
My diary system in Marvel

After transmigrating into the Marvel universe, Luke had awaken the Diary Entry System. As long as whoever that holds the diary believes and trusts in what was written, then Luke would be rewarded by his system. The stronger the trust value, the better the rewards. Editor note: Hello guys! I am not the author, nor am I a translator of this fanfic. I am simply a normal guy heavily editing an MTL of the raw "People are writing diaries in Marvel, and the Avengers are all confused". I saw some others on this app who are attempting to edit the chapters, such as "Elephas" or "BlackGoku222" but I find their edits rather lackluster. And since I am interested in reading this further, I thought i'd do the rest of us a favor of putting out my edited version of the MTL. Please note that the characters will be slightly AU. If you think that my edited version is different from the original or other versions, you would be right as I included my own elements and removed some extra information in order to try to make the story as congruent as possible. Honestly guys, the MTL is so confusing. Lastly, I will TRY my best to make this story as readable as humanely possible, but no promises for a 5-star edit as my English language was only a B3. And thanks for taking the time to read this! (Gib me cookies/stones please) (Cover pic by Nariva Amynia on DevianArt. This is not an original work, I own absolutely nothing except my own deviations to the original fanfiction!)

TheWandaShip · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
88 Chs

*C32 - Luke has Collapsed?!

E/d Note: I recommend listening to "Heartbreak Souveneirs" by Anson Seabra whil reading this chapter :D Or you can listen to any other songs to set the atmosphere!!

'Inner dialogue/thoughts'

"Normal dialogue"


[Diary entries]

(Word count: 1,705)

~ With Luke ~

Luke's breaths came in ragged gasps as he hurtled up the stairs, his heart thundering against his ribs. His personal office was up ahead, a barrier between him and the world. As he stumbled through the entryway, Luke nearly tripped over the threshold of his refuge.

Behind him, Luke could faintly hear Crystal's voice, tinged with worry. "Luke, wait-" Before she could finish, Natasha's calm voice intervened, her hand resting on Crystal's shoulder.

"Let him go, I'll take care of him. You should go and help April downstairs." Natasha's assurance was enough to halt Crystal, who cast one last concerned look before turning back to help the rest of the café employees.

With a trembling hand, Luke closed the door behind him, leaning against it as if it could bear the weight of his anguish. His office, once a place where he could rest and relax in comfort, now felt tight around him, constricting with each hitched breath. As the silence enveloped him, memories surged like floodwaters breaching a dam, washing over him with relentless force, each one a vivid snapshot of a life he'd tried to bury.

Their first kiss, where they had been standing just outside Wanda's room in the Avengers compound, the night air carrying the promise of autumn. Her laughter had danced around them, and when their lips met, it was as if they were the only two souls in existence.

Their first date at the carnival, where Wanda's eyes had sparkled brighter than the festive lights overhead. She had clutched his hand tightly as they spun on the Ferris wheel, her joy infectious, her spirit untamed.

"I love you." The words had been whispered under a canopy of stars, a secret shared between entwined fingers and hopeful dreams. Then there was the night they had truly become one, a gentle merging of souls amidst the softness of sheets and the whisper of vows yet unspoken.

On the day he had proposed, Wanda's face was alight with surprise and delight, the ring a small testament to an infinite promise. She had said yes, her voice a melody that composed the symphony of his future.

On their wedding day, sunlight filtered through stained glass, casting kaleidoscopic patterns upon their path as they walked together, united. Vows exchanged, kisses sealed, a covenant made beneath the eyes of heaven and earth.

And finally, the day they discovered that they would be parents, the joy so immense it was almost painful. Wanda's hands cradling her belly, her smile serene, the embodiment of life's greatest miracle.

Each memory lanced through him with bittersweet precision, carving lines of pain and love across the canvas of his soul. It was too much to bear, the tidal wave of what had been, of all that had been lost. His knees buckled, and he slid down to the floor as his body shook with silent sobs.

In his current state, Luke barely heard the door opening or the sound of footsteps approaching. But he felt the presence of someone familiar, a quiet strength that didn't need words to convey its intention.

"Luke," Natasha's voice was soft, as she rested her hand lightly on his shoulder. He looked up at her through tear-streaked eyes, the remnants of his breakdown etched onto his face. There was no need for explanations, after all, she knew the story that he had written for himself.

Luke's chest tightened, a cruel grip clamping down with each ragged breath he struggled to take. "Luke! Luke! You have to calm down, Luke!" The urgency in Natasha's voice cut through the haze of his torment, but it couldn't reach the core of his panic. He was adrift in a sea of grief, gasping for air as waves of memories threatened to pull him under.

His hands clawed at his collar, desperate for relief from the invisible chokehold. "I can't breathe, please help me! I can't breathe! I can't..." His voice trailed off into a whisper, the last word a silent plea hanging in the air. Natasha knelt beside him, her presence a beacon in the darkness. She reached out, her touch gentle yet firm, grounding him to the moment.

