
Imminent Death (4)

Special Quest:

Don't let Liliath die. 300P

RULES: Liliath cannot find out about the specifics of the task. If found out, the quest will be terminated. Special Quests cannot be removed and will be refreshed weekly. Special Quests completed before the week ends will only be refreshed the following week.


Complete quests before the time runs out: 1D 01H 32M


Fuck. You've got to be kidding me?!

There's no fucking way I'll let Liliath die.. no fucking way..


But how.. what can I do about this?

Crawling up from my couch, my spine screaming at me because of my shitty sleeping posture last night, I shook my mom awake.

The time was around 6 am, through the window, the sky was dyed an orange hue.

"Good morning?" she yawned.

"Good morning, mom I.."

Then I stopped.

Shit. I just realized. I can't tell her, can I now? No, rather, I need to say it. That way, it would be easier to come up with a solution but— but instincts are yelling at me to not say it..


"Liliath is going to die," I squeezed each word out of my mouth.

"Come again?"

"Status window open," I pointed at the screen. She read it hastily.

"Are you.. sure?"

"That means there has to be a way to save her," I said optimistically— despite the pessimism corrupting my mind.

There has to be a way.

The system already says it's possible, if not, I don't think such a quest would appear to begin with. More so, who would let the heroine die right?

"I'll call the doctor."

"Mom, remember, you can't tell anyone about this system.."

"But it's correlated to Liliath's life?"

"I know but.. if this gets out and Liliaths does survive.."

"Alright," she groaned. "I'll call the doctor."

My mom went outside with her phone, she probably got the contact number of doctor Trisha. Since it's not an emergency, I don't think it's all that appropriate to use the call bell in the hospital.

Anyhow, looking towards the bed, Liliath was lying in rest with shallow breaths. The IV drip bag was half-empty.

If anything, she looks like she's getting better, the machines aren't detecting any weird, life-threatening signs. But, the system quest says otherwise.

"There has to be a way.." I pulled a chair over and sat beside the bed.

Even though it's like this, she's still beautiful. Her velvet hair, fluttery eyelashes. God damn, what am I even thinking at this sort of time. Think Noel. Think. What could possibly save Liliath. And why the hell does her condition seem stable?

Doctor Trisha came in and checked Liliath's condition. Her comment was that Liliath was steadily recovering, her condition today looked to be better than yesterday.

Seriously though?

I doubted my ears when I heard that. The doctor had to persuade us quite a bit.

"Noel, what if it's the kind of timer where other factors, depending on what we do, can extend or reduce the countdown?"

"And an example?"

"For example, taking away the IV drip or the doctors help. Maybe taking medicine can help increase the time or— could be the answer to the situation. In that sort of way," my mom tried to explain.

I kinda get what she's trying to say, it's worth a shot. Maybe calling out to the doctor raises her awareness and thus increases the time limit..

My father and little sister Novelle came to the hospital to check on Liliath. My mom didn't tell them about my special quest. You know.. to not create a panic here. She'll probably talk about it outside the room. Liliath can't find out about this either.

"Are you sure Noel?"

"Yeah, it's fine, I'll look after Liliath."

"Alright, then we'll get you something to eat later, careful alright?"

I nodded.

"Big sister Liliath will be alright.. right?" Novelle, biting her lips beside me, asked in worry.

"I'm sure she would be alright," I caressed her hair.

Novelle nodded before following them down for breakfast.


What can I do?

What is the answer to this?

I pondered..

Damn it. There has to be something.

Call the doctor and give her some exceptional medicine? Have the nurse stationed to look after Liliath's vitals 24/7?

It's still ticking, and it's not stopping.

The sound of rustling bedsheets brought me back to reality.

Liliath— woke up. Her clear crimson eyes stared into mine.

"Morning, how are you feeling?"

"A bit better?" She answered dubiously. Cute.

"Hopefully," I muttered with doubt.

"It's alright Noel. Everything will be alright,,"

My hands were suddenly clasped around hers. Soft, warm..

It stings.. knowing that she could die.. and that I have no clue how to prevent it.. fuck.. why.. why..

"Liliath.. why.. no.. I will definitely find a way.. there has to be a way.." I placed my other hand on top of her's.

Who am I kidding— these words to console Liliath.. it more like I'm trying to console myself.

But there has to be a way.. right? The system is basically forewarning me of a future I can prevent.

"Noel, you ought to be resolved to face the inevitable," I heard Liliath giggled.

