
The Dreaded Special Quests (2)

Sitting in the living room of the orphanage, such a complaint could be heard made by one of the girls.


"Lucia-chan.. stop that it hurts.."


Lucia kept punching Prune's modest chest all the while jumping on her thighs. Though Prune herself said it hurt-- and it really did-- she really did nothing besides telling Lucia to stop.

"Where is Liliath-oneesan.. uwuw.. I want Liliath-oneesan." Lucia looked at Prune, asking with upturned eyes.

"She's with Noel-san today."

Lucia puffed up her cheeks.

"Liliath-oneesan is mine! Everyone is trying to take her away!"

"What should I do Nataline," Prune wanted to hold her head.

Nataline who sat on the opposite side of the table was giggling," Lucia-chan wants to meet Liliath-oneesan very much, correct? But if you keep acting so mean, she said she doesn't want to come, you know?"

For a moment Lucia froze.

Liliath did drop by yesterday after the morning excursion was over together with the others to check the two new orphans. Lucia, unfortunately, was taking her afternoon nap at that time. She never got to meet Liliath.

"Uwu.." tears formed on the corners of her eyes. She buried herself in Prune's stomach.

"Prune-oneesan, Nataline-oneesan is bullying me."

"Uh?!" Nataline choked on her saliva.

"Pfft… hahaha, there, there," Prune stifled a laugh while consoling Lucia who started to cry.

"I was stating facts!" Nataline who regained herself said in a jokish manner, pointing her finger at Lucia.

"Liar. Nataline-oneesan a big fat liar."

"Who are you calling fat!? I'm pregnant..! She's becoming too smart for her own good. I'll have to tell Liliath-san to not come here for a week.."

"Uwa! No!!"

"Hehe," Nataline jested a laugh.

With a sigh, Prune turned to look outside. The snow was falling a little, hopefully Noel and Liliath would be alright.

Almost half the kids here weren't here, but at school. So those that are left are the younger ones. Of course, besides them, the other exception was Juliet, who was at the age where she should attend school.

That said, she was given some time to get used to the environment first together with the white haired boy, Ian. Prune was grateful the orphanage was kind enough to accept these new children.

The person in question herself was together with Nine..

"Maybe I have to meet that frog after all.." Prune grimaced as she clenched her fist.




Special Quest:

[HIGH DIFFICULTY] Kiss a frog. 600P

RULES: Liliath, Nine and Noel cannot find out about the specifics of the task. If found out, the quest will be terminated. Special quests cannot be removed and will be refreshed weekly. Special Quests completed before the week ends will only be refreshed the following week..




"O' young ones, what do you wish to seek?"

"Is he a broken record or something?" Nine wanted to roll his eyes. He was pretty sure that was like the thing it would say every time it met someone.

"A talking frog?" Juliet looked at it doubtfully.

"It's scary.." Ian stood behind Julet, holding onto the hem of her clothes.

"Princess, we've brought friends!"

"She has black hair!"

"He had white hair!"

"Nine-oniisan is here also!"


"Oh my gawd.. what the hell is this.." Nine muttered under his breath. For what reason could these kids coordinate their speech to their 'Princess' with such contingency. It was ridiculous. It's like they could read each other's mind, it's creepy.

"O' young one, pleased to meet you, I am Princess."

"Huh? Princess?"


"He's Princess the frog!" One of the kids, which Nine recognized as Daruma answered Juliet's doubt.


"He?" Mimicking Juliet, Ian said the same thing. Except that his was in an innocent cute voice.

"Yes, he.." Nine sighed.


"His name is Princess?"

"That is correct young one. Ribbit."

"Ha...hah? HAH?!"

"Neechan. Scary.." Ian tugged on her clothes.


"Okay, so why us again today? Do you have nothing else to do?" Nine raised one of his brows.

"I do. Ribbit."

"Which is?"



