
My Desirable CEO

Luca's Pov I eyed her head to toe, inspecting every single aspect of this goddess. Her long tanned legs were flawless, and the skirt fitted her exquisitely just above the knee, I felt myself get hard just thinking about what was underneath all that clothing. Trailing my eyes even further up, I take in her curves, and let me tell you her chest was absolute perfection, the thing that caught my attention leaving me awestruck where her lips that were stained a bold red. I felt my wolf stir from within as her scent became more evident. the smell of after rain and lavender. I met her dull doll like gray eyes. and then it struck me. She was mine

Muskan4027 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 2

Aubrey's POV

The thing I hated the most in the world was waking up in the morning. Yes, I got the job. The intimidating receptionist called me last week and told me. It was the best moment of my life, except I wasn't too fond of the hours. Waking up was a sport, to this day I still don't understand why people woke up this early by choice. Running out of the shower, I ran to my closet and groaned. It was five in the morning, and I had to be at work by six, I should have woken up earlier because at this rate I was going to be late. Grabbing my gray skinny dress pants, I struggle to get them on, I had just taken a shower, and due to my skin being damp, the pants were so hard to get on, I was seriously struggling. Finally, after what felt like an hour I managed to get them on, after throwing on my silk blouse and tucking it in, I rushed into the bathroom to apply my mascara and my nude matte lipstick.

Looking at my watch I realized that I managed to get ready in 20 minutes, which left five minutes for breakfast. As I rushed down the stairs, I ran into my dad. He wore a tired expression as he walked up the stairs. What made me curious was the bowl filled with random things he was carrying.

He spotted me and spoke, "Brey?" he questioned, using my nickname, I smiled in return and stopped my departure down the stairs.

"Morning dad, Why are you awake so early? everything okay," I asked, continuing to walk down the stairs remembering that I only had five minutes to grab something to eat, my dad in turn followed me into the kitchen.

He let out a chuckle and smiled, "Everything's fine honey, it's just your mom, she's got the cravings again." I gave out a little chuckle, mom was eating anything and everything in our house. Her recent obsessions were sweets, pastries, and anything deep-fried.

"Good luck with that dad," I smiled and hugged him. He was the best dad I could ask for

"Okay, honey I gotta go take this stuff up to your mom, good luck with your first day of work," He left moments after and I was left alone in the Kitchen




Putting on the heels I picked out, I walk outside slinging my bag over my shoulder, walking in heels had become easy for me since I used to party a lot back in high school and college, but those days were long gone. Walking into the huge lobby, everyone turned and stared, and I mean everyone, even the secretary that wanted to kill me yesterday did too. Why are they staring? was there something on my face? I walked to the elevator and felt relieved to be alone.

Using my phone, I turned on my camera to check if there was something on my face, but there was nothing. When the elevator 'dinged' open, I followed the same route, Miss. Feisty took yesterday and came in front of the two large doors. See I never really understand why you need two doors when you just open one. Ugh, rich people. Opening the door, I saw Mr. Vanni standing beside the large window talking on the phone. I loved the view from his office, looking out into New York City was amazing, especially when the sun was rising.

"I need those papers in today...wait, did you get him to sign them...okay, just mail it in I'll take a look at them...okay," he said into the phone.

As soon as he put down the phone, I walked up to his desk and spoke, "Mr. Vanni, can you tell your workers to not stare. It's considered rude", I said, and he looked up dropping his jaw open, he started scanning my body head to toe, dropping his phone in the process. I rolled my eyes, men. Such animals, the worst part of all of this was that he didn't even try to hide his gawking. My face was red, this was my boss! I was not going to let this turn into some fifty shades of gray shit. He was my boss and strictly my boss, even though he looked so god damn delicious.

"Mr. Vanni!" I yelled. He finally looked up and smiled. What the actual fuck, he's smiling? did I just not yell at him? Men are weird it's not a fact it's the truth.

"Yeah." He said sounding so dumbfound.

"God! do I have to repeat myself?" I whined, to myself. "Will you please tell your workers to stop staring at me," I said while bending down to retrieve his phone. He went into full cough mode and I grabbed the water from the desk and handed it to him. he took it eagerly.