"Why.. hey Liliath.. how can you be so calm."

No, I already know why. Liliath had been through hell. That's why, to her, death may even be better than living— that is, if she were still in her world. But she isn't, she's in mine. A world of peace, a world without war, a world she can start anew.

The door of the room opened and a nurse came in with a tray of Liliath's breakfast.

I saw her look in my direction, then at my hand placed it on top of Liliath's. It all happened in a fraction of a second before she turned to Liliath with a smile.

Oh.. shit.

I tried to pull my hands away but Liliath— damn it Liliath.. let go! Her grip strength was literally demon lord certified.

"Now, I don't mean to interrupt your intimate moment but do you mind if I ask you two separate for a bit?" the nurse asked. Is it just me or does the room feel rather chilly?

"Ah.." Liliath leak such a mutter. She locked eyes with me.

And in the next second, pulled back her hands and hugged her knees.. or not. The nurse intervened.

Afterwards, she arranged the food on the cardiac table built into the bed. She then walked over to the nearby shelf and took out some medicine, prescribing it to Liliath based on the notes.

"Remember to eat alright? Even if you don't feel like eating, so as to prevent your stomach from hurting," the nurse advised before leaving.

It was a moment of awkwardness.


Wait, Liliath ate the medicine.. the timer.. didn't change..

Shit.. my mom's hypothesis was wrong. What the hell.

So does it have to be me then? What can I do?

"Where is the rest of your family, Noel?" Liliath called out, breaking the silence.

"My family? Ah, right, about that, they went out for breakfast," I wanted to forget what I saw. I wanted to believe Liliath wouldn't die..

"Breakfast? How about you?"

"I decided to stay back.."

But no matter how I try to push it to the corner of my mind— it just..


"Hey Liliath, is there anything you wish for?"

I don't know why or how, this question just popped inside my mind.

Liliath averted her gaze for a while before returning her reply.

"Feed me."


Feed me? As in, me feeding you?

"Feed.. me. That's what I wish for."

"S-seriously?" Oh wow. How nice.

"It's alright if you don't want to." she pouted.

"Alright, alright my princess," I laughed. I totally didn't expect this request, not to mention her reaction.

Why the hell.. she's so calm..

I scooped the porridge and brought it to her mouth— she was staring into the air.

Perhaps she's only calm on the outside. I wouldn't know what she's thinking inside her heart, would I now?

"Liliath? Liliath? Earth to Liliath, hello?"

"S-sorry!" as if she was shocked with electricity, she replied.

"Here, o-open your mouth," I brought the food to her mouth.

She ate it with a smile.

"Thak. U."

Don't speak when eating. That was what my mom would say if she saw this.

"Sheesh, really now.. what should I do," I questioned myself.

Continuing to feed her without exchanging another word, I only felt remorse build up inside of me.

Was Liliath aware of her death? She looked like she was aware of it though..



"My turn."


"Let me feed you," she snatched the spoon from my hand, scooping the porridge, she brought it to my mouth.

— with a troubled expression on her face..

"No.. Liliath.. seriously?! I-I can't!"

Her expression changed to one of obstinacy. Pouting, she was relentless with this request of hers.



"How is it?"

"It's good… It's.."


There has to be a way right?

All of this.. Liliath was already preparing to die, wasn't she? Being so proactive to feed me and such..

I hid my face, wiping away the tears that had condensed in my eyes.


"W-what is it?"

I struggled to speak.

"Thank you. I understand that I'm in no position to say this as I could never repay your family and your kindness.. that said... Thank you. Thank you for everything."

I don't get it..

"What are you s-saying.."


'Liliath's Special Quest Completed.'

Her expression was akin to a mother looking at her own child. Me, a child, she, a mother..

This wasn't right..

"There. My last contribution. It's not much, but I hope you spend it properly," tears fell from her eyes as she said.

I felt that something clicked.

"Say that again?"

"My last contribution," she spoke after wiping her tears, flustered.

"No, not that, the latter half."

"Spend it properly?"

Spend it properly..






"T-That's it.. why am I so dumb. Why in the fuck did I not think of that sooner!" I pulled at my hair out of frustration.

"N-Noel? Stop it, stop it, you'll hurt yourself."

I looked Liliath in the eye.

"I-I got it.."

Ehehehe.. the answer was so obvious but even I was dumb to not realize the answer until I racked my brain. Ehehehehe.

dotturndotcreators' thoughts