
My Detective Partner

Maestra, a mysterious young woman who solved cases by using the most rational way of thinking. In any game of logic her wit is unmatched which earn her the name Maestra, she refused to give away her real name because of her troubled past. Her tendency to live in her own world of logic has isolated her from most people. For her, any kind of method is permitted during investigation if it can produce the best result. Martin Mason, an intern who just has been promoted to detective assistant. He is a cheerful man who value the safety of others above all else. His attitude has earned him an expert skill in communicating with any person which makes him valuable in gathering clues, though Maestra mostly used him as errand boy. In his free time, he becomes a volunteer teacher at the local library. In the world of crime solving, logic and emotion amounted to nothing as the mind of criminal has twisted the world into a series of vile conspiracies. As they made one step toward the shadow of the unknown, the line between truth and lie become more blurred. I'm writing the story in wattpad too under the same title. My author name there is Dafa Zain

Dafa_Zain · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Modern Fable Part I

"Here you go, sir, lightly grilled mediterranean sea bass garnished with caviar as appetizer," the waiter put down the plate for the two guests on the long dining table. "May I recommend Malbec for the wine? It's got a bit of a punch but it complements the taste of fish greatly."

"Thank you but just water is fine. What about you Maestra?" the light of chandelier shined giving brightness to the whole room, revealing the monotone color of post-modern house. From one side to the dining table to the other side across it there sat Maestra who unlike her usual self was dressed in formal and tidy attire."Anything is fine," she answered Martin. Seated on the host position of the table was a young man with an air of arrogance surrounding him. Reluctantly Maestra tried talking to him. "This extravagant formality is unneeded for. Just tell me about the detail of the case so we can start investigating.""Now, now, no need for the hurry. Not even I can eat full course meal everyday. Besides today is special," he waved his hand assuring the annoyed Maestra."How so?" she asked with unamused tone."Have you seen the tv show Heavenly Kitchen? The famous chef Freddy Patterson is the one who made today meal," he raised his hand as if showering the audience with his generosity. "It was quite a sum to hire him as my head chef just for today.""Never heard of that name nor the tv show. Just cut to the case already," Maestra maintained her stoic behavior."Lady Maestra it's not on my character to be impolite toward fair maiden but I ask of you to please behave yourself. I will tell the detail of the case as each course is coming," his voice was low and nearly silent. He was not ordering Maestra but rather expecting reality itself to follow him."Maestra please don't anger him any further! Our agency reputation can be destroyed instantly if Mr. Trivar wish for it," Martin understood the implication of that scene and warned Maestra with his whisper.She was not the type to follow order but making her own co-worker be disappointed by her action was something she didn't wish for. "Fine. I will follow along your game but because my assistant asked for it not because of your pathetic threat.""Having strong character is a good quality for detective to have," Trivar went back to his loud cheerful voice. "Oi forgot about their water order, bring the white wine instead," he ordered his waiter with a clap of hand."Certainly sir.""Eat up, eat up, forget about table manner, just eat as you like," true to his word, Trivar ate his fish in one swoop. His way of eating was unlike a well-mannered gourmet but rather that of competitive eater.He said that but both detectives knew it was just a test. Even the usually rebellious Maestra followed the table manner by eating using utensil from the utmost outer position."What a superb dish that was. Next please," he clapped his hand."For the next meal we will serve soup. This is a consommé made from suppon (soft shelled turtle)," the waiter explained before he put the bowl of soup for each person on the table.Trivar took a big spoonful of the soup and then scream in joy. "What a refreshing taste! I've heard it's made from suppon right? Those japanese people sure know how to make strange yet delicious dish," Trivar then gulped the soup in one go without using the spoon.Trivar expression changed to the more serious one in which people who saw him will understand why he was such a great businessman. "So, it all started 2 days ago when we received a mail that contains threat. My best IT people couldn't trace back the source and so I cut their pay for this month. Anyway, that's beside the point. That mail threatened me to cancel the development of the new bank branch or else something unfortunate will happen. I dismissed it as an elaborate prank but just the day after that, the new branch was engulfed in fire.""We've read it on newspaper. Tell us the exclusive detail. How many people die on that fire?" Maestra went back to her usual rebellious self."Surprisingly none. The staff there received physical letter on their desk that told them to run outside as some kind of company fire-fighting exercise. None of them knew wiser that in fact there will be real fire disaster happening," Trivar accentuate the fire expression by lighting a match that he somehow kept in his pocket."I'm so glad that there is no significant loss happening," said Martin who had heard the story in silence."Oh, but there is. I was about to get into that part..." Trivar went to his pocket for something before a voice interrupted his dramatic tale."Excuse me sir but may I take your plate? It's time for the next course," the waiter who didn't know anything put down the ice looking dish. "Mixed berry sorbet to cleanse your palette.""Excellent choice. All this talk about business has made me dizzy," Trivar took out a couple of paper money and used it as a fan."As I was saying, there was a significant loss. You see the new bank branch also acted as a warehouse where I can store my wealth without the government dog sniffing around. The fact that all of my assets there disappeared on the fire means the perpetrator is someone from inside my company or someone who has information of it," the wealthy man talked as he ate his sorbet with such a quick pace to the point that he got brain freeze yet still continue devouring it. "Next dish!" he clapped again."It's a bit early but here it is. For the main dish we make filet mignon with mushroom sauce. We used beef of A5 quality to make this steak," the waiter explained before doing his usual routine."Hmmmm. Exquisite. Rare just like my favorite preference," Trivar cut the steak into two half before stabbing both part with his fork and devoured it in one action. "People just don't realize the assets that have been burned on that fire are numbered on million dollars. Of course, I have made contract with insurance company but those crooks will only pay at max half of the value of my assets. Say, Martin isn't it. I heard you are proficient in knowing things about other people, if you don't mind, I have a question.""Sure, as long as it doesn't concern anything illegal," Martin added that last word as the man in front of him was really eccentric. Who knew what he would ask without some kind of limitation."Oh, nothing like that. I just want to know what do you think is the value of human life?" he delivered the question with dead-pan face."That's a hard question. There are many schools of thought that have different answer for that question, personally though, I think human life is something precious and priceless therefore it wouldn't be right to put material price tag on human life," he told Trivar confidently"Interesting. You know, I like people like you Martin, the kind that can emphasize easily with others and work together. Pity that people like you won't be able to survive for long in business world," Trivar burned down the stack of money that he used as fan. "Next please!" he clapped again."Black luwak coffee for the closing," the waiter put down the last of the course."I'm not much of a sweat tooth so I always skip the dessert, sorry for that. You see luwak coffee is a bit gross yet in business eye it's the most beautiful thing ever what with the profit it generates through export. Just like this coffee, I'm sure you know working for me will be unpleasant at first glance but I'm sure you'll come to appreciate my generosity in later time," he gulped the bitter coffee like a man who drank water after surviving in desert for a whole month."That metaphor doesn't make any sense," Maestra protested. "You have told all the facts for the case but I know you want to tell us some other thing, just spill it already.""It's nothing grand just some kind of condition. You see, I'm a business man who thrive in reputation and reputation is something important for me. All I ask for you is to not disclose information about this case to others and if possible try solving it without having the official be involved. Of course, I will facilitate anything you need to solve this case," Trivar wiped his mouth with the napkin. Watching him talk about business in such serious manner, none would think that he had bad eating manner."What happen if we break the condition?" Martin asked not knowing the gravity of the question."A foolish question Martin. Let's just say you will wish you've never been born if that happen," Maestra instinctively ran circling the table to Martin position and positioned her hand to covered him. Both detectives had underestimate the insanity of this man who reached the peak of business world.