
My Days With You, My Alpha

Rated S for Smut The trio stayed in that position as their organs twitched and shivered inside of each other. "I'd say that we are very compatible." The beta teased. The two purred as their tongues danced. "Very compatible." The alpha smiled. "Me too." The omega pouted. The alpha peaked his lips with small kisses, "No pouting." before slipping her tongue in the omega's mouth. "There, happy?" she smirked. 'This is the beginning of my days with you.' ********** Follow the story of beta and omega twins with their alpha, as they try new things, grow closer, and deal with expectations from the world around them. Warning Sex scenes ahead

Adore_Night · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Episode 1

Staring at the wooden floor of the meeting room, Nova tuned out his grandfather as the old man did his usual lecture.

"Rules to remember," The old man always started, "Omegas must never look into the eyes of a beta and an alpha." The five foot seven inches tall, brownish, gray hair, pale skin, and dull blue narrow-eyed fifty years old man wearing a simple white and blue robe paraded around the small meeting room. "An omega must only speak when told to speak."

Nova sighed inwardly as he resisted the urge to rub the aching feet that he has been sitting on for almost an hour. 'Why is it that alphas can do everything except keeping the time?' the omega thought to himself.

"An omega must serve their beta or alpha well, in and out of the bedroom." Nova wanted to roll his eyes but he knew that it was better for him if he didn't, he would rather not get punished today.

Before the old man could continue, there was a knock on the sliding door, "Elder, the alpha has arrived." With great haste, the old man took his seat beside Nova on the floor facing the brown wooden office desk and leather executive chair that was on the left side of the room.

The door slid open. Nova and his grandfather instantly bowed, the old man at a 90-degree angle while Nova's entire upper body was touching the floor. Nova watched the bare feet of the alpha as they walked into the room and headed to the executive chair and took a seat.

"I'm late, aren't I?" Nova was tempted to look up at the owner of the voice. Her voice was calming to his ears, like a peaceful waterfall. The words rolled out of her tongue like butter. 'How can a voice sound so peaceful and sexy at the same time?' He wondered.

"Of course not, Alpha." His grandfather laughed, "We had nothing to do but wait for you."

The alpha softly laughed at the old beta. "Is that so? You better not change your mind and start cursing me when I leave."

The old man gasped, bowing lower, "How could we ever do such a thing to an alpha?"

One of the alpha's feet disappeared from Nova's view as she placed her foot on the chair seat. "Let's quickly do this, Elder Jinx, it's been a long day and I'm looking forward to seeing my bed."

"Of course, Alpha." Turning to Nova, the old man held the neck of the white robe that the omega was wearing and slipped it off of him. Brushing back the dark purple hair of the pale-skinned omega, the elder helped the male to stand, exposing his smooth-looking body to the alpha. Nova's eyes were glued to the floor.

He wanted to look at her, wanted to see what she thought of him but with his grandfather there, plus the teachings that have been beating into him his whole life and the fact that omegas can not comfortably look at an alpha, all of these stopped him from even taking a glimpse.

"Hmm." she hummed causing Nova's stomach to flip with both excitement and fear. "He's quite lean compared to other omegas I've seen."

Nova grabbed the side of his thigh. 'Does she like skinner looking omegas?' he worried in his head, 'Will I not get chosen? Will I have to stay in this cursed household?'

"Is he not to your liking, Alpha?" Elder Jinx asked.

"I never said that," she replied. She raised an eyebrow as she could physically see the omega's body relax. "It seems that my sources were right about the Jinx household being the best place to obtain an omega mate. I like something to grab onto and it's hard to look at all those bones." she shuddered. "I'll take him."

Stepping forward, the old man bowed to the alpha, "I am glad you are pleased with the way we care for our omegas."

"I can take him right now then?" She stood up and walked from behind the desk.

"Yes, Alpha. Your mother has already made the transaction."

Nova froze when he saw the feet of the alpha in front of him. She was so close that he could hear her sigh then mumbled, "Really, mom? Couldn't you have pretended like you didn't know what I was going to pick?" The alpha ran her fingers through the omega's soft, long hair. Over his left arm and up to his cheek, then over his eye.



"Every part of you is so soft," she whispered, bringing her head to the croak of his neck. "Nova, was it? From today on your mine."

"Yes, Alpha." he moaned. The four canines of the alpha grow to that of a wild wolf's then she sunk her teeth into his neck. Nova let out a small scream, grabbing the back of the suit jacket of his new mate. His scream turned into moaning the longer her teeth stayed in his neck. His nude body pressed against hers as he rubbed himself on her. Her teeth slowly came out of his neck and with the licking of her tongue on the wound, Nova's knees weakened and he fell against her.

"You know my name, right?"

Nova knew why she was asking this.

It's a test to see if the bonding worked.

No one can truly understand it but anyone bonded to an alpha should know their name even without it being said.

'There are so many tests for an omega in this life.' he complained in his head.

"Cherry," Nova breathed.