Natasha's eyes, brimming with empathy, mirrored the anguish etched onto Luke's contorted features. She moved closer, her arms enveloping him in a sheltering embrace as he trembled uncontrollably, each plea for help like a dagger to her heart.

Minutes ticked by, each second an eternity, but ever so slowly, Luke's breaths began to even out. Luke's body trembled, exhaustion taking over, allowing him to enter into a slumber in Natasha's embrace. However, his sleep was restless, plagued by nightmares.

"Shh, I've got you," she whispered, her voice barely reaching him through the storm of his despair. Her hands gently stroked his back, tracing paths of comfort over the fabric of his shirt, a silent hand of support against the tide of his pain.

Gradually, the grip of his nightmare loosened. His body, once rigid with terror, slackened and yielded to the solace of sleep. Natasha felt the change, her own relief mingling with sorrow as she continued to cradle him.

"Luke, listen to my voice," Natasha cooed softly, her fingers now brushing through his hair with care. "You're safe. You're here with me. You can be in peace at last. Peace at last."

With utmost tenderness, Natasha adjusted her hold on Luke, preparing to move him to a more comfortable position. She gathered his limp form into her arms, surprised at the ease with which she could carry him. It was as if his spirit, not just his body, needed the rest. Crossing to the couch with careful steps, she laid him down, arranging pillows beneath his head.

Taking a seat beside him, Natasha watched over Luke's slumbering figure. His face, now serene in repose, showing no trace of the ordeal he had endured. In these quiet moments, she allowed herself to believe that everything would indeed be alright. She reached for his hand, providing silent assurance that she would remain by his side throughout this period of time.

'It seems that although we had meant well, the decision to have Wanda appear abruptly has backfired. I will have to report this to Fury, it will not do well if Luke does not recover from this metal collapse.' Natasha thought to herself.

~ 30 minutes later ~

The gentle knock on the office door was a soft intrusion into the silence that had settled over the room. The door creaked open, and two figures peered inside with concern etched on their faces. April's eyes immediately found Luke, his chest rising and falling in the steady rhythm of deep sleep, while Natasha sat beside him, her hand over his.

"Natasha?" April's voice was a hushed whisper, afraid to wake the resting man. "How is he?" murmured Crystal, stepping in quietly behind April. Their presence was cautious, their movements careful not to disturb the peace that had finally claimed the space.

Natasha looked up from where she watched over Luke, her expression one of weary relief. "He's through the worst of it," she said softly, her gaze never leaving Luke's face. "When he wakes up, I think he'll be okay."

April nodded, sharing a glance with Crystal, who lingered by the door, her own eyes reflecting the turmoil of the day. "Should we. . . do anything?" Crystal asked, the question hanging in the air between them.

Natasha released Luke's hand just long enough to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead, her touch tender. "Just give him space," she advised, her voice low but firm. "He's got a lot to process, and right now, this calm is what he needs."

"Of course," April agreed. "Thank you, Natasha," Crystal added, gratitude warming her tone. "For being here for him."

Natasha simply nodded, her attention returning to Luke as his fingers twitched slightly, seeking the warmth of her hand once more. She obliged, her hold reassuring as she settled back into her chair, ready to watch over him until the morning light crept into the room, promising a new day.

April and Crystal exchanged a silent promise of solidarity as they stepped back, allowing Natasha and Luke the sanctuary of the room. With a final reassuring squeeze to Natasha's shoulder, April pulled Crystal gently by the elbow, guiding her towards the door.

"Let's go," she whispered, leading her out into the quiet hum of the emptied cafe below. The door clicked softly behind them, sealing the silence within.

- End of Chapter 32 -

Next time in C33 - The first Attack?!

"Maybe I can use this to further increase Nat's trust rating? She was the one who had stayed by my side as I slept. Speaking of, I should find a way to thank her." Luke mused aloud.




'HOW DID HE GET HERE THAT FAST?!' The attacker panicked as he stared at his captor, his life now at the mercy of the person in front of him.

You can support me on p@treon.com/The_Editor982 ! 15 advanced chapters are now live!

E/d: That's it for Chapter 31 and 32! C32 was also helped by the same friend who helped me in C31! Anyways, I had read a comment from someone that I should split up the long paragraphs so that it would be easier to read. As seen in C31 and C32, I will be trying that from now on!

What did you guys think about Luke's reaction to seeing Wanda? I have been building up a mental collapse for some time now with all the "Simulation affects Luke too much and the meditation, although helpful, may not suffice if he meets Wanda." Or the "We can't have him experience a mental collapse" by Fury and Natasha. I had originally wanted to have C31 and C32 as one chapter, but thanks to my friend, I was able to express in a more detailed manner on Luke's situation!

If you want to see a comparison, C31 and C32 is meant to be a version of MTL 28!

TheWandaShipcreators' thoughts