"I can't do much when you're bending over like that." I let out a gasp and placed my hands on my hips. Did he really just say that? "Anyways," he smirked, "let me show you around and get you settled in." I nodded, not being able to for words, I couldn't believe that he hit on me.




Adone and I had honestly hit it off pretty fast, he was actually a pretty funny guy when he was not caught up with work in the many few times I had seen him. He had also told me to call him Adone, instead of 'Mr. Vanni' because apparently, it made him sound old, which I kind of get, but at the same time I wanted a professional relationship with him, not a personal one, so I was sticking to Mr. Vanni, plus the cringy look he gave me every time I called him that was hilarious.

Adone showed me the whole building and all the departments, he also introduced me to some of his best employees. One person that I had an interesting time meeting, was Tim. Tim was just so, so...memorable, that name with that face, it just worked so well that even if I ever got amnesia I would still remember him, no doubt. Tim worked in the computer technician department, he was chubby, glasses and he was the only one who didn't gawk me, or send me dirty looks, but one thing that was weird about him was that he looked like there was a stick shoved so far up his ass it was definitely not coming out, he genuinely looked so pissed. All I know is that it was going to be so much fun annoying him in the future.

My lunch break couldn't have come sooner. After I told Adone that all I had for breakfast was a piece of toast, I regretted it, because he gave me a shit load of lectures about how breakfast was the most important meal of the day, and how it's really bad to skip it, he went on and on about the statistics of it and the health benefits. This man loved his breakfast. He insisted that he wanted to buy me lunch and as anyone would, I accepted that offer, who wouldn't? free food.

"This is one of my favorite Italian places to eat," he claimed, walking us down the streets of busy New York. We reached a beautiful, rustic looking restaurant and a server greeted us immediately.

Adone spoke to the lady, asking for a table outside, the weather was honestly beautiful for lunch on the patio. The lady walked us to the table and handed us the menus before telling us that the server will be with us immediately.

Adone spoke, "I come here all the time, It doesn't get better than this, comfort Italian food, served with class."

"Must be something really special, um, do you think we can order something before I die of starvation," I said and grabbed the salt shaker, I shook some salt in my mouth.

"Wow, aren't you a sweetheart when you're hungry," I groaned, shaking more salt into my mouth which was a bad idea because I was going to be dehydrated later.

"Sorry, I need food," I apologized looking at him. He looked away and ushered the waiter to come over.

"Hi, can I get one chicken Alfredo for the lady, one tortellini for myself, your finest wine and chef's choice dessert." The order sounded like music to my ears, my stomach rumbled at the thought of food and Adone started laughing.

"Serves you right for skipping breakfast," he was right, I shouldn't have skipped it and maybe I wouldn't be out here eating with my boss. I mentally told myself that this was a one-time thing.

Our food came shortly, and even before the plate was put on the table I dug in, not wasting any time. The chicken Alfredo was absolutely divine. Taking a sip of wine, I look up at Adone and noticed that he barely touched his food, he kept staring at me, and I had to look away because it became so uncomfortable.

"Can I help you? I asked, wiping my lips with the cloth carefully so I don't smudge my lipstick. He chuckled and leaned forward.

"In all my life, I have never seen a woman so hungry and eat so fast, I don't know why, but that is really attractive," He uttered. I couldn't contain my surprise and stared at him with wide eyes.

"Umm...well I kinda like to eat without being stared at so could you please eat your food while I eat mine," I asked and He nodded and I rolled my eyes as he tried not to make eye contact with me.

The waiter came soon after, and took out plates away and left some cannoli pastries in the middle of the table. The cannoli were hard shells, filled with a delightful cream and coated in powder sugar all over them. I grabbed one and dug right in.

"Mmmmmmm...This is so good," taking another bite I spoke again. "I know what I'm wasting my first paycheck on, they taste like heaven on a platter." Out of the blue, Adone started laughing his ass off and I looked at him confused.

"You-You Have cream a-all over your face." He tried getting out but failed miserably. I grabbed my phone off the table and looked at my reflection. There was definitely cream all over my mouth, I wouldn't have cared so much, but I suddenly felt really self-conscious. Getting as much off I excused myself to got to the bathroom. As I entered the first thing that filled my ears was a girl screaming into her phone, I tried to ignore her, but she's was speaking so loud that it was hard not to eavesdrop.