Cherry patted the omega's head, "That's right. Good job." Picking up the white robe, Cherry covered Nova's body and then picked him up, supporting his knees. Nova rested his head against her breasts, slowly breathing in her scent. She smelt like her name, like cherries. "Well then, thank you for your time. Cherry smirked heading towards the door, "I'll make sure to recommend your services to my younger brother."

"As well as other alphas?" Nova's grandfather eagerly asked.

Cherry walked into the hallway and began heading towards the main door. "Of course, of course. Well, those within my circle."

"That's all I asked," the old man said following behind her.

"If you keep your omegas looking like this, the Jinx Family will be number one in the omega trade in no time. Many young alphas are tired of the bruised and malnourished omegas."

The old beta smiled hearing this. Rushing to open the door for the alpha, he bowed, "Thank you, Alpha! We will make sure not to disappoint and if you are ever in need of another omega."

Nova scoffed, well, in his head. 'I'm not even out the door yet and you are already trying to push my cousins on her.'

"What about a beta?" Cherry said.

The old man froze, his smile replaced by a fake one. "I'm sorry, what do you mean? We don't sell our betas."

"Right?" she sighed, "I know that but try telling that to the beta that has been begging on his knees outside since I got here."

The two males' eyes widened. The old man ran out the door into the yard only to be greeted by the look-alike of the omega that was in Cherry's arms. The only difference was that the beta had blue eyes while the omega had green. "What are you doing, Atlas?" he shouted at the beta. "Get up now and stop disturbing the alpha!"

Ignoring the old man, Atlas turned on his knees to face the alpha that was standing beside his grandfather. "Please alpha," he cried, "That's my older brother. My twin! I can't separate from him!'' Tears ran down his tanned face, "If you want to take my brother, you have to take me too!"

"Your brother seems fine without you though?" Cherry laughed. "What do you say, Nova?"

Atlas looked at his older brother with pleading eyes but feeling the glare of his grandfather Nova could only bury his head in the breaths of his mate. "Go away, Atlas. You're of no use to an alpha."

"Nova." the beta cried.

The old man laughed, "Exactly! This alpha has no use for you, boy. It's not like she can use you to produce offsprings."

'Caught you, old man.' Nova cheered, 'You and your arrogance just touched an alpha's pride.'

The old man's laughter died as if he had heard Nova's thoughts. Quickly falling to his knees, he cried out to Cherry, "A-alpha! Please forgive me! I made a grave error."

"Error, you say?" Cherry's calm voice began to sound like waves on a stormy day, violent. She smiled, "Was it really?"

"Of course!"

"I don't know." She sang. "It sounds like you think I'm not, hmm what's the phrase?" She walked over to the old man like a bird stalking its prey. "That I'm not alpha enough to get a beta male knocked up. That's strange because my father, who is a beta male, got knocked up by my mother." Cherry stepped on the old man's head, rubbing it into the ground. "So, are you saying I'm not alpha enough, Elder Jinx?"

With his head against the ground, the old man shouted, "Never, Alpha! Please accept Atlas as a form of my apology!"

"What about the payment?"

"Not needed! He is a gift!"

"You heard that, gift?" Cherry said looking at the beta twin. "I don't like dirty gifts so get off the ground and head to the car."

Atlas jumped up off of his knees and ran to the silver, five-seater car that was parked at the opened main gate. Lifting her foot off of the elder's head, Cherry asked, "No hard feelings?"

"I understand my mistake, alpha and it will never happen again." The old man struggled.

"I sure hope not because the other alphas won't be as nice as me." She warned, heading to the car. "And don't think I don't know what you just did, Nova."

The omega jumped. He peeked up at Cherry's face. The alpha looked more annoyed than upset so he decided to charm his way into favor. Nova saw that her white shirt was buttoned down far enough that he could see her light brown round breasts and oval-shaped nipple. "I'm sorry, Cherry." he apologized, kissing the center of her chest. "Forgive me please." He kissed the side of her left breast, then her right.

Before he could reach for her nipple, Cherry held his chin, pulling his face up to look her in the face. "You might want to stop there or I won't be able to control what's next." Nova's eyes widened as he looked at his mate's face for the first time.

She had curly dark blonde hair and round, bright red eyes of an alpha with highlights of yellow. A long thin scar covered the right side of her face, from her forehead to her pump dark purple lips.

"You're beautiful, Cherry." He mumbled, "My beautiful alpha."

Finally reaching the car, the driver opened the back door for her."Flirting will get you everything." She smirked.

Putting her omega in the car, she looked up and her face fell as she saw the omega's twin sitting in the car. She sighed, "That's right, you're here."

"Was I not supposed to let him in, Boss?" The driver in an all-black suit asked, worried.

"It's fine." She waved while sitting in the back seat. "It's been a long day. Let's head home."

The driver nodded in response, closed the door, went to the driver's seat, and started the car. The twins looked at the place they stayed in all their lives and made a silent vow that they would never return to that prison as the car drove off.