A giant portal opened on earth from which thousands of demons poured out, and so begun the battle against humans and demons. Dan Jenson a hopeless orphan who lost his parents to unknown entities is filled with self loathe until... With the system, he completed quests and grew stronger until... Will Dan survive the encounter? Pls join me at discord with https://discord.gg/Dr3bAqDEPB
Dan took a deep breath, he had to explain everything to Kyle and so he started, he told Kyle everything except for the fact that he had a system, instead he told Kyle that he had had a dream where a voice told him he was a demon and that he simply believed the dream,
"So let me get this straight, I am no longer human but a 'Lesser World Demon', is that right?" Kyle asked Dan still skeptical about what he had just heard, Kyle felt the pain of transformation but that could be Dan's ability for all he knew.
"You don't believe me." Dan sighed as he recognized extreme skepticism in Kyle's expression, "Let me show you I am a demon." Dan said before activating Demon sprint twice.
<Energy: 5/15>
Dan rose his hand to the sky, conjuring a thunderstorm, he pointed at two different spots causing lightning to descend on them.
<Mana: 13/15>
The only reason why Dan wasn't out of energy or mana was because of Demon Siphon and he knew it, "Do you believe me now?" Dan asked Kyle as he approached him.
"Yes, most definitely, I believe you now." Kyle said while nodding his head to pass off his belief better, "Wait, did you say lesser demon, why isn't it basic?" Kyle asked Dan as soon as his words sunk in.
'Why is it lesser?' Dan asked the system. It had been answering his questions and problems for a while so he decided to ask it for help but sadly, the system screen didn't even open,
"I can tell you why." Night's voice promptly said before he explained everything to Dan.
"Anyway, " Dan started just to ensure he had Kyle's full attention, "When demons originally came to earth, there were only five classes; Lesser, Normal, Greater, Ultimate and Arch." Dan began to explain, he took a deep breath and continued,
"With the evolution of demons to their new habitat, earth, they lost some of their features and that includes the normal path of evolution. An advanced class demon is roughly weaker than a Lesser demon depending on the demon's ability. And that is pretty much it." Dan concluded before proceeding to question Night,
"How do you know this?" Dan asked Night, his mental voice taking a demanding tone,
"While I was with Mammon, he granted me access to his library which contained so much information, it puts your academy's library to shame." Night replied Dan immediately,
"I am a basic class demon." Dan suddenly said to Night, "What?" Night asked Dan, confused about that sudden statement,
"I just realized that I am a basic class demon. I am weaker than the first member of MY demon household." Dan continued to nag but Night ignored him.
"Why don't you summon me." Night suggested but Dan immediately refused, "No way, can't risk anyone else seeing you." Dan immediately shrugged off Night's suggestion,
"Please just do it. We'll be quick, I'll be outside just long enough to introduce myself to Kyle", Night continued to plead, "Why do you want to meet him so bad?" Dan interrogated Night,
"You said it yourself, he is the first member of your Demon Household and I want to introduce myself." Night continued to push,
"Ugghhh, fine." Dan groaned before finally subjected to Night's pleas, "Kyle, this is my summon, Night." Dan suddenly spoke to Kyle before a rune-filled formation appeared beside Dan and a giant black, bat-type creature with an approximated wing span of 3 meters appeared beside Dan.
Kyle took a few steps back in fear, "What is that?!" Kyle screamed but Dan activated Demon Sprint and reached Kyle in an instant before covering his mouth, "This is my summon, Night and he is not a thing, he is a living creature, I think." Dan immediately answered Kyle before letting him go,
"Hi, I am Night." Night eagerly introduced himself to Kyle, "I am Dan's summon and friend. I'm hoping we can be friends." Night said before stretching out a wing for a 'wingshake?', Dan didn't know what he was seeing,
"Hey, wanna know something about Dan?" Night suddenly said, grabbing Kyle's attention and raising Dan's brows in the process, Dan ran to stop Night and he almost succeeded. Almost.
"Dan is only a basic class demon." Night blurted out before Dan could cover his mouth, Dan glared at Night and wanted to pierce his eyes when Kyle's laughter interrupted him,
"Oh man, if this is how you relate then I'm glad to be part of the House of The Fallen Angels," Kyle said causing Dan to gasp in surprise, Dan hadn't told Kyle the name of his Household, yet he had mentioned it, Dan guessed it had to do with the new tab that appeared on the system screen.
<Household Member[1]>
<Name: Kyle Vorden>
<Race: Lesser World Demon>
<Age: 16>
<HP: 50/50>
<Strength: 42>
<Ability: World Ability>
<Speed: 34>
<Endurance: 63>
<Agility: 40>
<Mana: 150/150>
<Energy: 103/105>
Dan's jaw dropped, Kyle was stronger than anyone he has seen so far, "Do you think you can use your ability?" Dan asked Kyle as soon as he recovered from his shock,
"I'll try." Kyle meekly answered before closing his eyes and concentrating.
Seconds passed by and nothing happened, Dan turned to face Night and was about to speak before everywhere flashed with the color green.
AN: Sorry it took me so long to update, haven't been feeling well.