I walked to the mirror and cleaned my face before reapplying my lipstick. I could see the girl sitting on the small leather couch behind me, through the reflection of the mirror. She had brown hair, about medium length, green eyes and she wore a tan full sleeve shirt with black pants.

"You told me you loved me, you fucking dumb shit. Do you know what those words mean? of course not, you're just like one of those fuckers that fuck around with different girls every week. It is a fucking miracle you stayed with me for 1 whole month ...Oh please, I will talk to you however I want, just because your rich and shit doesn't mean I have to respect you as all your bitches do, no pun intended...I know who I'm fucking talking to, a guy who can't tell the difference between his pinky and his dick." Shutting her phone she threw it on the couch she was sitting on, she let out a strangled groan and ran her hands through her long brown locks. Putting my lipstick back in my bag, I walked towards the couch and took a seat beside her.

"Why are all rich guys assholes?" She whispered to herself.

"I take it didn't go so well, but you gotta admit you roasted him pretty well," I smiled and she let out a small laugh.

"I'm really sorry for that whole lash out, you probably think I'm crazy," she said, grabbing her hair and pulling at it.

"Yeah, but aren't we all?" I questioned and she let out out a small laugh.

"It's just that, I finally thought I found a kind loving guy, and I really thought it was a real relationship, but it's the same shit over and over again, you know what I mean?" I nodded, and she continued. "It turns out that I was wrong, he just turned out to be like all the other guys. I'm Mia, by the way, sorry, I almost forgot to introduce myself." I was about to respond, but her phone started to ring and she looked at the front contact and groaned. "Ugh, it's the fucker again. I don't want to talk to him."

I took the phone from her and answered it.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Who is this?" he asked with a confused tone.

"Well, you're the one who's calling, so you should know."

"Yeah, sweetheart? Why don't you be a good girl and hand the phone over to that disrespectful bitch that's with you right now." He replied, and I let out a laugh.

"Yeah, Pumpkin? Why don't you be a good boy and go hit up someone who actually gives even half a fuck about you? You ignorant man whore, go fuck a hamster or something, we have no time for you. Be gone." I said.

"You little-," I ended the phone before he could finish replying.

I turned to look at Mia and smiled. "I'm Aubrey," I said, finishing our introduction.

As we walked out of the restroom, Mia started questioning me. "Do you even wanna know who you just bitched out?" She asked trying to get herself put together. After my whole rant, she lost it and laughter consumed her. I thought she would die with the lack of oxygen she was taking in.

"No," I admitted walking back to my table. I knew Adone was probably pissed by now. I had taken such a long time.

"That was Luca Giovacchin, my ex-boyfriend and owner of Giovacchin enterprises, ring a bell?" My mouth was hanging open, and I had stopped dead in my tracks. Well shit.

"You're kidding me?" I knew that company name, it was the Vanni enterprise's rival company. This was just so amazing, "Did I just insulted one of the richest bachelors alive?" I asked, she nodded and kept walking.

"Yaa me." I said, my voice laced with sarcasm."Whatever, let's just forget about it and move on, he can't do shit." I muttered,

"Yeah," she replied.

I saw the table were I and Adone were using occupied by a couple so I walked out assuming he was just waiting outside for me. As I reached outside I saw him texting away on his phone and when he suddenly looked up he wasn't looking at me, instead, his gaze was directed towards Mia. They kept staring at each other non-stop. "Mia," I called her and she didn't listen, I shook her and she finally looks at me.

"S-sorry who-who is that," she said referring to Adone.

"Mia, that is my boss." Adone made his way over to us.

He smiled at her and her cheeks tainted pink. Finally, after an eternity he glanced at me and back to Mia "Aubrey would you like to introduce me to your friend," he cooed.

"This is Mia, we just met." She blushed and looked away.

"Ah, Mia such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl." He took her hand and kissed it.

"Nice to meet you, Mia." Adone smirked.

"Nice to meet you too." She said back shying away at the same time.

"I"m going to go wait in the car," I called out awkwardly, but they both seem to ignore me. So I just left.

Finally, after what seemed forever, the car door opened and Adone sat down with a huge grin and I knew exactly why "You got her number didn't you." I asked.

He looked at me again and his grin got wider "Yup, and a date." he claimed.

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