
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs

Ch-25 Three years

Su Hao quickly approached the Snow Leopard again, the Snow Leopard arched up vigilantly, roared at Su Hao, and launched a decisive strike again. If the opponent can no longer be resolved this time, Snow Leopard intends to withdraw.

   quickly approached, the Snow Leopard stretched its claws forward, trying to throw the opponent to the ground, and then bit his throat, but he did not expect that the little man turned his body sideways and disappeared from its sight.

   "Cut horizontally!"


  A blade of light flashed from Snow Leopard's neck to its back, creating a long and narrow bloodstain.

  Splash on the snow and dye a piece of red. Snow Leopard fell heavily to the ground, screaming hard to turn his neck to lick the wound, but couldn't reach it.

  Just for a moment, I closed my eyes unwillingly and died.

  At this time, Wu Yuntian walked from the side to Su Hao, looked at the scarred Snow Leopard, and praised: "Good job, Xiang Wu!"

  Su Hao triumphantly shook the short knife in his hand and said, "Hey, luck."

  However, Wu Yuntian said with regret: "It's a pity that this is a good fur. I guess I can't sell it at any price."

   Seeing Su Hao's indifferent look, he said, "I originally wanted to use this fur for some money, and then I would collect it for you to get a better knife, but now it doesn't seem to be the case."

  Su Hao immediately said: "Father, where are the prey, I think there is still room for improvement in my fighting skills!"

  Wu Yuntian smiled and said, "Okay, we will go to another place tomorrow."


  The next day, he confronted a huge pheasant.

  Su Hao disagrees, the leopards are all killed, let alone a chicken? As a result, Su Hao was abused by the pheasant, and was finally rescued by Wu Yuntian. So he began to fight with this pheasant.

  This pheasant has sharp claws and can fly into the air for a short time. The most important thing is that this pheasant reacts very fast, and Su Hao's short-distance move method loses its effect.

  He was tossed by the pheasant for six days, and finally settled the opponent with a rope trap.

  The next day, he was restricted by Wu Yuntian's combat tools. He could only use short knives and armor. The rest was not allowed. Under Su Hao's strong request, Wu Yuntian upgraded his armor to protect the vital parts of his body.


   Then he encountered a black-haired little wild boar. In the wild boar's merciless charge, Su Hao understood what a bulldozer was, and learned how to give full play to the power in his body to form a powerful impact. In the end, he defeated the wild boar and took ten days and half a month of cultivation.


  I met a violent bear with thick skin and thick skin, no damage from a knife or kick. In the face of such a tank with high attack and defense, Su Hao learned the technique of attacking a dead place, and finally slowly grind the bear to death. It took two months.


  The cunning jackal, the flexible ocelot, the light bird of prey, the fast snake...

  Wu Yuntian took Su Hao wandering in the mountains, sweeping away all the beasts suitable for Su Hao's practice, going further and further.

Under Wu Yuntian's support and guidance, Su Hao made breakthroughs from one level to another. Each time he spent different times, his experience in fighting beasts became very rich, and he had a new understanding of the power of his high-level ordinary warriors. .

  Time passed, his height began to rise, his arms and legs became sturdy, his muscles became distinct, and his armor and long knives were constantly changing.


  Three years later, Su Hao is 8 years old.

  The height is close to 1.5 meters, the figure is tall and strong, and the armor is majestic and majestic. The immature face has grown, the cheeks still have the roundness of a child, and the eyes are bright, with short hair, it can be seen that in a few years, he will be a beautiful and heroic boy.

   "Father, today's goal is a blue-and-white rippled tiger about five meters long, right?" Su Hao's voice was slightly mature, and his voice was full of youthful vigor.

  Wu Yuntian has more tail lines in the corners of his eyes than before, and he is surprised: "It is indeed a blue tiger, but how do you know?"

   "I saw it a long time ago." Su Hao laughed.

  In the past few years, the information of various beasts has been continuously collected. The database is extremely full. With just a glance, Xiaoguang can distinguish various large and small species, and it is useless to hide it deep.

  Xiaoguang's automatic search function is no longer a random command three years ago. He deliberately re-written the search program, and established various databases, named and added at any time, now it is equivalent to a special investigative skill of Su Hao.

  The recorded things can be recognized instantly, and the things that have not been seen can be recognized as long as they are named and included in the next time. After three years of recording, he basically recorded all the wild beasts around Chashan Post.

  This blue-patterned tiger was encountered by Su Hao two years ago, but Wu Yuntian did not let Su Hao deal with it.

   "Since the target is it, it's okay. Father, wait a moment here." After that, Su Hao gently jumped off the big rock and went straight to the blue tiger.

  Leaving Wu Yuntian looking around in place, filled with depression: "Are the eyes of this kid belong to eagles? Where is the blue tiger? Why didn't I see it?"

  Watching Su Hao grow at an incredible speed in the past three years, he has become numb. I believe that something incomprehensible will happen again in the future, and he will not be surprised.

  If Su Hao three years ago was a high-level ordinary warrior, then Su Hao now is a high-level ordinary warrior far beyond the high-level ordinary warriors. So for Su Hao alone to deal with a beast like the Blue Tiger, he was not worried at all, but instead worried that he would break the skin of the Blue Tiger.

  Yes, Su Hao still belongs to the category of high-level ordinary warriors, because he has not allowed the blood in his body to move and form new changes, but his combat power has far exceeded the category of high-level ordinary warriors. The combat power even surpasses the mid-level elite warriors.

  For Wu Yuntian, this is an incredible thing. What made him most incomprehensible was Su Hao's vigorous vitality, he had never seen it in anyone else, and for him such a situation would never exist.

  As if the blood qi on his body will exceed the upper limit of his body, and he can maintain this overflowing state anytime and anywhere.

   "What exactly is the'blood-qi enhancement wave' that Xiang Wu said?" Wu Yuntian has also studied for three years, but still has nowhere to enter, and can only lament that he has no destiny.

  Looking at Su Hao's away back, she was a little proud, and muttered, "As expected of my son."

  Su Hao walks lightly through the mountains and forests, faster and faster, but can flexibly avoid various forest obstacles. When approaching the blue tiger by 50 meters, the blue tiger's ears moved slightly and noticed the movement of Su Hao's attack.


  A roar of the king resounded through the forest.

   "Oh—" Su Hao also screamed at the sky, responding to the blue tiger's roar.

  The Blue Tiger, the king of the forest, was provoked, and rushed towards Su Hao imposingly.

  The two figures crossed by in an instant.


  The huge body of the blue tiger fell with a bang, and it was able to stop after breaking a few branches with thick arms along the way with inertia. At this time, the bleeding water was flowing under the huge tiger's head.

  At the moment of staggering just now, Su Hao inserted the dagger in his hand from the chin of the blue tiger into his brain, and the blue tiger was killed instantly.

   "It's done!" Su Hao retracted the knife into its sheath, clapped his hands and grabbed the blue tiger's tail before dragging it away.



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