
Sikong Beichen

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chapter 746 Sikong Beichen

When Xia Changqiu and Tian Buji were still in the Thousand Willow Monastery, they were convinced that Sikong Beichen would not meet them. The five First Seats would only have a brief sparring session with the old senior, at most, to understand more about him. With the Ninth Temple's current situation, there was a high possibility they were trying to gain allies. At the very least, the Ninth Temple would prefer to coexist in peace than make new enemies without due cause.


This was awkward.

Two Ten-leaf cultivators had appeared in succession. This exceeded Xia Changqiu's expectations. It seemed to have exceeded the expectations of the other members of the Ninth Temple as well. Why was the Great General of the North here?