
My Detective Partner

Maestra, a mysterious young woman who solved cases by using the most rational way of thinking. In any game of logic her wit is unmatched which earn her the name Maestra, she refused to give away her real name because of her troubled past. Her tendency to live in her own world of logic has isolated her from most people. For her, any kind of method is permitted during investigation if it can produce the best result. Martin Mason, an intern who just has been promoted to detective assistant. He is a cheerful man who value the safety of others above all else. His attitude has earned him an expert skill in communicating with any person which makes him valuable in gathering clues, though Maestra mostly used him as errand boy. In his free time, he becomes a volunteer teacher at the local library. In the world of crime solving, logic and emotion amounted to nothing as the mind of criminal has twisted the world into a series of vile conspiracies. As they made one step toward the shadow of the unknown, the line between truth and lie become more blurred. I'm writing the story in wattpad too under the same title. My author name there is Dafa Zain

Dafa_Zain · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

The Silent Murderer Part VII

"Regarding the testimonies, does anyone here feel like there is something strange?" Maestra went around, looking at each person in the room. "No volunteer, eh? Then, I'll just spill the bean. During Henry's testimony, he forgot to mentioned the detail regarding park maintenance""I just thought it is not an important detail since I can't see how it has any connection with the case," retorted Henry."I guess different people have different opinion. In my opinion 1+1 is equal to 2 but your senile mind might say the answer is 3," Maestra teased Henry who understandably looked pissed. "It's the same for the detail of the park maintenance. Your senile mind must have forgotten to mention the fact that during maintenance no one except the park staff is allowed to enter. Being senile is actually the better outcome compared to the implication that you have involvement on the cause of your wife death.""That's impossible!" Harold protested. "Sure, he is guilty of his domestic affair but to accused him of killing his own wife is just too much!""Is that really your argument? Just emotional outburst without any hint of logic behind it," her cold eyes kept moving from one person to another like those of cold-blooded lizard. "That amateurish argument, has no power in front of absolute evidence. Martin!"With that one word, Martin who was seen sulking rose back filled with energy. Like a trained cadet, he gave his affirmation "Yes ma'am!""You are still young, stop acting like grumpy old man," Maestra tapped Martin's back. "Everyone, you see this assistant of mine is no slouch and already have the absolute prove for this case. Why don't we listen to what he would say without making pointless argument, don't you agree Mr. Harold?" Harold could only be silent on the accusation."The case is actually simple but first we have to established some fact. First, Henry action of forgetting to put the maintenance sign does have some importance. Second, the murderer is in this very room. Now that we have established the foundation, let me tell my version of what happen that night," Martin took a wide stroke in each of his steps as he made a circling motion and each of those steps made alerting loud sound. "It was 4 pm and it was time for Susan and Harold to end their shift. Susan went to the bar while Harold went back to his apartment where he lived with his roommate. It left us with two people, Nafsir and Henry. Henry was the by his word 'the oldest' and want to set an example so he worked beyond his shift while Nafsir he had something to study for and spent the rest of the day studying on this very same park. Maybe it was because of fatigue from his workload or maybe it was because of him just becoming more forgetful, the fact still remain that Henry forgot to put up the sign and Alexa then enter the park which at that moment should be forbidden for anyone to enter. Then.... I can't do it. I have steeled myself and still I can't say the rest.""I'll cover for you just this time but be aware that I will not be so lenient in the future," Maestra took Martin's place as Martin continued to sulk. "Alexa entered the park not knowing there is a maintenance going on. Henry at that time was in warmth of his home not knowing his action of working beyond work hours actually inspired a certain someone. A certain someone who doesn't have alibi. That person approached Alexa and then it happened. The trunk failed down and Alexa life was no more.""Lie! Slander! Are you saying that honest hard-working man is the murderer!?" Henry was enraged."Murderer is a strong word. It might not be the correct one in this scenario. Hey, why don't you explain what happen that night? That way this story will have more credibility." Maestra was looking at certain someone. Everyone followed her gaze and knew to stay silent, they had no right talking in that situation."Thank you," he tapped Henry's shoulder. "But it's all right now. I'm not going to hide anymore, I'll tell the whole truth."The entire room was now focusing on one singular man. "I said before that I was studying, while it has some truth in it, it was ultimately a lie. The park was in maintenance and so I expected no one would enter the park which makes the park the ideal place for someone who can only study in solitary. However, studying on outdoor and during windy winter season was ultimately a stupid decision. I decided to cancel my study plan and instead do some work to gain some sweat, at first it was just to waste my time but then like being possessed, I took my job seriously without knowing night had come. It was then that I met Alexa during one of the tree maintenance. I was supposed to cut the excessive branches but I didn't see her at that time since I was focusing on my work. The tree was old, fragile so it was to be expected that some branches would fall down easily, however I didn't expected that a trunk would fall down and much less expecting that Alexa was in unfortunate position at that time. I was in panic at that time but I recognized her face and so I phoned Henry.""It's alright son, I will tell the rest," Henry said as Nafsir went sulking like Martin. "So I came and what a sight that night was. It was 10 pm and I at that time had a bright idea of making alibi for Nafsir. In actuality I went home at 8 pm and my wife left my house around 9 pm, however I lied and said that she left around 11-12 pm. I also made false news statement about her getting robbed during 12 pm.""In hindsight it was a stupid plan since the autopsy report would find the time of death and the alibi you manufactured to be contradictory," added Maestra."Like the boy, I was also in panic. I hardly believed what he said and even nearly killed him myself, in the end though I realized that the boy is just in unfortunate situation of my making. All he did was following my example and being passionate about work, if only I had put up that stupid sign, that boy would not be burdened with such a guilt," this time it was Henry turn to be sulking."The confession from Mr. Murderer himself," Maestra was happy. "So, what do you think Inspector? We solved the case like we promised.""It's just that the case is..." Inspector Bridon was thinking about the morality of arresting someone on this particular incident."The case doesn't happen! It was all an accident! Martin and Nafsir have nothing to do with it!" Martin who was sulking, now screaming like a mad man. "Please Inspector! One of them is hard-working old man and the other is poor student, surely you will find it to forgive them if you have any sort of humanity left!""I understand now. Just take a breath Martin and let me do my job," Inspector Bridon took out a handcuff. He approached Henry and with a sight Henry accepted it. "Henry Gregory, I arrest you for the crime of forgetting your job which lead to the death of Alexa Gregory. It will take all my influence and authority but I will make sure that you get no more than one week of community service as punishment.""Wait is that it?" Henry was perplexed."Of course, I may not look like it but my subordinate called me the kindest cop on the west. Also Martin, I perfectly understand what you meant. There is no need to shout." Inspector Bridon was scolding Martin.Martin was red in embarrassment as he thought about all the excessive action he had taken."See ya later then Inspector. I expected a fat payment by tomorrow morning." Maestra went out with Martin being dragged by holding his arm. "C'mon Martin, time to find more interesting case."