"PPFFAHAAHAHAHAHAHA… I'm sorry, I just.. hahaha.. couldn't help it.. you're such a funny frog," Juliet wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"Did they not pull you here yesterday?" Nine asked.

"No, I was told to rest in the room, so I didn't explore."

"Oh, right."

"Neechan, the blue thing change round."

"Can we leave?"

"""No!""" The kids said in unison.

"That's the annoying thing about this cult.." Nine said, a palm to his head.

"What do you want, Mister Princess?" Juliet asked.

"O' young one, what do you seek? Ribbit."

"Are you trying to find something.. a stick or.." Juliet picked up a stick from the ground, just about to use the frog to hit the homerun when...

The kids gasped.

"Wise one, it is the first time anyone has asked me that in hours."

At those words, Juliet and Nine flinched.

"You have caught my heart, O wise one."

A moment of nothing but wind and snow.


"Did he just say what I think he said?"

"Yea.. I think he did.."


"Can I hit him?" holding the large stick in an almost gangster way, Juliet asked.

"You're brutal."

"This frog is even worse, to toy with a maiden's heart like this!!!"

Juliet was absolutely furious. Her actions did not match how she had just recovered from a dire situation of life and death as an abandoned refugee. Nine asked about her past, she revealed that she was in fact once a maid working for a noble house. She was entrusted one of the heirs to take care of and escaped the place during a large revolt in the territory. Yes, Ian was a noble. His house name was Joux, Ian Joux.

"Hold up, I think I know what to do. Just give me a moment.."




Name: NOT A Princess

Race: Sage Frog

Lv: 99


Vitality: 93%

Mana: 99%



INT: 10

LUK: 0



[Human Language]



[He Who Knows Not] [Nine's Curse]




"There we go."

Vandalism at it's finest-- was what Nine wanted to call it. Then again.. he properly copied its original stats into the notepad just in case he needed to return it.

"What you do. Ribbit."

It's blue skin flashed red.

"Oh NO! Princess is mad!" Daruma yelled.

"My name is NOT A Princess. Ribbit. Ribbit. That's not right, Ribbit."

"What did you do? Ahahaha," Juliet started to laugh.

"Ribbit is NOT A Princess, not ribbit."

The frog started to panic. Because of it, the kids also started to panic and run around in circles, their hands shot up into the air hysterically.

Ian, who had no idea what was going on, started to laugh.

"What's going on here?!" Prune suddenly called out in panic. In her hand she held a piece of paper.

"Check his stats."

"Ribbit. I'm NOT A Princess, Princess is NOT A Princess frog, Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit."

"Stats? W.. What did you do?!" Prune flinched.

If you looked at it objectively, Nine was tempering with the frog's soul. Though funny, it was also dangerous.

"Okay.. no. I need to calm down, I can't miss this chance here's goes.." mustering the courage she had, she held her breath and..

"Hey Prune what are you.."

'Prune's Special Quest Complete.'

"WHAT YOU JUST..?!" Nine shouted.

"Oh my~" said the frog in a sexy male voice.

The kids that saw that, raised a loud cheer.

"Ew... I'm going to wash my mouth now.."

Of course, for hygienic purposes, Prune kissed it while taking care to put up a paper barrier.

Crumbling the paper in hand, Prune walked away just like that, leaving Nine and Juliet absolutely stunned.

It all happened too suddenly. From the chaos, to the unending laughter and now a kiss.


"What is it?"

"Did she fall in love with that.. thing?"


Nine wondered how he should explain what Prune had just done.

More so. How would one go about explaining the fact that the frog just got someone's kiss when its LUK stat was set to zero.




Special Quest:

Make Liliath, Prune* and Noel laugh. 400P

RULES: Liliath, Prune and Noel cannot find out about the specifics of the task. If found out, the quest will be terminated. Special quests cannot be removed and will be refreshed weekly. Special Quests completed before the week ends will only be refreshed the following week..