A giant portal opened on earth from which thousands of demons poured out, and so begun the battle against humans and demons. Dan Jenson a hopeless orphan who lost his parents to unknown entities is filled with self loathe until... With the system, he completed quests and grew stronger until... Will Dan survive the encounter? Pls join me at discord with https://discord.gg/Dr3bAqDEPB
"An ability, why would you give me an ability?" Dan asked Grey unsure of the reason for his tremendous gift, "Is it because I survived a punch from Mammon?" Dan asked again, Grey looked at Dan before smiling and releasing a light chuckle, "Don't flatter yourself kid, everyone in your year is currently getting an ability." Grey crushed Dan's hope that he was getting special treatment, "Currently?" Dan asked Grey, "Yes, currently. Didn't you notice that you were alone in your dorm when you woke up?" Grey asked Dan as he took into mind Dan's perception, 'Now that I think about it, I didn't see anyone (students) since I fought Mammon.' Dan thought as HE noticed HIS perception, 'Some friend you are, your friends/roommates could go missing and you wouldn't even notice. For shame.' Night reprimanded Dan in his head, Dan just ignored it.
"So where are they?" Dan asked as he was genuinely curious, "Can't tell you, it's a secret." Grey said as he started to stretch, "Why keep it a secret, it's not like anyone will attack where you give students abilities. I mean why would they, humans want to defeat demons right?" Dan asked Grey, still as curious as ever and as a response, Grey took a step toward Dan making him take a step back, "Calm down okay, there isn't any sharp Ki surrounding my body." Grey assured Dan as he walked closer to him, he stood beside Dan and put his head close to Dan's ears, "To answer your question, not all humans are humans." Grey whispered before grabbing Dan's hand and taking a step forward, Dan's vision shifted and immediately, he saw himself in what he assumed to be a cabin, he turned his head back and saw a slim but visible cut in the air, Headmaster Grey HAD CUT THROUGH SPACE!!!.
"Follow me." Grey said as he resumed walking, Dan following him from behind, "How did you cut through space?" Dan asked Grey before running up to his side, "That's not important and also none of your business." Grey replied Dan as they approached a door that didn't have any knobs, instead Grey placed his hand on it, activating a bunch of arrays that opened the door and we entered.
In the room were shackles, each one holding a demon, "The first five have a fire ability, the one in the middle, a siphoning ability and the rest are ice or water. Pick one." Grey said as soon as I finished looking at them, "Wait, a siphoning ability?" Dan asked Grey to confirm what he just heard, "Yes, the demon can take energy from its environment and use it to fight for excessively long periods of time." Grey answered Dan, "Okay, a demonstration." Grey said as he walked to the demon.
He tapped a hidden button on its shackles causing it to glow, "Stand" Grey commanded the demon before walking away. Strangely enough, it stood up and started following him, "Don't just stand there, follow me." Grey said as he headed to a different door from the one they had entered, he placed his palm on the door and it unlocked, he pushed it open to reveal what one can only call a paradise, it was a green prairie with a waterfall and lake. "Open!" Grey commanded and immediately, the shackles opened.
The demon viewed this as its only chance of escape so it tried to run but before it could get far, its legs suddenly separated from its body causing it to fall. The grass became a few shades darker and new legs grew from the stumps of the old ones, Grey cut those new legs by marely focusing on them. He picked the demon up and took it to a room with Dan following behind, Grey stopped when they arrived in a room with chains, "Lay on the platform." Grey told Dan referring to a surgery type table and Dan got on and laid down.
Grey started strapping Dan to the table before gagging his mouth, "Don't panic, this is because I don't want you to scream too loudly. " Grey explained to Dan. Grey strapped the demon as well but not as nicely or as comfortable, he then brought a bowl with a strange crystal like powder filling its insides, he cut the demon with his finger, put the running blood in the bowl and stirred it and that's when Grey got serious. He carried a scalpel and started carving runes on the demon's body and when he got to its head, he carved what looked like the letter 'Gamma' inside a circle and then he looked at Dan, Dan started to sweat cause he thought Grey was going to carve runes in his body, Grey noticed his distress and started laughing, "You look like you ran a marathon. Calm down, I'm not going to carve anything into you." Grey told Dan and as a sign of good faith, he dropped the scalpel on the floor after which approached Dan with the bowl from earlier in his hands.
He took a paintbrush, put it into the mix and brought it out, he then began to draw runes on Dan's body, and when he was done with his body, he took a deep breath, "You ready?" he asked Dan, Dan gave his current equivalent of a nod, Grey then proceeded to draw the same gamma like symbol like on his head and it started to burn, Dan immediately activated Demon Gaze and what he saw left him speechless, there was an ash stream of energy leaving the demon and entering Dan, it focused itself around his solar plexus, where his life force is, the energy penetrated his life force filling him with unprecedented pain, he tried to scream but his mouth was gagged and then he received a notification.
<+1 Siphoning ability>
<+1 Siphoning ability>
<+1 Siphoning ability>
<+1 Siphoning ability>
<+1 Siphoning ability>
<Ability converting...>
<New Skill unlocked: Demon Siphon>
And then he passed out.