
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs

Ch-23 search

A few days later, Wu Yuntian led Su Hao and jumped off the high fence.

  The cold wind covered the surface, Su Hao, who was falling quickly, lifted his heart to his throat. When Wu Yuntian took his hand and stepped firmly on the snow, he was relieved.

  Then the two walked away one after another.

  I saw Su Hao holding a short knife to kill the blue-eyed coyote, wearing two simple iron armors, following behind in a decent way, without saying a word, watching the surroundings with curiosity and vigilance.

  The iron armor on his body was made by his father Wu Yuntian casually. He found two pieces of iron to make holes and simply tied them with a rope.

  Su Hao felt awkward with the two pieces of iron, so he asked Wu Yuntian why he had to wear armor.

  Wu Yuntian told him very seriously that the wild is very dangerous. Wearing iron armor to protect the torso is not easy to be seriously injured. An extra layer of protection, an extra layer of safety, with the strength of his high-level ordinary warriors, the weight of these two pieces of iron is not a big deal, but it can provide a good defense. This is a very key equipment for life in the wild.

  Su Hao didn't say more, he decided to make a suitable armor for himself in the future. It seemed very ugly to hang two iron pieces in front and back like this.

   After walking behind for about an hour, Su Hao finally couldn't help asking: "Father, where are we going?"

  Wu Yuntian didn't turn his head and said, "Don't speak loudly when walking alone in the wild, you will be here soon."

  Wu Yuntian led Su Hao up a small hill. Through the shadows of the trees, the scenery behind the hillside was unobstructed. He pointed to the front and said, "Did you look at the tallest tree in front of the road?"

   "I saw it."

  "There is a place where the unicorn deer often forages. There will be many unicorn deer appear. You can see it when you walk in some."

  Su Hao wondered: "So my goal today is to hunt the unicorn deer?"

   "No, the unicorn deer is very alert, you can't get close to them at all. Your target is the snow leopard, the predator of the unicorn deer. Use your knife to kill it."

  Su Hao thinks about it and feels something is wrong, and wonders: "I can't even catch up with the one-horned deer, how can I catch up with their predators?"

   "The Snow Leopard has a strong sense of territory, and you don't need to chase it. As long as you enter its territory, it will attack you."

Su Hao suddenly felt a little guilty and said, "Father, should I be in danger?"

  Wu Yuntian believes in himself: "No! Snow leopard is stronger than the blue-eyed coyote, but not much stronger. Just be careful of its claws and you should be able to handle it for a while. Moreover, I will watch it by the side."

  Su Hao immediately relieved his heart, tightening the short knife in his hand, thinking about countermeasures.

   Seeing that Su Hao had no objection, he turned and walked first: "We are approaching from the side."

  After a while, Wu Yuntian stopped and said to Su Hao behind him: "Okay, here you go, then you go by yourself!"

  Su Hao took a deep breath, please walk forward quietly if you step out. Secretly encouraged myself: "Don't panic, Dad is protecting me from behind, won't you call someone if you can't beat him?"

  But when Su Hao turned his head again, he could no longer see his father.

   "Where is the person??" Su Hao's heart beats, shouldn't he leave him behind! No no, hold on!

  Su Hao walked forward for a few minutes and came to the territory of the unicorn deer. He could already see the unicorn deer foraging in the snow. These flower deer with only one sharp horn first used their horns to penetrate into the snow to explore, and after finding edible hay, they quickly raised their heads and looked around vigilantly.

  So, what about Snow Leopard? Su Hao carefully lowered his center of gravity and kept himself in a state where he could explode at any time, the blood qi in his body was ready to go.

  The surrounding area was quiet. Su Hao did not find the snow leopard Wu Yuntian said, but he did not dare to relax at all. He did not find the trace of the other party, which seemed even more dangerous. It shows that the Snow Leopard is observing itself in the dark.

  Su Hao's brain was running rapidly, analyzing the position of Snow Leopard, his eyes kept scanning far and near, but no abnormality was found.

  "Try not to use Xiaoguang." Su Hao's mind flashed, and he thought of a good idea. I can't find anomalies by myself, but computer intelligence can.

  Do as he thinks of it, and immediately gave Xiaoguang a new instruction: "Identify regular patterns in the field of view, recognize the creatures in the field of view, recognize the hair in the field of view..."

  A precise search command is issued, Xiaoguang's calculation speed is very fast, and instant feedback is given.

  I saw the living room in the pinball space. After intelligent simulation, it has become a vast expanse of whiteness, which is exactly the scene simulation of Su Hao's radius of 100 meters.

  The large and small red circles marked the special locations that the instructions were looking for. Su Hao glanced at it, and most of the marked ones were unicorn deer, and then Su Hao continued to order: "Species name: unicorn deer."

  "The naming is successful, and the data collection and comparison are successful."

   "Exclude the unicorn deer."

  As the command was issued, the red circle in the field of vision was reduced by more than half.

The closest red circle to him was on a tree ten meters away. Su Hao looked up at the marked place, and saw that the tree was covered with snow. Two round blue pupils were dying. Staring at himself, his eyes are full of coldness and alertness.

  Snow Leopard!

  Su Hao's scalp numb instantly. The leopard was ten meters away. He didn't notice it. If he walked a few steps further, he was probably about to be attacked. At such a close distance, he definitely couldn't respond.

  Snow Leopard also understood that Su Hao had discovered it, so he gently jumped from the tree, walked two steps forward, and stood still and looked at Su Hao.

  The Snow Leopard is slender, with some black spots scattered on the snow-white hair, walking on the snow, like being invisible, plus the light footsteps, Su Hao guessed that he would not be able to find the other party walking behind him.

  This snow leopard looks too fierce. Even if it counts the tail, it has a body length of three meters. Su Hao doesn't believe that it's just stronger than the coyote.

   "My father asked me to deal with this guy, is it too sloppy? I don't think I'm its opponent at all."

  Su Hao groaned secretly, but his expression remained calm.

  "Species Naming: Snow Leopard"

  "Named successfully"

   Snow Leopard seems unwilling to attack first, but patiently waits for the enemy to take the initiative to reveal the flaws.

  Su Hao thought for a while, and decided to take the initiative to try out a wave.

   So slowly bent over to grab a large mass of snow, compacted it into a snowball, and threw it to the Snow Leopard.

  The Snow Leopard leaped lightly to avoid the snowball.

  Su Hao picked up the snowflakes and threw another one.

   Snow Leopard hides again, Su Hao loses again.


  Wu Yuntian is ready to go behind Su Hao to prevent accidents, and the corners of his eyes twitch when he sees this scene. He let Su Hao come to get familiar with the battle, not let him come to the snowball fight.

   Maybe it was provoked by the dignity of the beast, maybe it was Su Hao's light and non-threatening attack, and Snow Leopard launched its attack.

   Do your best when you shoot.

   "So fast!" Su Hao's pupils contracted and his body tightened.

  The attack of the Snow Leopard is different from that of the coyote. The coyote likes to pounce and bite the enemy's throat with its open mouth. The Snow Leopard has a very low center of gravity and uses a bottom-up attack, which allows it to quickly adjust its direction and adapt to changes in high-speed attacks.

  Su Hao was faced with a very strong pressure when Snow Leopard suddenly rushed over, and he could barely breathe.



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