. But...who let me have it? Where's Xiaoguang? With Xiaoguang's help, it should be faster, right?"

  The first time he saw the animal pattern, Su Hao included the pattern of the animal pattern in the "light of the universe", and opened a new knowledge entry in the light of the universe, named "Rune"!

  These animal patterns can be classified into runes and belong to a branch of runes. After more and more runes are included in the future, you can start to study it.

  Su Hao's consciousness came to the pinball space, looking at the complex runes that appeared in mid-air, thinking about how to analyze and adjust.

  With the help of Xiaoguang, the process of memory burning becomes very simple. Just set the program and follow Xiaoguang's prompts.

  The problem now is that it's not possible to burn the original rune, and it will not fit with your body, leading to failure. According to Lao Liu's words, relying on instincts to slowly adjust the structure will always succeed.

   "Instinctive feeling?"

  Su Hao's mouth twitched. If he felt reliable instinctively, he had already made a fortune when he bought lottery tickets in his early years. He thinks that the most unreliable thing about a person is "feeling." If you talk to someone, when the other person says "I feel...", don't believe it, it's basically wrong.

  This is the lesson of blood summed up by Su Hao.

  Since "feeling" is not reliable, we have to rely on "science".

  But because of the lack of contrast materials, Su Hao didn't know where to start.

   "Try it first, as long as you act and try slowly, it should be okay."

  Su Hao waved his hand, and the environment of the pinball space instantly turned into a science laboratory with a large test bench in the middle.

   "Xiao Guang collects real-time body data and presents 3D projections of the body."

  "Xiaoguang received"

  As soon as the voice fell, a fruit figure appeared on the test bench. Standing on the test bench in the air, it was the projection of Su Hao's body.

   Not only the physical body is manifested, but the blood qi in the body is also manifested.

  Su Hao continues to give instructions: adjust the perspective by 50%.

  The body on the test bench instantly became translucent, and the organs in the body were faintly visible. Every beating of the heart, the flow of blood, and the peristalsis of the intestines can be seen intuitively.

  "Adjust the size of the rune's 'perception' and try to engrave it."

  The animal prints floating on one side began to resize, then moved into the translucent body, and finally engraved between the inside of the chest cavity and the spine.

  "Zoom in part 2 times!"

  The place where the rune was engraved was enlarged, and Su Hao closely watched the changes in the rune and body.

   Continue to give instructions: "Automatically simulate changes in body movement."

  After a while, Xiaoguang's voice remembered: "Simulation failed. Reason for failure: lack of corresponding data."

  Su Hao sighed.

  Sure enough, it won't work without data reference. It seems that he needs to personally try to engrave many times and collect enough data before he can carry out comparative analysis and automatic simulation.

  Su Hao immediately issued a new instruction: create a mission and engrave the rune "Sense".

  "Task created successfully"

  After adjusting, Su Hao immediately exited the pinball space, sat cross-legged on the ground, and quickly settled.

  At this time, in his perception, his body and the body of the small light were superimposed, and a light spot lit up on the inner side of his back, which was where the small light prompted to start drawing.

  Su Hao immediately mobilized the elite blood to come to the light spot, and the light spot began to move, extending forward like a high-tech navigation, Su Hao's blood immediately following.

  In this way, following the hint of the light spot, Su Hao carefully controlled his blood and slowly painted the pattern. After he became proficient, the speed became faster and faster, and the pattern was basically formed soon.

It only took ten minutes before and after   , and the first time the rune was engraved was successful.

After the blood energy maintained its shape and was sure that it would not collapse easily, Su Hao opened his eyes and couldn't help but smiled: "With the help of Xiaoguang, this process really becomes much easier. Try a few more times, maybe it will be soon. The engraving was successful."

  Su Hao came to the pinball space again, used 3D to realize the current body state, and adjusted the perspective by 50%. Observe carefully.

   Soon he discovered the inconsistency.

  At this time, the blood rune in the body seemed to be repelled spontaneously by the body, shaking slightly everywhere, and even slowly disintegrating in some places.

  Su Hao is not in a hurry, and continues to observe the dynamics of the blood rune.

  "Not all positions are uncoordinated! There are 89 node positions and 86 are uncoordinated, but there are three other positions that are very stable."

  Su Hao's eyes flashed with precision.

  Quickly recorded these two phenomena and added them to the database.

  Then exited the pinball space, actively cancelled the blood rune, and returned to the normal state.

   "come again!"

  Su Hao entered the Ding again, after slightly adjusting the rune, without affecting the three stable positions, rotate an angle and start to engrave the second rune.



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