
Breakfast Gone Wrong

Mr. Cameron wasn't joking when he predicted that the kitchen will be in complete chaos. Terry refuses to allow the maid to do anything for him, all he did was listen to their instruction.

"Young master, we need three eggs for scrambled, and four sliced bread for the toast" the maid instructed.

Terry gave her a thumbs up "I get you" he opened the fridges where the eggs are stored, and he placed the fragile eggs in a bowl. One of his maids walked toward him, she handed over an apron to him "You need to wear this sir" she said and bowed.

Terry place the bowl in his hand on the cabinet, and he accepted the apron from the maid "How do I wear this?" He asked with a questioning stare. The maid removes the apron she put on, and she wears the apron again to show her boss how it is done "You will wear it like that Young Master"

Terry learned quickly, he wore the apron correctly "I am a genius" he smiled as he praised himself. "Let's get started," he said as he takes a step toward the cabinets.

"Young Master Terry, break the eggs inside the bowl and whisk thoroughly with a whisker" she instructs.

"Scrambled eggs should be cooked slowly, over medium-low heat" explained the other maid. "A good scramble takes a minute!" She added.

Terry was listening carefully to the instructions the two ladies were conveying. With the way they've spoken, it will be easy to make the scrambled eggs "It should be an easy task" he assured himself.

Terry breaks the eggs into a bowl, he poured the shell of the eggs into the bowl where his eggs were "Whisker, please?" He asked as if what he did was nothing.

The two maids move closer to him, his action shocked them "Young Master, you won't cook the shell with the eggs, the shell is meant to be disposed of, not mixed with the eggs" she bowed as she speaks in fear as she corrects him.

Terry looked dumbfounded "Am I doing the wrong thing?" He asked with a confused stare. The maid bowed "Yes sir, the shell isn't meant to be mixed" she said. The other maid helps him separate the shell from the eggs "Young Master, this will be used for the scrambled eggs" she explained.

Terry look amazed "I thought it will be mixed, but now I get it" he smiled. The maid hand over the whisker to it, and the other maid placed all the necessary spices needed for the eggs.

"Young master, add a pinch of salt, sprinkle the pepper into the bowl, and mix with the whisker" she instructs. Terry did as he was told, he mixes thoroughly, and after mixing to his satisfaction "Now let's cook" he smiled.

Under his maid's guidance, he prepared the scrambled eggs, he looked satisfied, and he felt like he achieve something that seems impossible to do, he looked at the scrambled egg in the bowl "This looks enticing, I should have a taste" he digs in his fork, he took a bite of the scrambled eggs, his smiling face was replaced with a disgusted look, he spits out the eggs "Salty!" he exclaimed almost screaming.

Under his maid's guidance, he prepared the scrambled eggs, he looked satisfied, and he felt like he achieve something that seems impossible to do, he looked at the scrambled egg in the bowl "This looks enticing, I should have a taste" he digs in his fork, he took a bite of the scrambled eggs, his smiling face was replaced with a disgusted look, he spits out the eggs "Salty!" he exclaimed almost screaming.

The maids froze in fear, that the blame will put on them, and they might get punished for not guiding him properly, they bowed "We are sorry sir" they cried in unison.

Mr. Cameron has been parading the kitchen entrance for quite some time, he was wandering around like a lost dog, and he was waiting for the outcome of his boss's perfect meal. He entered the kitchen when he saw the two maids bowing to their Young Master who looked displeased.

Terry looked at the young ladies in disappointment "Why can't you caution me when I am about to add the salt?" he asked imposing the blame on them. "You both messed up the whole thing," he said not admitting to his own mistake.

Mr. Cameron had been watching them for a while, but no one paid attention to the short man, he cleared his throat to announce his presence, and Terry stared at him "What are you doing here? when I clearer chased you out "

Mr. Cameron smiled awkwardly "It obvious Young Master, the meal wasn't a successful one, I am here to announce that I will take it from here," he said with a hint of sarcasm.

Terry takes steps toward his sassy Butler "Are you insinuating that I am a loser?" he asked.

Mr. Cameron bowed "I dare not say that to my beloved Young Master". Terry's butler knew about his boss's sexual orientation, he knew Terry's effort was just to impress his boyfriend, Mr. Cameron move closer to his master "I will make a special delicacy, he will be impressed by how considerate you are" he whispered to him.

Terry looked at him "Are you sure that he will be impressed with your delicacy, I want to be the one to prepare the meal for him but I guess I will learn and cook for him another day" he gave up.

Mr. Cameron let out a sigh of relief, and finally, he gave up, Mr. Cameron knew he would be in trouble if Terry's mother arrive out of the blue "I will prepare a very special meal" he said happily.

"I trust you, I will stay here and watch as you cook," he said looking defeated.

Mr. Cameron gave him a reassuring smile "No problem Young Master Terry, stay here and watch me prepare a delicacy made with love

The break was worth it

Marble_Fun_Worldcreators' thoughts