
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs

Ch-4 Escape

Su Hao had experienced various methods of death before, and lacked a strong fear of death, which made him seem calm.

  The threat of death is right in front of him. In his opinion, it is impossible to escape this time, but he does not intend to catch it.

  The murderer's eyes are blood red, his thinking has fallen into madness, and the machete he slashed in his hand is no longer accurate.

  Su Hao spotted the knife path, shrank his head and rolled to the side, avoiding the hastily chopped and chopped by the murderer, and then quickly got up and ran to the children's slide in the classroom. There were some obstacles there, maybe he could hide it.

  The murderer cut through the air with a knife. He didn't think much about it. Just about to make another knife, he saw this cool kid crawling to the side.

run? Can you run away? A cruel color flashed in the murderer's eyes, and he chased him immediately.

  Su Hao caught a glimpse of the murderer behind him, caught up in three or two steps, and slashed with his knife. He calmly predicted where the knife would fall, which was his right shoulder.

  Su Hao immediately fell to the ground, and the machete slashed across his head, almost hitting the head with the knife.

   Just when he wanted to get up and continue running, he found that his ankle was grabbed by a powerful hand and pulled back. No matter how he pulled it, he couldn't stop his body from sliding back.

   "It's over!" Su Hao sighed in his heart, really can't live past 5 years!

  The murderer smiled triumphantly, and the pesky kid couldn't run away this time. Raising the knife for the third time, he hacked at Su Hao's back.


  The machete slashed on the hard plastic behind Su Hao, bounced back, and made a crisp sound.

  The murderer was stunned. He didn't believe in evil and slashed again. The knife still rebounded. He opened Su Hao's clothes, and two plastic plates fell out of his chest and back. The fierce light in the murderer's eyes rose sharply, and he couldn't wait to raise his knife and slash it again. For the last time, he wanted to see what he could block and hide this pesky kid!

   Su Hao grabbed a handful of broken sand from the trouser pocket when the plastic board slipped from his body, and raised it to the old face of the murderer.

  The murderer subconsciously released Su Hao's ankle and stretched out his hand to block his eyes. Although it blocked most of the sand, the distance was too close. Su Hao caught the sand quickly and suddenly, and sand still entered the murderer's eyes.

   "Ah!" The murderer screamed, blinked desperately, and hurriedly rubbed his eyes with his hands.

  Su Hao Gulu got up and slammed a fist under the assailant's crotch.

   "Oh—" The murderer's machete slipped from his hand, covered the vital part in pain, and slowly squatted down.

  Su Hao immediately ran outside the door.

  The sand in the eyes will quickly be automatically cleaned up by the eyes, and the critical blow will be able to recover in a few seconds, and then it will not run away. This time the assailant took a knife again, and he had no other way to resist.

  Su Hao fled to the door smoothly. As soon as he left the house, he saw several men in their 30s and 40s rushing towards the classroom with various sticks and objects.

   "Huh, the support is finally here!" Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and ran forward without stopping until he was picked up by a strange man.

  The man hugged him and hid in the crowd, put him in the pile of protected children, then turned his head and rushed into the classroom again.

At this time, the little kids were crying, and they were stunned when they saw Su Hao coming in. Then Su Hao's eyes swept across the little kids, and the little kids stopped crying collectively, and turned their faces carefully, silently. Sobbing.

   Soon, the murderer in the classroom was overthrown and subdued by several men. The alarm bells peculiar to ambulances and police cars also came in the distance.

  Su Hao waved a small hand excitedly, this time it was safe for the time being.

  Until now, his small heart is still pounding fast because of excessive tension, his breathing is short, and his face is flushed.

  As long as he had a little panic and made a mistake, he should lie there waiting for the ambulance now. He didn't think his small body could block the bright machete.

  The most dangerous thing is that when the assailant grabbed his ankle, it was already the fish on the chopping board and he was slaughtered. If the assailant cuts not the back, but his head, he will undoubtedly die.

  After Su Hao calmed down slowly, he discovered his own changes. Before, he would never be able to keep calm thinking and adapt to such a brutal gangster.

  After many deaths, rebirths, and deaths, his mental quality has become extremely strong. The more critical the moment, the more calmly he can think about problems.

  But this is not all good. He lost his fear of death. This is very scary when you think about it. It is the same as losing the desire to survive in desperate situations.

Soon, the matter was over. The scene was sealed off. The police took the murderer away. The injured child and security were rushed to the hospital for treatment. The kindergarten teacher also notified the parents to pick up the children. A large number of reporters swarmed in. , Make various reports.

  When Huang Shujun came to the kindergarten with a panic on his face and saw Su Hao intact, tears rushed out like a flood breaking through a bank. He tightly hugged Su Hao and refused to let go.

  Su Hao is glad that he is still alive. If I really died today, how painful and self-blaming this mother would be.


   Soon, a live video began to circulate.

  In the video, there is a little boy who has escaped the murderer's hacking and killing time and time again, and finally fought back and wounded the murderer before successfully escaping.

  The little boy in the video is Su Hao.

  The comment area below suddenly exploded.

   "I'll rub it, but I can't accept it. This is the legendary victory over the strong by the weak."

   "Who is this kid. He's so handsome!"

   "At this moment, we always yelled loudly: Niubi! I'm from a fighting club."

   "I admit that this kid can beat me many..."

   "Something has been shown!"

   "It is estimated that the criminal has been shut down by the kid's manipulation."

   "Maybe I can't beat this kid too, is it because I'm too weak."

  "Be confident and take away the possibilities."

   "This will be great from now on!"

   "I thought the movie was exaggerated enough. After watching this video, I found that the reality was even more exaggerated and sloppy!"

   "Know that people are different from people."

  "Who is this little boy? I want to marry him. I am willing to wait for him for ten years."

   "The beasts upstairs are not as good as they are only fifteen or sixteen years later, right? How can they be handed down?"

"I don't know if anyone noticed it. The kid was very calm throughout the whole process. When he encountered the gangster, he ran to find two baffles to protect himself. He also grabbed a few sands and put them in his pockets, which can only be said to be too strong. Definitely a genius."

  Su Hao is famous, the name of genius.

  After watching the video, everyone has to admit that in this world, geniuses really exist. Not convinced.



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