
My divine demigod system

Lexus Ren one of the many children left to suffer all alone with the bare minimum in this cruel would after the great world war 6, a world which only cares about the strong and powerful will he survive or drown in this cruel world.

Maryam_Fatima_9352 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Just why.(introduction)

Lexus Ren is one of the many children left to endure all alone with the bare minimum in this hostile world after the great world war 6, a world that only cares about the strong and powerful.

Before the great civil war lex used to be a happy kid living with his family, his older sister of age 17 named kayle Ren his mother named Luna may and his father Luke Ren. His family was never Incredibly rich or influential. His father used to work a desk job and his mother used to be a housewife taking care of him and his sister and had a childhood dream of being a Singer. Even though they were not very rich they were always happy together...

But it all changed after that one day...

it was a normal weekend for the Ren family lex was getting very excited for it was going to be his 11th birthday in twelve days even though it might seem like a normal thing for other kids his family made his 11th birthday always seem like a big deal.

lex was running downstairs to his mother who was humming and washing the dishes

"mommy mommy!!" said lex

"oh dear you scared me is something wrong?" said his mother"plz I can't wait any more can I open my birthday present now!" said Lex." oh no my dear impatient little sweet we still have twelve days for your birthday," said his mother in a calm and gentle tone. " sigh* fine but father says the same thing you know and the presents are right there in my room why do you keep hyping it up and keep it in my room it must be something amazing, and you want to test my patience or something?" said lex

"haha dear I did indeed get you something... out of this world but I have no idea what your father got you guess we will find out in twelve days said his mother putting away the plates and wiping her hand with a towel"

"oh! while you are here dear can you take this food to your sister's room," said his mother." sure why not I was going there to ask her about my birthday present anyway," said lex. He goes to his sister's room with the food in hand*

"sigh* should I tell him... no he is too young and too... nevermind," mumbled Luna

"oi sis here mom made you pasta," said lex looking at his sister sitting on a chair playing a game on her PC." follow me I am in the middle.. ahh no I got shot DANG IT!?"

she takes off her headphones and looks at him* "you ruined my game what do you want" said kayle." chill Kay I was just here to give you food" said Lex." And????" said kayle." and maybe ask you what you got me for my birthday..." said Lex." I KNEW IT YOU WOULDN'T JUST COME TO GIVE ME FOOD AFTER I DEFEATED YOU ON THE GAME YESTERDAY" said Kayla.

"forget it I would never lose to you in 'crack shot' I am pro at that you know that one time was a fluke"

"Well anyway I did get you something...let's say 'magical' I put the box in your room open it on your birthday," said Kayle putting on her headphones and resuming her game." why do you have to be like that doe," said Lex."get out before you distract me again I gonna practice 'crack shot' and next time we play I am gonna beat you for real you hear me! "."fine we will see about that, "said lex as he runs out the room

' "lex always had a good relationship with his sister they used to play games with each other every week although did get scuffles with each other quite often she always cared for him" '.


"Mooooom I gave her the food," said lex.

"ok Honey thank you," said his mother



'i should tell him' Luna thought to herself.

"Listen honey I have to tell you something i-"luna started

* When suddenly the ground started shaking *.

"ahh earthquake!!," lex shouted . "quick honey get under the table said his mother".

' "that day my whole world went upside down the whole world almost like magic half of all of earth's animals turned into bloodthirsty monsters because of a mutation or some unidentified disease everyone young was given shelter including me but everyone over the age of 16 had to fight...it was known as the apocalypse"

"Humans found small palm-sized crystals in the monsters which came to be known as beast shards in the beast where the heart would be which could be forged into brilliant and extremely powerful magical weapons known and beasted weapons or beast weapons but to obtain them the beasts had to be defeated first...some beasts were stronger than others which went as following:-

basic tiered

advanced tiered

royal tiered

demigod tiered

god tiered

demon tiered " '

' "Each tier was exponentially rarer and stronger than the one before and by an extremely large amount for there was only 10 royal tiered 6 demigod tiered and only 1 god tiered beast was found the shards or cores were very useful to make weapons and could be used as an effective energy source but even after that humanity was losing against the beasts..." '

' "because all beasts above advanced tier had nearly bulletproof skin so people had to fight with swords and weapons knives and such weapons like so to harm the beasts but because humans had little to no experience in using their sort of things... " '

' "only months later after more than half of humans were defeated...then THEY came the gods or at least that's what they claimed to be and within a day the 6 of them and defeated almost all the beasts in a day " '

' "they claimed to be the gods of humans known as sera the god of war, hermez the god of the mind control, aria the god of wind, cordelia the god of the ocean and seas, flint the god of flame, and finally circe the god of magic. To help the humans in case something else happens or more beasts spawn Circe distributed all her powers among all the humans in the form of ability books which showed you how to use a certain and only 1 human could have 1 ability. and the other 5 gods soon left and made hermez use his power to make humans forget how the gods looked like. but they did not leave without telling humans about demon and angel tiered beasts which would be found of distant planets which the humans now thought to Just be a rumor " '

' "many ability books were copied and sold to rich people but some powerful families humans kept some of them for themselves not sharing their secrets and only teaching said ability to their own family and people they trusted" '

soon the humans managed to kill almost all of the beasts with their newfound power the beasts did keep respawning but it wasn't difficult to deal with them as most of them were low tiered

' " The peace didn't last long as an alien race known as the cyten attacked earth seeking this power but underestimated the humans and fled but everyone had a feeling that one day they would return so they had to be prepared get stronger and ready for a future disaster, war or apocalypse which may come..." '




"sigh*," said the now 16-year-old lex dropping his history book and staring at his family photo with tears in his eyes.




